He encontrado este extracto de OPM (?) de una Review realizada al GTA: Liberty City para PSP:
"...It is a gigantic game and will likely take you 40-50 hours to complete and even then, there are 33 other "games" inside it, that could take 5-10 more hours...
...The load times in LCS are quite impressive. The city loads quickly and never stops to load, and the only time you're out of the action is in cutscenes, and even they are transitioned quickly....
...Playing non-stop, and at full brightness, with Wi-Fi off, we were only able to get 2 hours and 30 minutes of playtime. But with Wi-Fi on, we were not even able to get 2 hours..."
El juego es gigantesco y completarlo lleva unas 40-50 horas, que se extienden en 5 a 10 mas gracias a la treintena de "minijuegos" que tiene.
Los tiempos de carga son impresionantes, rapidos y continuos. Solo dejas de jugar en las cut-scenes.
Jugando sin parar y con el brillo a tope puedes estar 2 horas y medias, desconectando el Wi-Fi, y conectandolo menos de 2 horas.
La puntuacion final del juego es 4.5 sobre 5.