PlayStation 4 lidera las ventas en UK


PS4 and Xbox One posted incredible sales figures in the UK, with Sony coming out on top.

PlayStation 4 has sold 530,000 units in the UK in just five weeks, according to ERA (using Chart-Track data), while Xbox One has sold 364,000 units. It's a significant gap between the two competitors, although both numbers are significantly higher than any previous console launch.

PS4 hardware sales generated £181.8m on the UK High Street, while Xbox One made £144.5m. Together, that means the UK market made over £326m from next-gen console sales.

ERA director general Kim Bayley said, “Games continues to deliver digital sales strongly, but it was disappointing that Xbox One and PS4 came so late in 2013 and then huge demand meant stock sold out quickly. Retailers will be working hard in 2014 to maintain the sales momentum of these two great new pieces of kit.”

Resumen, PlayStation 4 vende mas en UK que XboxOne habiendo sido territorio Microsoft con Xbox360.

Aun así, ventas cojonudas en ambas plataformas para la que aun esta cayendo y sin catalogo.

Y bueno..


el último bastión de MS destruido y en ruinas


Leer el titulo, ver la imagen, mirar el autor. Reir.

UK es muy veleta se arrima a la mas barata siempre, si no fuera por el gusto tan horrible que tienen diria que son hasta listos.


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