[Quake] Quake 3 a la CPL


Pues eso, que la cpl (para esta edicion), ha decidido que se jugara quake 3

fuente: http://www.meetyourmakers.com/scene/1917.html

Quake 3 back to CPL
When Quake 4 first came out, much like any other game people jumped all over it. Though there's always another side to things, Quake 4 hQuake 4as been used for the last while as the major DeathMatch game. That has changed as the community once again has used the power of majority to change a newer game with it's older version.

Once upon a time Counter-Strike : Source was played instead of 1.6, that changed much along the lines of how this has occured. So for all the Quake 3 players out there, re-install your Arena version because Quake 3 is back as the major game to be played.

Though this may seem like a given, you have to remember that almost 5 years ago Quake 3 was left in the dust by CPL. You wouldn't expect a game thrown out the window 5 years ago to take over the main circuit of CPL but it has with a shock and grins on many gamers faces.


Eres un moco.

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