Ronda de análisis de Bayonetta 3


Este viernes 28 llega a Switch la nueva entrega de la bruja de Umbra y la prensa ya ha emitido su veredicto más que positivo.

Ronda de análisis de Bayonetta 3

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 28 de octubre de 2022
  • Plataformas: Nintendo Switch
  • Género: Hack & slash
  • Jugadores: 1
  • Desarrolladora: PlatinumGames
  • Distribuidora: Nintendo
  • Agregadores de críticas:

Medios españoles

3DJuegos - Recomendado

Bayonetta 3 es la demostración de cómo Platinum Games podía mejorar una saga que ya tocaba la excelencia: añadiendo capas de novedades y profundidad para ampliar y mejorar la fórmula original. La integración de nuevas armas e invocaciones en el sistema combativo, unido a un nuevo personaje, una exploración potenciada, cantidad de secretos y un argumento más loco, dan como resultado una entrega superior, con una duración adecuada y una rejugabilidad infinita. Es una pena que gráficamente no esté a la altura en ciertas parcelas, pero en lo demás es una auténtica bestia de los hack 'n slash que no puedes dejar escapar si tienes una Nintendo Switch.

Areajugones - 9,5 / 10

Bayonetta 3 nos trae de vuelta a nuestra querida Bruja de Umbra, y lo hace acompañándola de una buena cantidad de personajes y de una historia que se atreve a arriesgarlo todo. Es el juego perfecto tanto para veteranos como para jugadores nuevos, y se caracteriza por su divertidísima jugabilidad, su gran sentido del humor y su mágica banda sonora.

Eurogamer - Imprescindible

Platinum dice adiós a su mala racha con un ejercicio de estilo tan extremo como absurdamente profundo.

Meristation - 8,5 / 10

El juego decae en muchas de las nuevas propuestas que se van intercalando, desde puzles poco inspirados a minijuegos, pasando por secuencias o combates demasiado simples y poco dinámicos. Con todo esto, que sus predecesores pusieran el listón muy alto no tapa la realidad: estamos ante un muy buen juego y un imprescindible de Switch.

Hobby Consolas - 95 / 100

Sobre un impresionante sistema de combate, Bayonetta 3 construye uno de los mejores "hack´n slash" que hemos probado (y uno de los mejores juegos de Nintendo Switch). Técnicamente, consigue sacarle el máximo partido al hardware.

Vandal - 8,7 / 100

Puede que Bayonetta 3 se nos haya quedado un pasito por detrás de las anteriores aventuras de esta carismática bruja, pero incluso así ha resultado ser un juegazo completísimo que cuando se centra en la acción pura y dura nos regala momentos absolutamente increíbles gracias a un sistema de combate novedoso, accesible, divertido y muy profundo y a una puesta en escena que lleva el espectáculo por bandera para dejarnos totalmente anonadados con sus coreografías y la escala de los conflictos en los que nos veremos sumergidos.

Medios internacionales

Ars Technica - Unscored

In all of the best possible ways, Bayonetta 3 is leaning into the parts of itself that are more earnest than ever—all while going harder than ever on doing whatever it takes to simply be cool as hell. If you're looking for a strong, coherent storyline, this was never the series for you. But if you are a fan of flashy spectacles, a varied and creative arsenal, and larger-than-life characters, Bayonetta 3 more than delivers.

Atomix - Spanish - 95 / 100

The wait was worth it. Bayonetta 3 is one of the best experiences of the year, and a clear example of what makes PlatinumGames games special.

COGconnected - 85 / 100

Whether or not you enjoy this game is dependent on what you’re expecting from it. In the world of hypersexual, campy, insane action games, this sets a new standard. Every successive boss fight raises the bar, the action is always intense, and it oozes charm. There’s more move variety, the characters are beautiful, and the tone is impossibly over the top. If you’ve bounced off of Bayonetta games before, I can’t promise this time will be different. The pacing and core gameplay loop remain largely intact. But for fans of the franchise, Bayonetta 3 is easily as good as it gets. If you loved the first two games, you’ve got to check out this one.

Cerealkillerz - German - 7.2 / 10

Bayonetta 3 suffers from a generic story and enemies with a surprisingly boring level structure. The decision to go for more quanity delivers enough gameplay variety for hardcore fans. If you can live with repeating challenges and areas, you'll still get a crazy adventure with the gameplay, that the fans love.

Checkpoint Gaming - 8.5 / 10

Do you want more of Bayonetta 1 and 2? That's Bayonetta 3! It keeps the heart and soul of the first two games in every sense, but adds even more fun ways to pound your enemies into the dirt with style. Its chock-full of action set pieces, each more ridiculous than the last - it stays at 100% almost the whole time. Our favourite witch is back in black!

Console Creatures - Recommended

Bayonetta 3 delivers the most chaotic, luminous, and enthralling sequel filled with quality-of-life improvements that make this an immensely satisfying adventure. Between the bigger worlds, variety of options in combat, and high-octane humour, I had a hard time putting my Switch down.

Destructoid - 10 / 10

When playing Bayonetta 3, much to my delight, I had no clue what was going to happen next at all times. I was absorbed, and between the crazy story, the environments, and the action system that’s been refined through two prior games (and years of experience), I had very little downtime. It’s pretty much everything an action fan could want.

Digitally Downloaded - 4.5 / 5

Thanks to excellent characterisation, a true understanding of how to work with both hyperbole and surrealism within a narrative, and a ridiculously complex, but rewarding, combat system, Bayonetta 3 has been well worth the wait. - Greek - 8 / 10

We have been waiting for Bayonetta 3 for years, but the overall result is not judged to be sufficiently satisfactory.

Eurogamer - Recommended

Bayonetta goes big for the series' most stupendous adventure yet, but also its scrappiest. - Italian - 9 / 10

Bayonetta 3 is pure Platinum again.

GAMES.CH - German - 87%

With its innovations and other fresh and creative ideas, "Bayonetta 3" reaches a high level. - Polish - 8 / 10

Bayonetta 3 is generally a very solid game and the best representative of the genre since the release of Devil May Cry 5. You can see that a lot of heart and effort was put into it and that they were trying to figure out how to let some fresh air into the series.

Game Informer - 8.3 / 10

It's bombastic, over-the-top, and extravagant for the sake of extravagance, leaving ruins, literally, in its wake.

GamePro - German - 88 / 100

Bayonetta 3 feels like the natural evolution of the series and will win you over with great combat as well as new innovations.

GameSpot - 9 / 10

Bayonetta 3 is a show-stopping spectacle that feels familiar in all the right ways while also adding mechanics that are sure to delight old and new fans alike.

GameXplain - Liked-a-lot

Video Review - Quote not available

Gameblog - French - 9 / 10

It's impossible not to fall under spell of Bayonetta 3. More extravagant, frenetic, rich, varied and with even more monstrous and epic bosses, the game is the franchise at its best. However technical weaknesses, the few underwhelming environments and the readability issues can't counter the avalanche of the superlatives. A dance mastered without almost any misstep and a must-have on Switch.

GamesRadar+ - 3.5 / 5

When taking charge of the action, Bayonetta is more fun to rip and tear with here than ever before, with some smart evolutions in how her role as a summoner can add to her combat without taking anything meaningful away. But some of the same issues that plagued its predecessors are just as present here as well, if not more-so

Gfinity - 7 / 10

Bayonetta 3 may not reinvent the wheel, but its lightning-fast action and engaging gameplay push the Switch to its limits.

Glitched Africa - 9 / 10

Bayonetta 3 has managed to take the series’ greatest aspects and evolve them in new and exciting ways. It is undoubtedly the best entry to date and a damn good time.

God is a Geek - 9 / 10

Compelling from start to finish, Bayonetta 3 is an exceptional time and up there with the very best there is - and was worth the wait.

Guardian - 5 / 5

Where many western games yearn to be seen as the height of sophistication, craving the critical kudos of an HBO drama, Bayonetta 3 stands defiant in its absurdity. Like its predecessors, this is destined to go down as a cult classic – a dizzying dance of demon-dicing delight. Its crude, whiplash-inducing narrative means it certainly won’t be for everyone, but the best things in life rarely are.

IGN - 9 / 10

One of the best combat systems in gaming gets even better with Bayonetta 3. It's story is a bit of a letdown and its wild action scenes take a toll on the performance in certain spots, but neither of those issues get in the way of Bayonetta 3 being a top shelf action game on the Switch.

IGN Italy - Italian - 9.5 / 10

Bayonetta 3, despite some forgivable technical stumbles, sets new standards for stylish action, proving to be a real masterpiece.

Inverse - 8 / 10

Bayonetta 3 delivers on its promise of a magical action RPG with sophisticated combat. Even with frustrating mini-games and objectives, it’s one of the best action games of 2022 thanks to its style and depth — whether or not you’re familiar with this absolutely bonkers universe.

Nintendo Life - 10 / 10

Bayonetta 3 cranks up the chaos, improves the combat, polishes the level design, and adds a ton of new mechanics to the mix, making for the very best entry in this storied series to date. PlatinumGames has absolutely nailed it this time around, carefully layering on more ways to engage enemies, piling on the OTT gameplay sequences, and giving us multiple protagonists without upsetting the balance of what makes these games amongst the very best examples of their genre. With excellent performance in docked and handheld modes, incredible visuals, non-stop action, and a hugely replayable campaign that's a joy from start to finish, this really is a huge celebration of everything we love about Bayonetta, an action all-timer and one of the biggest highlights of 2022, on Switch or any platform.

NintendoWorldReport - 9 / 10

Bayonetta 3 is the kind of game that makes you wonder where a series could possibly go from here, because I can't imagine a sequel being bigger or better than this.

Polygon - Unscored

If all you care about is button-ramming combat that’s similar to Devil May Cry, you’ll have a ball. But if you ever wanted to believe that there was something deeper to Bayonetta’s story — some grander statement about femininity and sexuality and power dynamics — you’ll find the truth to be quite a disappointment.

Press Start - 9 / 10

Bayonetta 3 successfully reinvents itself in many ways to offer an experience that feels worthy of the title of sequel. It successfully shakes up the combat from the previous games by implementing new abilities that help keep things familiar but fresh. Some of the gimmicky battles bring the pacing down and dreaded, but ubiquitous Switch-related performance issues remain. As a whole, Bayonetta 3 eclipses its predecessor and is truly one of the most bombastic and enjoyable action games you can play. - Slovak - 9.5 / 10

Bayonetta 3 is a sexy, entertaining, but also touching action game that exceeds all your expectations and surpasses the previous games thanks to its story and ending.

Screen Rant - 4.5 / 5

Bayonetta 3 takes the incredible action gameplay of its predecessors and supercharges it, resulting in one of the Switch's best action games.

Shacknews - 9 / 10

The third entry in the series is not only the best Bayonetta game, but also one of the best offerings from PlatinumGames thus far.

Siliconera - 9 / 10

Bayonetta 3 is over-the-top in every possible way, and I get the feeling newcomers and long-time fans of the series will appreciate that.

Skill Up - Unscored

Video Review - Quote not available

Spaziogames - Italian - 9.5 / 10

Bayonetta 3 it's simply a vulgar display of style. The best title made by PlatinumGames, and the best action game around.

Stevivor - 9 / 10

At the end of my time with Bayonetta 3, I find myself surprised at how much fun I had, and excited to go back and experience the first two titles of the series as well.

Telegraph - 5 / 5

Platinum's strutting witch returns with expanded combat and the same delirious lack of restraint

The Independent - 4.5 / 5

Bayonetta 3 is an outrageous and fitting return to form for the umbra witch and her posse of occultish heavy hitters. Substantial improvements and additions to combat mean there are seemingly endless options for different styles of play, as well as making the prospect of revisiting each stage, verse and hidden objective more compelling than it ever has been, with the crowning jewel being Viola’s introduction into the franchise.

TheGamer - 4 / 5

Too much game is never a bad thing for some 'pennies to enjoyment ratio' players, but Bayonetta 3 overstays its welcome and dips from being an all-time classic to just being a very, very good video game. It's not the all-time top five Switch game that I think it might have been with a few different decisions here and there, but it's still a must-play title.

TheSixthAxis - 8 / 10

A crazy, over-the-top spectacle that's uproariously enjoyable, with its only restraint being Nintendo's handheld hardware.

Tom's Guide - 4 / 5

Bayonetta 3 takes what worked about the first two games and continues to refine it, from the balletic combat, to the diverse assortment of wacky characters, to the snarky sense of humor. Aging Switch hardware means that the performance is uneven, however, and the difficulty curve can sometimes swing a little too far toward “punishing.”

TrustedReviews - 4 / 5

Bayonetta 3 is the third instalment of the series, featuring new playable characters and a wide array of beautifully designed monsters. The ability to control Demon Slaves is endlessly fun and running around as Bayonetta feels very fulfilling. While this game does have its flaws, I think it’s a hack-and-slash that almost anyone can play.

Twinfinite - 4 / 5

Bayonetta 3 is an ode to the longtime fans who’ve stuck with the game since 2009. While it’s certainly not without its obvious flaws and missteps, I can’t imagine that fans would be very disappointed with how this third, explosive entry has turned out.

Unboxholics - Greek - Worth your time

Bayonetta 3 takes the well-known and beloved recipe we saw in the previous two chapters and takes it several steps forward.

VG247 - 5 / 5

Bigger levels, bigger fights, bigger hair – Bayonetta 3 somehow manages to edge the Platinum formula even harder to deliver one hell of a climax.

VGC - 4 / 5

While some ideas get lost in Bayonetta 3’s endless sprint to keep you entertained, there’s no other action game with this imagination, wit or style. Prepare to explore its mad depths for weeks.

Video Chums - 8.9 / 10

In defiance of a time when many game series are opting to mature, Bayonetta 3 raises a giant middle finger and that's awesome. Believe it or not, it's even more over-the-top than you'd expect so strap on some high heels and get ready for some action.

Wccftech - 9 / 10

Bayonetta 3 is the series’ best entry yet, offering an engaging universe-hopping story, bombastic cinematic moments, and refined action that’s both accessible and deeper than ever before.

WellPlayed - 8.5 / 10

By pure chance alone, Bayonetta 3 feels fit for the moment. At a time when loving Bayonetta feels complicated, Bayonetta 3 is a relentless, unashamed celebration of Bayonetta – of this character, of her companions, of the demons she fights alongside and of the outrageous spectacle that is the hallmark of this series.


Se vienen horas de vicio, vaya notazas.


El análisis que de verdad habrá que tener en cuenta es el de AnaitGames jaja.

4 2 respuestas

ni al 90 llega, vaya pufo.


#3 Es al revés, muy fanboys


Una pena que este lastradisimo por la Switch.... A framerate y resolucion decente lo jugaria, pero un juego de acción así, ni de coña. Por lo que he visto, petardea bastante aunque el target sean 60 fps.

1 respuesta



Ha salido bueno, estupendo.


No va a salir en PC o en otra plataforma ni de puta coña no?

3 respuestas


pues si no capan la emulacion me imagino que en un futuro con emulador.

1 respuesta

#9 Con el tiempo, seguro que sale.

1 respuesta

Polygon - Unscored

If all you care about is button-ramming combat that’s similar to Devil May Cry, you’ll have a ball. But if you ever wanted to believe that there was something deeper to Bayonetta’s story — some grander statement about femininity and sexuality and power dynamics — you’ll find the truth to be quite a disappointment.



#11 el 2 y el 3 son los unicos que nunca saldran en PC oficialmente por que nintendo es la que paga


#3 justamente al contrario, muy fanáticos de Platinum y especialmente de Bayonetta. Será el análisis con el menor criterio de todos. Ni cotiza que Pep o Chiconuclear escribirán el análisis con un cosplay de la brujita.

Son un blog que se pronuncia mucho sobre las perrerías de las empresas y siendo protrabajador, en ese tipo de noticias son las únicas que no las publican con días de retraso sino que están en pos de la actualidad sobre los crunchs, disputas de derechos, etc... pero con la polémica de la dobladora de Bayonetta no han dicho ni mu (aunque haya salido rana pero por lo menos dar la noticia de que ha pasado eso) ya que como es algo malo de su juego preferido pues a mirar para otro lado.

1 respuesta
1 comentario moderado

Será lo de siempre y habrá que pasárselo como siempre


Y el doblaje que tal quedó?

1 respuesta



Ni hale ni taylor, donde esta la waifu dobladora?

#15 pero si el 2 va gliches no me imagino el 3.

1 respuesta


joder pues va de puta madre.


#14 No sé si es que les tienes tirria o algo personal con ellos, noto resquemor.


Será el análisis con el menor criterio de todos.

O quizás el mejor cuando los tienen requetesobados. Además, me fío bastante de su criterio cuando han demostrado su amplitud de miras, sobre todo Víctor. Y, que conste, no he tocado aún ningún Bayonetta.


Son un blog

Aquí se te nota el escozor, creo yo. Llevan algunos años viviendo de AnaitGames, son periodistas profesionales de videojuegos.


pero con la polémica de la dobladora de Bayonetta no han dicho ni mu

Falso. Pep ya se ha pronunciado varias veces y no solo en AnaitGames. Es más, Marta, que es la que suele ser más insistente con temas políticos y laborales (aunque le moleste a una parte de la comunidad de jugadores), ha reconocido la cagada de Hellena Taylor.

1 respuesta

#21 para nada eres un fanboy de los fanboys.

1º sin comentarios, argumentos de parvulario. "Yo sí les creo porque sí". Encima diciendo el despropósito de que no has jugado a ningún juego de la saga Bayonetta, la guinda en el pastel de tu fanatismo :joy:

2º son un blog por mucho que te pese. Busca el significado de esa palabra o repasa cómo es su web, que te veo muy perdido en cosas básicas de internet. Y encima lo dices como si un blog fuese algo despreciable, no tienes ni idea.

3º yo me fijo en lo que aparece en su web que de eso es lo que estoy hablando, no hay ningún artículo al respecto cuando en otras ocasiones de polémicas laborales han estado desde el minuto 1 dando la noticia. Como si lo han dicho en su twitter personal, en el stream de los de Chiclana o en persona al frutero de su barrio ayer por la tarde... El medio del que estamos hablando es Anaitgames.

1 respuesta

#22 Bonita réplica, muy madura, sí. Encima dando lecciones que demuestran lo contrario: ignorancia. Y poniendo en mi boca cosas que no he dicho.


#19 yo me pasé hace poco el 2 en ryunjinx, y 0 glitches, 60fps, y 0 tirones. Me sorprendió lo bien que funcionaba, parecía un juego nativo al 100%.


Yo no infravaloraria tanto la opinión de la gente de Anait.

Hay que poner cada análisis en el contexto de su analista, y está gente juega los Bayonetta a unos niveles enfermizos, donde se pueden ver más finezas en el diseño de lo que muestra una primer vistazo.

Y lo digo yo, que el primer Bayonetta le pareció regulero y el segundo lo tengo pendiente aún, pero sé que si quiero intentar ver el juego como ellos, tengo que ir a por el platino en todo.

1 1 respuesta

Y lo digo yo, que el primer Bayonetta le pareció regulero

a mis brazos!

nunca entendí cómo generó tanta comunidad el primero, se me hizo bastante más pesado que la segunda parte de DMC4 y ya es decir y encima la competencia en el género era altísima en esa época

1 respuesta

#26 genero comunidad por ser una pandilla de pajeros xd


He jugado cientos de horas a sus predecesores y solo puedo decir de esta tercera parte, desde el más profundo respeto, que tienes que comer de la basura para que te guste.

2 meses después

Lo que me parece a mi es que mas de un analista apenas le ha hechado tiempo al juego para opinar,se lo habran pasado con lo justo sin intentar comprender bien el sistema de combate igual que mucha gente que se lee criticando el estilo de combate o diciendo que tiene menos posibilidades que los anteriores cuando no es cierto,lo que pasa que es todo nuevo,se debe cambiar el chip,en mi caso estoy dando la primera vuelta al juego tranquilo y intentando coger los tiempos y saber cuando sacar demonios,que demonios sacar y cuando guardarlos rapido,que es muy importante,en esto he leído algún analista que dice que bayonetta se queda vendida mientras están los demonios y tarda mucho en poder controlarla cuando quieres(eso es de no saber jugarlo) ,es muy complejo a la vez de divertido pués da una vuelta de rosca brutal a la jugabilidad,no pensaba que me gustaría tanto y eso que aún no lo domino apenas.

2 1 respuesta
1 mes después

#29 exacto.

Mi nota nada mas terminarmelo:

"Meh, està bien. Un 8"

Mi nota 20 horas despues de profundizar en el combate, intentra platinear todo y luchar contra Rodin:

"OMG, un puto 9,5 y el mejor de los 3"

Como en los otros dos, "Bayonetta de verdad empieza cuando acaban los créditos finales"

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