Primer tráiler de Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma


28 de Junio en Vita y 3DS. Más adelante en PC con la posibilidad de que salgan también 999 y VLR



Dios parece oscuro, duro y parece que hay sangre.... lo quiero!


[quote=]The developers say the story will be told through cinematics; there’s no more lengthy prose. All of the dialogue will be voiced. “You can play the game without reading,” they say. They’re also trying to make it as accessible as possible to people who haven’t played the first two games.

Here’s the main gimmick, as described by Kirk: “The narrative trick is that every 90 minutes, a drug is injected from the watches everyone’s wearing that causes them to wake up and lose all their memories. The story can be played out of chronological order thanks to this mechanic, so you start from a ‘floating fragment’ screen that shows you the various scenes in the story.” It looks like this:

As you complete each fragment, you’ll see how they fit into a larger narrative chart that you can uncover as you play.

Make sense? No? That’s the idea. Explains Kirk: “The characters don’t know where they are in the timeline, and neither does the player. When you complete a segment it goes into the larger decision tree, which tells you where it actually happens in the story. So the idea is, you play a fragment, the fragment plays out, then you go back out to the floating fragment screen and it shows you where the thing you just played fits into the narrative flow. You might start a fragment and see only two characters, but not yet know how the third died. Then you’ll play the earlier fragment later, and learn what happened.”

There’s a Zero, of course. This one’s got a weird gothic beak mask. And of course, he’ll make your characters try to kill one another. They’ve all got watches and have to murder one another in order to obtain the passwords that will let them escape the facility. Sound familiar?

Like previous games, Zero Time Dilemma will do its best to fuck with both the player and the characters as much as possible. And, like in previous games, you’ll have to make some interesting decisions. Here’s Kirk’s description of the playable demo they saw, which sounds absolutely nutty:[/quote]

The demo we watched started with Sigma locked to a chair while Zero monologued at him. Phi was next to him locked inside an incinerator. Diana stood between them and had to make the choice.

The cutscenes are in 3D, with a moving camera and actual in-game objects. The gun next to Sigma’s chair has 3 live rounds and three blanks. If Diana pulls the trigger it’ll shut down the incinerator whether or not the bullet is live, but she has a 50/50 chance of killing Sigma. In 3 minutes, the incinerator will start and kill Phi. If Diana pulls the trigger, the door will open but Sigma has a 50/50 chance of dying.

They decided to pull the trigger and told us it’s completely random what happens - they actually don’t know how it would turn out. The game calculates the odds each time. In this case, the bullet is a blank, Sigma lives and Phi is also saved from the incinerator. They say some of the choices throughout the game will have randomness like that. “When he says he doesn’t know how it’s gonna end, he means it.”

They ran the scene again and this time Sigma died from a live bullet. They swear it really is random. 


im done, que le den a FFXV, Persona 5, DkS3 y Sen2, este es mi juego más esperado del 2016


¿Qué dicen por ahí de que saldrá en Steam? De todos modos es a finales de año, no puedo esperar tanto. QUIERO


Que alguien le dé un presupuesto a Uchikoshi de una vez


Bastantes spoilers veo en el trailer. Espero que sean de finales alternativos como en el de 999 de Clover.

La espera va a ser enorme y el doblaje no tiene mala pinta (echaré de menos a Sugita).

2 respuestas

#6 No hace falta que eches de menos a nadie,es dual audio.


#6 solo tendrás que ponerlo con el dub japonés para Sugita :p


Joder qué atmósfera más sangrienta, oscura y retorcida. Lo quiero YA.


The developers say the story will be told through cinematics; there’s no more lengthy prose. All of the dialogue will be voiced. “You can play the game without reading,” they say.

Eso es malo.


Versión jap.


Se ha pasado con la casquería no ? Madre mia, ultimo trailer que veo que tengo buena memoria...


He visto unos segundos de trailer y fuera, parece muy spoileroso :O
Me gusta lo que se ha dicho del juego, aunque la sustitución de las novel sections por cinemáticas no tanto. Pero como a mi me gustan los puzzles y los guiones de Uchikoshi no le voy a dar más importancia por ahora xD


Al fin puedo ver estos temas sin temer spoilers.

Necesita mas radical 6.


Oh dios, 28 de junio, que forma tan feliz de empezar la mañana. No puede llegar suficientemente pronto :O


Esto no es un trailer de

Si hasta la música es parecida :S


Yo ni he visto el trailer ni he leído lo que ha puesto nacho, pero estoy excited. Esa fecha es genial, Persona 5 llegará más tarde seguramente. La lástima es que digital aquí :/

Y es una buena noticia que se planteen la salida en PC, aunque la sorpresa de


Una serie de wallpapers de cada uno de los personajes:


Kotaro Uchikoshi es puro amor joder

3 1 respuesta

aww, que bonito <3


Ya veras cuando empiece a recibir amenazas de muerte por el final, seguro que ya no le pareceremos tan majos.


#20 Es adorable este hombre :qq: :qq:


Lo de que haya elementos random en un vn con rutas es como wut


wait for it


Especulemos un rato sobre quien es el Zero del juego


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