Prologue trailer de Deep Down


Muestran un nuevo trailer del juego f2p exclusivo para Playstation 4:

Y también nuevas screenshots:

Detalles sobre el juego en un nuevo artículo de DualShockers

Dungeons of wrath will be illuminated by red light and engulfed in fire, while there will be magma pouring from the walls. Magma will also burn under the floors, and will be visible through the manholes.

Dungeons of sorrow will be encased in thick ice, that will refract the light creating an eerie and brighter atmosphere. Ice will also work as an obstacle to those braving the dungeons.

The screenshots also showcases the “night light,” a monster that is quite peculiar as it’s completely hollow inside. It also emits light from its eyes and mouth (generating an impressive effect, mind you).

Finally, one last screenshot showcases another monster named “jakki”, that can spawn legs and whip-like thorns and definitely looks like a mimic from the Final Fantasy and Zelda series.

Also, remember:


Parece muy bonito, espero que no sea una cagada como es previsible que sea al ser f2p


A quien me recordara este enemigo nuse nuse

1 2 respuestas



#3 El "Monster Chest" ha existido que tiempo es tiempo, te pondría una nota pero es tan absurdamente basto el intento que alguien pique.


guys guys, DEEP DOWNGRADE!


1 respuesta

#6 No quiero mi 2º aggro.

14 días después

Nueva imagen y enemigo:

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