PoE: Notas del parche 0.10.1c (20/02/2013)



  • Added support for race event seasons.

  • Disabled the ability to trade in solo (non-partied) race events.

  • Reduced Piety's Lightning ball in power (with larger reductions in Normal and Cruel difficulties).

  • Improved graphical performance in the Docks.

  • Quality on Righteous Fire now works properly.

  • Prevented users from putting extra spaces in the middle of a message to force specific chat text onto a new line by itself.

  • Fixed a bug where Life on Hit was applied twice to non-blocked hits.

  • Fixed a bug where portals in the Dark Forest end-game Map did not work correctly.

  • Fixed the end-game Shrine map which could not drop.

  • Fixed a bug where you could target hidden monsters.

  • Fixed a bug where projectiles could impact against hidden monsters.

  • Fixed a bug where the name of the person you are whispering would disappear and not come back.

  • Fixed a bug where immobile objects (such as Kuduku) were sometimes unable to target you.

  • Fixed two rare server crashes.


Reduced Piety's Lightning ball in power (with larger reductions in Normal and Cruel difficulties).

Pensaba que era cosa mía, pero si q es vdd que el bolazo ese que tira aunq tengas resis a rayos mete bastante xD

Ojala reduzcan los crashes del acto 3, a cada vez que pincho en una instance tengo miedo de que crashee.


Lo de docks era un canteo, 120 fps en otros mapas y ahi en party con un LA archer me iba a 20fps...

Probaré ahora a ver. porque ir a 20 fps en merciless hardcore no es muy recomendable.

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