Por el 20º aniversario del juego Ubisoft ha publicado un video en el que nos han enseñado pequeños detalles del remake que está en desarrollo
El proyecto está en una fase muy temprana aun y han comentado que a partir de este momento toca silencio total y no tendremos más noticias durante un tiempo, toca currar.
“It’s not simply a remaster it’s being built from the ground up, we get to do all the content from scratch, fresh and ready to go.”
“Yeah, we’re aiming to create this top-tier remake and push quality as much as possible this should help us set a good foundation for the franchise going forward”, Zavian Porter, Associate Level Design Director added.
The team confirmed that the team is still very early in production and the team is still prototyping.
“We want to make sure that we absolutely nail the game, we actually do everything the right way and produce an absolutely stellar quality experience”, Auty said,
It was also said that the team will be “going dark for a little while” so the team can focus on making the “absolute best game possible”.