#41 Yo aplaudo a Microsoft.
Major Nelson, nada más y nada menos, ya contacto con el usuario para comentar el problema y la solución, pero eso no vende eh? el BAN, es hasta el lanzamiento de la consola, y aún y todo puede jugar offline, no tiene la consola inutilizada.
Me parece correcto y sigue la política que tenía hasta ahora. Tienes algo antes de tiempo que no deberías? ban, y esto lo sabe todo el mundo, y tiene suerte que se lo levanten en unos días. Han de controlar de algún modo a los listos que venden juegos o hard antes de la fecha de lanzamiento oficial. Claro, el chaval no tiene la culpa, ha pagado y es suya legalmente... claro claro, el chaval no sabía que incumplía la normativa de uso, o el TOS que acepta al entrar en live que al final permite a microsoft banearle. Quizá si no se hubiese exhibido... pero la tentación, algo de fama y followers, ...sabía que pasaría.
Historia completa
Here's the skinny:
- Real name: André Weingarten
- Didn't have an Xbox One on pre-order at the beginning
- Got one after Target made some available online
- Four days later, he gets an Xbox One
- Went to a local Gamestop and got a copy of Ghosts
- Did his YouTube video and started his Twitter deal
- Got an email saying that his video had been pulled from YouTube
- Few hours later his console got banned as he was playing Ghosts
- Got called by Major Nelson and they talked things over
- Was more peeved about having his video taken down
- His console will be allowed to access Xbox LIVE before launch
- The copyright strike on his video will also be removed before launch
- He has been invited to attend Microsoft's Xbox One launch event
- Will be able to share more about his experiences with the console at a later date
- Is still able to play Ghosts offline
- Everything appears to be A OK between André and MS
- Target says that about 150 consoles were mailed out by accident