PoE: El fantástico mundo de las recetas en POE


Abro este tema para poneros la lista de recetas de los vendedores. Resumiendo para los jugadores nuevos, según lo que vendas a los Npcs, puedes sacar una serie de objetos u otros. Es bueno guardar mucha "morralla" para luego venderla de determinadas formas y sacar multitud de objetos útiles e incluso armas y armaduras nuevas, anillos, etc. Dejo aquí la lista.

Fuente: http://en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Vendor_Recipes

Alchemy Shard x1
item with +1 level to X gems mod
item with chaos resistance mod x1
flask with "Surgeon's" (recharge on crit) mod x1

Alchemy Shard x2
item with "Raiding", "Archaeology", or "Pirate's" (item rarity) mod x1
item with "Gathering", "Hoarding" (item quantity) mod x1

Alchemy Shard x4
item with "Raiding", "Archaeology", or "Pirate's" (item rarity) mod (with maxed value) x1
item with "Gathering", "Hoarding" (item quantity) mod (with maxed value) x1

Alteration Shard x1
item with elemental resistance mod x1
item with mana gain on enemy kill mod x1
item with life gain on enemy hit mod x1

Alteration Shard x2
item with strength mod x1
item with intelligence mod x1
item with dexterity mod x1
item with attack speed mod x1
item with life leech mod x1
item with mana leech mod x1
item with critical strike damage multiplier mod x1
item with critical strike chance mod x1
flask with "Bubbling" mod x1
flask with "Catalyzed" mod x1
flask with "Fending" mod x1
item with "Plunder" mod x1
item with "Collecting" mod x1

Alteration Shard x3
item with resist all mod x1
item with physical damage scaling and accuracy mod x1
item with energy shield mod x1

Alteration Shard x4
item with maximum life mod x1
item with elemental damage mod x1
item with physical damage scaling mod x1
item with physical damage mod x1
item with spell damage scaling mod x1
item with energy shield scaling mod x1
item with armour mod x1
item with evasion mod x1
item with armour and energy shield scaling mod x1
item with armour and evasion scaling mod x1
item with energy shield and stun recovery mod x1
item with armour and stun recovery mod x1
item with evasion and stun recovery mod x1

Alteration Shard x6
item with life leech mod (at maxed value) x1

Alteration Shard x7
item with "Collecting" mod (at maxed value) x1
item with damage scaling mod (at maxed value) x1
item with "Plunder" mod (at maxed value) x1

Transmutation Shard x2
item (magic, unidentified) x1

Transmutation Shard x5
item (rare, unidentified) x1

Scroll Fragment x1
any item without a higher-value vendor recipe

Orbs and Scrolls
Result Recipes

Armourers Scrap x1
armour (20% quality) x1
armours (combined quality of at least 40%)

Blacksmith's Whetstone x1
weapon (20% quality) x1
weapons (combined quality of at least 40%)

Blessed Orb x1
no known recipes

Cartographer's Chisel x1
map (20% quality) x1
maps (combined quality of at least 40%)

Chaos Orb x1
All must be rare:
two-handed weapon x1 or one-handed weapon x1 and shield x1 or one-handed weapon x2
helmet x1
chest armour x1
gloves x1
boots x1
belt x1
amulet x1
ring x2

Chaos Orb x2
All must be rare and unidentified:
two-handed weapon x1 or one-handed weapon x1 and shield x1 or one-handed weapon x2
helmet x1
chest armour x1
gloves x1
boots x1
belt x1
amulet x1
ring x2

Chromatic Orb x1
item (linked red, green, and blue sockets) x1

Divine Orb x1
item (six linked sockets) x1

Exalted Orb x1
no known recipes

Gemcutter's Prism x1
gem (20% quality) x1
gems (combined quality of at least 40%)

Glassblower's Bauble x1
flask (20% quality) x1
flasks (combined quality of at least 40%)

Jeweller's Orb x1
Orb of Fusing x1
Chromatic Orb x1

Jeweller's Orb x7
item (six sockets) x1

Orb of Alchemy x1
All must have the same name:
item (rare) x3
All must be of the same base item type (e.g., Coral Ring) and have 20% quality:
item (normal) x1
item (magic) x1
item (rare) x1

Orb of Alchemy x2
All must be of the same base item type (e.g., Coral Ring), unidentified, and have 20% quality:
item (normal) x1
item (magic) x1
item (rare) x1

Orb of Alteration x1
no known recipes

Orb of Augmentation x1
All must be of the same base item type (e.g., Coral Ring):
item (normal) x1
item (magic) x1
item (rare) x1
item with six mods (rare, unidentified)

Orb of Augmentation x2
All must be of the same base item type (e.g., Coral Ring):
item (normal) x1
item (magic, unidentified) x1
item (rare, unidentified) x1

Orb of Chance x1
All must have the same name:
item (rare) x2

Orb of Chance x5
All must be of the same base item type (e.g., Coral Ring):
item (normal) x1
item (magic) x1
item (rare) x1
item (unique) x1

Orb of Fusing x1
no known recipes

Orb of Regret x1
no known recipes

Orb of Scouring x1

no known recipes

Orb of Transmutation x1
no known recipes

Portal Scroll x1
no known recipes

Regal Orb x1
All must be rare and have 20% quality:
two-handed weapon x1 or one-handed weapon x1 and shield x1 or one-handed weapon x2
helmet x1
chest armour x1
gloves x1
boots x1
All must be rare:
belt x1
amulet x1
ring x2

Regal Orb x2
All must be rare, unidentified, and have 20% quality:
two-handed weapon x1 or one-handed weapon x1 and shield x1 or one-handed weapon x2
helmet x1
chest armour x1
gloves x1
boots x1
All must be rare and unidentified:
belt x1
amulet x1
ring x2

Scroll of Wisdom x1
Portal Scroll x1

Scroll of Wisdom x2
Armourer's Scrap x1

Scroll of Wisdom x4
Blacksmith's Whetstone x1
Orb of Alteration x1
Orb of Transmutation x1

Equipment Result Recipes

Ruby Ring (normal) x1
Iron Ring x1
red skill gem x1

Topaz Ring (normal) x1
Iron Ring x1
green skill gem x1

Sapphire Ring (normal) x1

Iron Ring x1
blue skill gem x1

Coral Amulet (rare) x1
Iron Ring x7
Coral Ring (rare) x1

Paua Amulet (rare) x1
Iron Ring x7
Paua Ring (rare) x1

Onyx Amulet (normal) x1

amulet x1
red skill gem x1
green skill gem x1
blue skill gem x1

reroll item of same type (magic, unidentified) x1
All must be of the same base item type (e.g., Coral Ring) and magic:
item x5

reroll item of same type (rare, unidentified) x1
All must be of the same base item type (e.g., Coral Ring) and rare:
item x5

hybrid flask x1 
Orb of Fusing x1
life flask x1
mana flask x1 

Utility Result Recipes

decrease level of skill gem by 1
skill gem x1
Orb of Scouring x1

random map 1 level higher x1

All must have the same name:
map x3


Muchas gracias por las recetas! A estudiar un poco toca xD


Gracias por la info! Pero viendo lo que pide... sale mejor tradear, no?


Gcp que son exactamente? que veo que muchos por trade los piden¿

1 respuesta

#4 Gemcutter Prism, aumenta la quality de una skillgem un 1%.


La verdad es que con esto tienes objetos infinitos, va a estar complicado hacerse un BiS. Si no es imposible xD


Vaya currazo HeXan! Muchas gracias!


todos los personajes comparten el mismo baúl ???

1 respuesta

#8 Sí, los de la misma league.


Ponerle sticky a este hilo plz


Muchas gracias, me sirve de 10. Arregla un poco el post y aver si lo ponen en sticky


Gracias, en cuanto esté sticky, le pondré las /bar y algunos spoilers para que sea más navegable, está todo cogido de la wiki, pero mejor tenerlo más a mano aquí, para comentar, etc.

10 días después

siento el reflote pero acabo de empezar y tengo alguna duda:

Orb of Chance x1
All must have the same name:
item (rare) x2
para hacer esto, como va? con dos items rare no me aparece.

Regal Orb x2
All must be rare, unidentified, and have 20% quality:
two-handed weapon x1 or one-handed weapon x1 and shield x1 or one-handed weapon x2
helmet x1
chest armour x1
gloves x1
boots x1
All must be rare and unidentified:
belt x1
amulet x1
ring x2

aqui hace falta todo? o son 2 opciones?

reroll item of same type (magic, unidentified) x1
All must be of the same base item type (e.g., Coral Ring) and magic:
item x5
y este item para que vale?

2 respuestas

#13 El priemro ppone que tienen que tener el mismo nombre, los tuyos lo tenian?

El segundo ni zorra

El tercero supogo que por ejemplo para cambiar el tipo de anillo, pero nunca lo he probado asi que no lo se.


#13 El 2º es un set completo al 20% y raro. Anillos colgante casco armadura guantes cinturón botas y arma/armas/arma + escudo.

Algo que ni tú, ni yo, ni nadie va a utilizar

20 días después

¿Sabéis como está el tema de los mods para el PoE?

No estaría nada mal un mod que te permitiera ver qué te va a dar el vendor al pasar el ratón por encima de un objeto :).

1 respuesta

#16 No se como andará el tema mods, pero hay un programa para google chrome llamada poe helper que te dice que objetos especiales sacarás al vender los objetos de tu inventario. Este programa se basa en los objetos que tienen tus personajes y tu stash a través de tu login en la web (yo llevo usándolo ya unos meses y no me han robado la cuenta con lo cual lo que leí que era seguro debe de ser cierto xD)

Usuarios habituales

  • javifugitivo
  • Midefos
  • kaza
  • Merkury
  • HeXaN
  • Prostyler
  • ra
