rFactor 2 - Open beta released


#60 He jugado con los F. Renault y no se...no me acaba de llenar el juego...

A ver cuando saquen la demo, a ver que han mejorado

PD: Me ha entrado nostalgia, y mañana me voy a instalar el f1 challenge :_)


GT1 en Watkins Glen

Bloodfaps :clint:

2 1 respuesta

No solo la GT1, parece también tienen montado toda la Le Mans Series, porque aparecen barquetas (LMP2 supongo).


Endurance Series by Enduracers > All


En comparación con Project C.A.R.S, ¿Cuál es mejor en cuanto a simulación?

#66 Gracias por contestar tan rápido. =) La verdad que de jugar lo haré para pasar el rato, no para dedicar mi vida a ello. XD. La verdad es que gráficamente me atrae mucho más el que he puesto yo. A ver si avanza mucho más en el aspecto de la simulación.


Si quieres pagar una pasta tremenda, iRacing. Solo es recomendable si te vas a dedicar exclusivamente a él.
Si no, habrá que esperar al menos 1 año para que aparezcan cosas decentes para rFactor 2.
Y a ver que pasa con GTR3, Asetto Corsa ...

C.A.R.S de momento tiene poco de simulador.

2 respuestas
19 días después

Está la nueva actualización de rfactor 2 a la version 60.

Download http://isiforums.net/f/attachment.php?attachmentid=394&d=1326221660

UPDATE 1 Changelog (Febuary 15, 2012):


Configurable multiplayer race countdown timer ("Race Client Wait" in multiplayer.ini).
Reducing collision work in multiplayer (including completely turning off remote car vs. scene collision for now) in order to prevent slowdowns.
Modifed Dedicated server and mpfile to allow/disallow nicknames.
Fixed in-car chat for extended ASCII characters.


Fixed showroom sun occlusion problem.
Fixed sun occlusion toggle.
Improved HDR debug output.
Moved all HDR processing to GPU.
Now enforcing deformable meshes.
Fixed and improved "visible vehicles" algorithm.
Updates to static meshes now disabled.
Fixed AI brake lights.
Fixed some issues doing HDR/Post on monitor.
Fixed up some postFX problems.
Updated sun occlusion.
Improved post FX integration with HDR.
Dixed bug that could result in cam file having more shadow parameters than the array that holds them.
Fixed problem with using post with HDR.
Fixed up hdr debug output, also improved post-processing.
Tidy up line drawing, also deactivated pre-caching for now as a test.
Fixed up hdr debug output.
Fixed a crash when loading a new profile to an existing track.
Shaders are recompiled if vid driver or HDR changes.
Reverted virtual mirrors back to using options settings rather than video settings.


Fixed car skin spinner not selecting current selected skin when entering screen.
Fixed path error for loading truetype fonts.
Fixed car spinner gizmo bug where it selection didn't take into account pace cars in the veh list ordering. (so picking a car near the end of spinner would select the wrong car.)
Fixed crash from skin selector gizmo that would happen 1st time you join a online game for a new mod and go to tuning from car selector screen.
Fixed bug where one couldn't select a new UI.
Fixed gear graph text in wide-screen mode with non-wide-screen UI.
Tidy up some loading bar problem.
Fix HUD pit menu selector box.
Added tire volume slider.
Added new options for VSync and FXAA.


Extra code to prevent ramming from behind when attempting to pass.
Generally made AI initiated player crashes less likely.
Made line transitions safer (for example moving from fastest to blocking line).
Fixed exaggerated pitspot slowdown.
Implemented 1st round of VERY basic wet weather tire logic.
Now always simulating a lap once for every car to get fuel, time, and minimum speed for track (to improve AI pit strategy).
Made AI slower at 70% by not only reducing their grip (was already being done) but also cutting a bit of speed off corners on top of that when figuring.
Made AI cars more likely to pass another car in the straight if given the opportunity.


Fix for timescaled mechanical failures.


Added controller.ini variable "Off-road multiplier" at least until we have proper soft terrain physics modeling.
Changed default for "Keyboard Layout Override" in controller.ini to 1 which seems to work better most of the time.
Added new controller.ini option "Use Keyboard Rates For Analog" which allows gamepad users to intentionally delay the response time of their twitchy inputs.
Added controller.ini variable "Use Hardware Additional Features" to control whether we play G27 LEDs, for example. Actually that's the only example right now.
Added ability to read/write Thrustmaster wheel range (only available on new T500RS series, by the way).
Set default control for 'Display Vehicle Labels' to TAB key.


Various collision optimizations, including better automatic LODs for trackside collidable objects.
Fixed crash that occurred when no sound devices was enabled on Windows 7 Machine.
Improved and/or fixed OnTop variable in TDF - this is a precise way to physically apply paint stripes on top of the road with a realistic thickness.
Minor SSE optimizations added.
Vertical position of individual mirrors wasn't being transferred from CCH file to PLR file (note that these values are not editable in realtime with the Shift/Ctrl/Alt + Seat position controls).
Fixed dedicated server not updating scoring for plugins.
Fix for "Unknown" name in player file.
Fixed wide characters aborting the results file write.
Mirror toggle control lets you go through all 5 permutations in cockpit now.
Fixed a potential problem alt-tabbing with SL.


Allow nickname and attempt to allow wide char names.
Added a "Steering Wheel" option for "No Arms".
Added user car skin support.


Fixed a bug with packaged files which could have allowed tire data to be overridden by external components.
Fixed a minor issue with encrypted mas.
Fixed ttool crash.

#66 De hecho en rfactor2 antes de que saliera la beta ya habian 3 mods subidos y en poco tiempo van apareciendo nuevos mods y circuitos.




#62 fap fap

2 meses después

ya a salido el juego entero? si no ha salido cuando sale?

16 días después

rFactor 2 - ISI Fórmula Masters

http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/1396-Downloads (Descarga de rFactor 2 y mods)

ISI ha lanzado su muy esperada actualización para rFactor 2, build 85. Aparte de las numerosas correcciones y actualizaciones con ello también ha lanzado el ISI Fórmula Masters.

[spoiler]UPDATE 4 Changelog (MAY 18, 2012):


Improved lighting math
Improved HDR rearviews
Fixed mirrors too dark when using HDR
Improved post-processing in multi-view mode
Fixed side-channel clearing in multi-view mode.
Fixed HDR in multi-view mode
Viewport fix for multi-view
Improved dynamic road
Changing shadow detail level now causes a shader re-compile
Changed base turbidity to 1.8 to brighten sky a bit.
Reduced minimum vertical FOV from 20 to 10 degrees.
improved graphical steering pivot for non-player vehicles
Now applying heat haze to graphics, note new PLR option "Heat FX Fade Speed" which can be used to completely disable.
Fixed broken HDR lum histogram
attempt to fix body parts disappearing in multiplayer


Added support for gear ratio sets.
Added ability to have gear-specific ratios.
Added DRS rules.
Added some GDB-configurable atmospheric conditions.
Changed flap buttons to act as toggle by default, but with a controller.ini option "Hold Flap Button" if the user prefers to hold it down.


Scrub sound improvements via the SFX file: can now have tire-specific samples, can be played individually rather than combined into one output, and more control over the frequency modulation.
Defaulting ScrubIndividually to true


fixed safety car incorrectly pitting for a tire change (and leaving the rest of the field in limbo)
fixes for AI pit lane behavior when no dedicated pitlane exists.
some minor tweaks to AI stalking behavior.
AI more likely to stay on throttle when along side a car they are trying to pass.
fixed a bug where cars would move towards rather than away from a car next to it going into a corner
fixed bug where sometime AI, at start of formation to standing start, immediately tries to park.
better handling of grip lose around fast corners
AIs will turn on and off rear flaps as required.
Tried to ease up on the throttle cuts caused by tires bouncing off the ground for a tick while otherwise being in control


Screen interface added to Internals Plugins in order to facilitate 3rd party overlays; currently untested and subject to change.
Now reporting to internals plugin whether blue flag being shown for each vehicle.


fixed the calculation of the "X display not available" X coordinates for MFD when under AI control.
added some gizmos and actions to facilitate multiplayer auto mod download and install from a dedicated server
added download mod status bar & cancel button
allowing problem mods to show up in lists (so that the problems can be displayed on the info screen)
added info buttons and code for rfm scrollbox to show new state of uninstalled mods with virtual components that are missing.
LED and HUD support for DRS status
changed scaling scrollbox gizmos (rfm, veh, track, hud, showroom & ui) so that they can accept textures other than 1024x1024 uncompressed textures.
Removed PLR file option "Wheels Visible In Cockpit" which was made obsolete by the VEH variable "FrontWheelsInCockpit" a long time ago.


Fixed some unresponsive keys when using soft vsync.
Fixed problem with keyboard repeats in time acceleration.
Fixed warmup time increasing by 1 each time a server is set up.
Fixed problem where re-attaching a wheel in the pits would result in phantom collision.
Improved thread safety by using local file finder classes.
Fixed a error message that was incorrectly saying missing RCD files.
Fixed bug where requesting a pitstop while on the grid would sometimes cause a stop/go penalty.
Fixed 'Temporary Boost' button.
Fixed bug where requesting a pitstop while on the grid would sometimes cause a stop/go penalty.


Added mod downloading to sim
Added settings for HTTP Server and rfmod sharing.
Added PLR variable "Car Vibration Mult2" in order to allow separation of orientational vs. positional effects, and added PLR variables "Seat Pitch", "Seat Yaw", and "Seat Roll" to allow an offset from which direction the cockpit camera points.


fixed not being able to switch UIs in mod mode.
removed "no ai" restriction from public dev build
added a scale value in HUD editor for flags & stat bar positions
got digital gages working in the HUD. Can now expand in any of four directions.
HUD editor stability fixes
HUD editor fixes. instead of numbers, will write out the function and font names for led, text, and digital gages[/spoiler]


Me sigue pareciendo un mod mejorado del 1


la cosa es que mejore, no que vaya para atrás...


Hay que esperar al modding ...

Circuito de Sebring de Virtua_LM

11 meses después

Iepa! Os dejo un vídeo por aquí, que al final me ha liado un amiguete y he caído !!

1 respuesta

#73 Yo al final terminé por caer también. 2 días antes que tú.
A ver si echamos algun rodaje :)

1 respuesta

#74 Hoy corro! Lo podéis ver a las 22.15 en http://www.twitch.tv/simracing_live_tv. Los tiempos en carrera los podéis ver aquí: http://sre.simracing.es/live/index.php?idser=1 mi nombre es "LuisFe Fernández" y mi coche es este: http://i.imgur.com/6slYz1m.jpg !! Deseadme suerte, hoy solo espero acabar!!


Joder yo estuve en simracing. Vamos, que tengo usuario. Menuda tienes montada en la habitación macho, que envidia. Yo con la pantalla con una linea de píxeles muertos y el DFP con el cable roto.

1 1 respuesta

Joder yo recuerdo los vicios que me pegaba al rfactor , con la categoría megane, me encanta! es como el rfactor, lo compras y sólo tienes 3 o 4 instalaciones ? cuanto sale?

#78 me parece algo mucho caro pero bueno, tb me parecia una estafa en su día el sistema que tenian con el rfactor quizás mas adelante cuando esté asentado y pueda permitirme un volante en condiciones vuelva a este mundillo, pk ahora mismo con el mio tengo que hacer muchas peripecias para que funcione y no todos los juegos lo soportan

1 respuesta

#76 #77 Ahora esta a 35€ € con un año y luego a 10€ cada año, también creo que te puedes comprar la vitalicea por 60€. Además en simracing siempre aceptan gente y tienen campeonatos.

#77 Hombre, gratis no iba a ser, por 35 € no lo veo mal tampoco, y 10 € al año, pagaba como 10 veces más por el wow al fin y al cabo...

1 respuesta

Yo esperaré al CARS.

Pero vamos, que las horas que le metí al 1 no creo que las vuelva a repetir porque por eso dejé de jugar online. Llega un momento que te diviertes más jugando pachangas que compitiendo en serio perdiendo tiempo de tu vida.

Yo ahora ando en mundoGT entrenando cuando puedo, llegó a carrera, y me da un poco igual quedar 5º que último...Mientras tenga luchas en carrera...

Lo que si echo en falta es el mundo de los mods y las personalizaciones que habia

2 respuestas

#79 Pero es que son cosas diferentes, el CARS por lo que me han comentado de simulación tiene poco, dicen que es muy como el GT5 sobre carriles y tal, eso si graficazos, yo creo que el Project me lo acabaré pillando también pero para eso, para echar unas pachangas, y para correr en serio el rFactor 2.


#79 Joder a mi me encantaba jugar en servers con el mod de meganes, carreras, pk era complicado encontrar competiciones, y obligarte a hacer setups para "x" circuito, aprendertelo mejorar etc etc , setup default para todos, cambiando ala y poco más y fiesta! XD

2 años después

El mes de Noviembre si no voy equivocado sacaron la versión para Steam, lo cual es una buena noticia porque con Steam Workshop la gente podrá colgar sus mods y será muy fácil instalarlos.

Ahora bien. Me lo he instalado hace nada y no consigo dar una vuelta sin trompear. La sensibilidad me parece muy muy exagerada. No puedo ir ni a medio gas sin estamparme. En el 1 no me pasaba, ni en otro juego xD.


Buena noticia lo de Steam, ahora falta que la "Lifetime Subscription" no cueste 80 eurazos en un juego que comentan que tiene el online mas bien muerto y que sea impulsado con una bajada permanente. Me parece un abuso cuando tienes AC y PCars por 2x euros en ofertas de seguido con una comunidad bastante mas grande...

Sector3 (Simbin) con RaceRoom tambien es para darles de comer aparte. No se que pasa con este tipo de juegos, en iRacing es algo mas comprensible y ofrecen algo muy exclusivo, pero otros se pasan siete pueblos.


Hace un par de semanas el lifetime estaba por 15 euros no sé debido a qué.

No sé ahora cómo estará la cosa....

1 respuesta

#84 ¿Con el juego base? Ni tan mal, asi esta ahora (al menos por Steam): http://store.steampowered.com/app/365960/

30€ el juego solo y 80€ con lifetime.


El AC y PC que tal están en Online? Existen mods?

Yo como el rfactor 1 donde había un montón de servers con muchas modalidades, no sé si hay nada parecido.

1 respuesta


Pues AC basicamente es lo que fue rFactor en su dia; una especie de base para añadirles mods, de hecho, varios moders se pasaron de rF a AC. En cambio PCars es un juego con un contenido base muy superior, con un singleplayer mucho mas decente a mi parecer, pero no hay mods, casi todo son DLCs de pago y algun coche que regalan de vez en cuando.

Sobre el online no puedo comparar, probe ambos sparrow y me molo mas lo que vi de PCars asi que lo compre. Lo que si pude apreciar fue el listado de la gente que habia jugando pese a no poder jugar (en AC obvio). Me dio la sensacion de que en AC se juega mas, pero solo mire un par dias mientras lo probaba... Asi que igual no es asi y lo mismo ha cambiado la situacion desde ahi. En PCars dentro de lo que he jugado pasa algo raro, como que segun el update o dia, el online esta completamente muerto O.o... Normalmente esto me ha sucedido tras alguna actualizacion y se soluciona, no se, es algo extraño que nunca habia visto nunca en un videojuego XD

Sobre la diversidad de clases en el online pude apreciar que la gran mayoria en AC eran turismos, ademas de varios comentarios de usuarios he leido echan pestes justamente de eso, que acaban hasta la polla. Pero me temo que en PCars la situacion no es que sea muy buena, hay a muchas horas que solo puedes jugar con los dichosos GT3 y ademas en SPA, que tienen una obsesion con ese circuito + clase diga de estudio. Otras tantas veces hay alguna categoria alternativa que suele ser algun tipo de monoplaza (normalmente Formula A que es como la F1), turismos viejos u otra cualquiera. Jugar se juegan, pero no siempre y a veces solo te queda 1-2 servidores alternativos cuando los hay, que no siempre, y es una pena, el juego pese a tener unos 100 coches (con dlcs), hay diversidad de clases que dan mucho juego y predomina por mucho los puto GT3 ademas en un par de circutios concretos...

Estas son las estadisticas de Steam, aunque no son un indicador exacto, ya que no se puede saber en que proporcion hay gente dandole al sinplayer:
Assetto Corsa
Poject CARS

Luego ya entran los imbeciles y gente que quiere joder carreras intencionadamente incluso... Al final para curarte de eso lo unico que mas o menos se salva es iRacing y jugar al resto de juegos en comunidades o con gente de confianza. Me han llegado a joder varias carreras antes de llegar a la primera curva, hay gente limpia pero en PCars hay bastante subnromal. En AC descononozco la proporcion, pero cuando pregunte cual comprarme mas o menos me dijeron lo que yo estoy soltando de PCars, asi que es algo con lo que tienes que convivir.

9 meses después

Últimamente le estoy dando al Rfactor 2 y en el último mes han habido noticias muy importantes:


Image Space Incorporated (ISI) of Michigan and the developer of the rFactor 2 simulated racing platform, today announced a strategic partnership with the Dutch software group Luminis to accelerate rFactor 2’s development.


Gjon Camaj, Vice President of Image Space Incorporated:

simexpo_headerWe at ISI are very pleased to have found a partner that shares our enthusiasm and vision for the continued growth of rFactor 2. We look forward to working with Luminis to expand the reach of rFactor 2 both in Europe and beyond. After having worked with Luminis for some time and seeing their passion for motorsport simulation, this partnership was a natural next step. By leveraging each of our company’s individual strengths, we will be better able to serve our current customers and further expand our reach into the world of motorsports.


The partnership will be brought into a new company: Studio 397. Studio 397 will have its headquarters in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands and will operate under the leadership of Marcel Offermans.


Marcel Offermans, Luminis Fellow and Managing Director of Studio 397:

I’m really excited by the opportunities that our partnership with ISI offers; rFactor 2 represents the best of breed, stable simulator platform in the industry. Online simracing has been my longtime personal passion, so the opportunity to combine my passion with my business feels like a great privilege. By infusing the platform with some of our own technology we see great opportunities to accelerate development in general and specifically in the areas of competitions and training.


The new partnership plans to release an ambitious roadmap for rFactor 2’s further development:

  • User interface improvements include a brand new HTML based front end and matchmaker, which will allow more web-based community features. In-game UI updates aim to make it more accessible to both newcomers and professionals.

  • A DirectX 11 compatible graphics engine will bring performance improvements on modern high-end graphics cards. Of course we will take care to stay compatible with current content. We will add support for VR, both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

  • Car and track release frequency will increase, focusing on racing cars and series and popular as well as challenging tracks. We will also extend our involvement in the modding community, working with them on free and paid content.

Aquí tenéis el link a la página oficial.


Hello everybody, and welcome to the first monthly roadmap update. A month ago, at the SimRacing Expo, we announced the Studio 397 partnership and since then we have talked to a lot of simracing websites about our plans. Thank you all for your positive and honest feedback. We’ll keep an open dialogue with the community.

Let’s start this update with some of the things we have been working on.

A car we’ve teased before is the USF2000 and we are happy to report that it is almost ready for release. We are particularly proud of this car as we were able to build it with a lot of support from the series and teams so we’ve ended up with a car that is extremely accurate in terms of both physics and car model. On top of that it is also a lot of fun to drive and has become a favourite of many people on the test team.

Our next track release is going to be NOLA Motorsports Park. Both the race and kart track will be available in different configurations. We’ve been working on it for the past couple of months. Most of the 3D objects are done and we’re currently assembling everything in preparation for further testing.

On the development side a lot has happened. In the background we have moved everything over to new infrastructure that allows us to work on new features in parallel, ensuring that they are only added to the next release when done and tested. We have also spent time automating our processes and intend to use those improvements to deliver updates more quickly.

Over the last year we have been working hard in close cooperation with the Stock Car community to improve the rules for oval racing. That work is still ongoing, and we feel we’re on the final stretch now!

Announced a month ago, the development of the DX11 engine with VR support is still ongoing. This is obviously a big project and apart from building and integrating the new engine we also need to make sure that we stay compatible with our existing content. Our current timeline for getting this integrated is by the end of Q1 2017.

We are also moving closer to the first public release that will be Steam only. It will definitely be released this year and is scheduled to contain a whole list of bugfixes and improvements to the codebase. I would like to take this opportunity to invite everybody that is still using the non-Steam version to take advantage of the free option to migrate to Steam. Future updates will start leveraging more Steam features so the only way to take advantage of those is to move to Steam.

Finally, we have an announcement to make. We have secured a license with Radical sportscars and will be bringing those into rFactor 2. With full access to CAD drawings and performance data we can deliver these cars with a very high amount of accuracy. Work on this has just started, but we are very excited as these are great cars to drive and race!

That’s all for this month. Happy Simracing!

Aquí tenéis el link a la página oficial.


.... ¿Alguien se anima a crear hilo oficial para Rfactor2? #1

Usuarios habituales

  • asansc
  • CaNaRy_r00lz
  • nerkaid
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