Ronda de análisis de Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia


Ya están saliendo los análisis del remake de Fire Emblem Gaiden para 3DS y los análisis son bastante buenos. Aprovecho para mendigar #HO para aquellos que quieran jugarlo.

OpenCritic - 85

Attack of the Fanboy - Dean James - 4.5 / 5 stars

Built around a captivating story told from two sides, the usage of a world map together with the classic style battle system makes Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia yet another must play game for the franchise.

Cerealkillerz - Thomas Schwan - German - 6.9 / 10.0

The simple graphics and story take you on a nostalgia trip but the fight with Fire Emblem Echoes was harder and longer than excepted. You really have to bring some frustration resistance to go through the long dungeons with the poorly made AI but the game still offers much for Fire Emblem Veterans as also for beginners.

CGMagazine - Zubi Khan - 8.5 / 10.0

Intelligent Systems has done an excellent job of bringing a classic title forward into the modern age.

Critical Hit - Darryn Bonthuys - 8 / 10.0

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia isn't just an old game with a new coat of paint that brings everything from cinematics through to voice acting into a more modern age of gaming. It's also a prime example of how the fundamentals of a classic game can still resonate today with newer audiences. Good game design stands the test of time, something that Shadows of Valentia has plenty of.

Cubed3 - Rudy Lavaux - 9 / 10

This is decidedly a very classic feeling Fire Emblem, with enough freshness to captivate even veterans of the franchise and comes with a welcome accessibility that makes it the easiest for newcomers to get into. This entry goes to show that there's room within the franchise to make different looking Fire Emblem entries that still feel true to the series but which also dare to not only tread new ground, but to do so in a great way. It's a well rounded package that is well balanced to please the majority of its audience, like the entire trilogy of Fire Emblem Fates before it, but while keeping it all confined to just one game with the complete epic story being accessible just from buying this one piece of software instead of it being spread out, and that's something to be thankful for. Overall, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, while feeling like an older entry, might very well be moving the series forward in certain aspects that could potentially return in future outings.

Destructoid - Chris Carter - 7.5 / 10.0

Fire Emblem Echoes could have been held back by its need to usher the second iteration back into the fold, but it still feels like a fresh new entry. It is weaker than the last few games, but those bars were set so high that I won't hold that against it.

EGM - Ray Carsillo - 8.5 / 10.0

It's funny how a remake of a game that never originally hit the West can feel like such a step forward. There are a couple questionable choices, like the removal of the weapons triangle, and series purists might grumble over some other changes like dungeon exploration, but overall Shadows of Valentia feels like the next great step in Fire Emblem. - Giovanni Calgaro - Italian - 8.5 / 10.0

On the one hand Shadow of Valentia takes us back in time, paying homage to the golden age of JRPG, on the other hand the new gameplay features give a more modern feel to it. Shadow of Valentia is an atypical Fire Emblem that differentiates itself from the franchise in order to give a fresh approach to the genre.

FNintendo - Diogo Caeiro - Portuguese - 8 / 10

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is a remake that helps bringing the series back to its roots and it works very well at that. Thanks to successful gameplay innovations, captivating plot and cast and a magnificent audiovisual component, this is certainly a game that will be very appreciated by a wide amount of fans. It doesn't fully live up to its potential but Shadows of Valentia acts as a promising new direction for the Fire Emblem series.

Game Informer - Javy Gwaltney - 7 / 10.0

Provides the challenge hardcore players seek, but the experience comes with its fair share of frustrations

Game Revolution - Griffin Vacheron - 4.5 / 5 stars

My one wish to Nintendo is that they either keep the Echoes sub-series going or consider applying some of these changes to new Fire Emblem games; they're really that good, and what's been concocted here truly deserves to be more than a series one-off. The charming, reliquian nature of the nature of the game may not appeal to everyone, but if you like Fire Emblem, strategy, and can appreciate gaming history, then there's absolutely zero reason not to pick this up.

Gameblog - Yann Bernard - French - 8 / 10

Fire Emblem Gaiden had explored different approaches, which appear even bolder through this remake on 3DS thanks to an absolutely epic staging, a more developed narrative and many modern gameplay adjustments, while staying true to the original Famicom version. Despite some relics from the past and a less strategic philosophy, Echoes : Shadows of Valentia proves that these pragmatic concepts are still relevant today, indeed for the future of the franchise.

Gamer Professionals - Brandon Bui - 9.5 / 10.0

'Fire Emblem Echoes' combines a wonderful blend of modern and legacy gameplay in a package that successfully introduces the world to a title that never made its way to the West. With a well-written plot and brilliant characterization, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is a remake of the highest caliber, with welcome additions that still manage to stay in tune with the original.

GameSpace - Robert Lashley - 8 / 10.0

It took me a little under 30 hours to complete the main game. The game was a complete saga. I bring this up because Nintendo has an aggressive DLC schedule planned for this latest Fire Emblem edition that may push the boundaries of decency. A season pass costs $5 more than the actual game. There are even two dungeons that are tied to the Alm and Celica Amiibos. This is another $25 if you want all the content for Echoes. All said that’s $110. But rest assured that when you spend your $40 you are buying a complete experience. Not a skeleton that will be fleshed out by nickel and diming you.

GameSpot - Heidi Kemps - 9 / 10

Fire Emblem Echoes' combat and exploration work so well that you won't lament the absence of the series' recent dating-sim whims.

GamesRadar+ - Chris Schilling - 4 / 5 stars

Far from the quick-and-dirty update it might have been, Shadows of Valentia is no Awakening, but an enlightening and worthwhile history lesson.

GameXplain - Unknown - undefined

Gaming Nexus - Russell Archey - 9.5 / 10.0

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is an enjoyable game despite a few changes to the gameplay.  While some strategic elements were eliminated, the game still maintains a lot of what made the series enjoyable in the past, plus throws in some new elements such as the third-person dungeon exploring.  If you don't mind the strategy being dumbed down a bit, Fire Emblem Echoes is still a great game worth checking out for fans and first-timers alike.

GamingTrend - Kyle Movius - 90 / 100

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is a quality Fire Emblem game, no doubt about it. It'll feel strange at first for those who started with Blazing Blade or a later title, but not in a bad way. Once you get used to its little quirks, any Fire Emblem fan will love this game. It's got an engaging story, likable characters, and multifaceted gameplay that stands together with the rest of the series in some ways and sets itself apart in other aspects. Whether you were looking for a change of pace or just more Fire Emblem, this game is sure to satisfy.

God is a Geek - Nick Gillham - 9 / 10.0

Put aside any misconceptions you have about strategy RPGs, Shadows of Valentia demands your time and will make you feel good for it.

Hobby Consolas - - Spanish - 93 / 100

Despite being a remake, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is one of the most outstanding games to come to Nintendo 3DS this year. Also it's one of the best deliveries of Fire Emblem thanks to inclusion of novelties as exploration in 3D and classic elements of the saga.

iDigitalTimes - Phillip Martinez - 4 / 5 stars

While the Nintendo Switch is getting a lot of attention, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is a great reminder that the 3DS can still deliver great games. This is the first must-own 3DS title of 2017.

IGN - Meghan Sullivan - 7.8 / 10.0

On the battlefield, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shades of Valentia is a delightful look into the simpler combat of Fire Emblem's past. Elsewhere, it carefully guides the series forward into new territory. There's not as much depth as I expect from this series, but whether I was exploring 3D forests, shrines, and caves in a series first, or learning first hand why Fire Emblem's early entries are considered a formidable challenge, it was usually good old-fashioned fun.

IGN Italy - Alessandra Borgonovo - Italian - 9 / 10.0

A game which is both old and new. And that's why it works so good even after all this years.

IGN Spain - Carlos G. Gurpegui - Spanish - 8 / 10

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is a nice way of playing Fire Emblem Gaiden but it fails to achieve the quality of the latest games of the franchise.

Nintendo Enthusiast - Shawn Long - 9.5 / 10.0

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia really surprised me. What I thought would be a simple spin-off game ended up being arguably the best Fire Emblem game I've played.

Nintendo Life - Morgan Sleeper - 9 / 10

As the last Fire Emblem chapter on Nintendo's heroic handheld, Echoes delivers a perfect swan song for the series' 3DS days. This is a satisfying, deeply strategic adventure with an engaging, personal story and beautiful presentation, full of appealing art and lovely details that come alive as you play. But more than that, it's also just delightfully different from its predecessors, in ways that only broaden its appeal.

NintendoWorldReport - Daan Koopman - 9 / 10.0

The game felt somewhat on the easier side and the dungeons could've had a little more to do. Those are minor things in a journey that doesn't slow down from start to finish. If you're here to be enchanted, Fire Emblem Echoes delivers in spades.

Parallax Live - Unknown - 77%

Post Arcade (National Post) - Chad Sapieha - 8.5 / 10.0

I'm already looking forward to replaying the scores of missions I'd already completed, this time with an aim to doing things a little differently and maybe saving some lives.

And if my eager anticipation to replay a big chunk of a game I just played isn't a recommendation, I'm not sure what is.

Spaziogames - Gianluca Arena - Italian - 8.5 / 10.0

Fire Emblem Echoes doesn't make a strong first impression, but keeps entangling the player fight after fight, for each hard-earned victory. It also brings to the table many ideas from the original title, and a slew of fresh air in a series that has seen four games in the last four years.

TheSixthAxis - Dominic Leighton - 9 / 10

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia manages the remarkable trick of remaking one of the oldest entries in the series, and making it feel fresh. The major differences from the other 3DS games may take some getting used to, but long time fans will relish the return of some purity to the tactical action, while this is easily the best-told story the series has ever seen.

Twinfinite - Hayes Madsen - 4.5 / 5.0

It's hard to say if the changes made in Echoes will be for everyone, especially fans that may have started with the more recent entries. Even so, it's refreshing to have a Fire Emblem game that feels so different, even though it's actually a remake of a 25 year old game. The spirit and backbone of Fire Emblem is still present, and it's an experience that only gets better the more you play.

USgamer - Kat Bailey - 3.5 / 5 stars

I both love and hate this game. The bulk of the package is so good that it's tempting to forgive its unbalanced difficulty. But alas, the combat comprises the majority of the game, putting Shadows of Valentia's more obnoxious qualities front and center. It's worth checking out, but be ready to be immensely frustrated.

VGN - Filippo Ceron - Italian - 8 / 10.0

Fire Emblem Gaiden was the most atypical chapter in the series, containing elements which were later abandoned in the future iterations of the franchise. Thanks to its renewed graphics and some features that make its gameplay less cumbersome and inflexible, Shadows of Valentia could be considered the sum of what Fire Emblem saga has proposed so far.

Wccftech - Dave Aubrey - 8.5 / 10.0

This might be the most well-rounded and best Fire Emblem game on 3DS. It's a good enough reason to put the Switch down and dust off Nintendo's dual screen wonder.


Basicamente hay por un lado los que no les mola que no sea un dating sim y que es demasiado dificil

Y los que se alegran de que el juego no sea un animebait y que ofrezca a nivel jugable lo que venía siendo esperado de un juego llamado Fire Emblem

En resumen buenamierda/10


Tiene guasa que las reviews que ponen menos de 9 sean prácticamente solo de gente que se queja de la dificultad y que es frustrante a veces, cuando sigue teniendo el casual mode para que los menos habilidosos puedan dejar morir a sus tropas porque en el siguiente mapa vuelve a estar sin muerte permanente.

Lo que sí que han quitado es el Phoenix mode, que hacía que al morir una de tus unidades resucita al turno siguiente FULL HP DERP.

Supongo que es buena señal si solo se quejan de eso, como dije en el HO de fire emblem, day 1 por aquí.


Solo una review comentando las recompensas, se ve que no son ellos quienes tendran que soltar 110€ por el juego al completo.

Hay quien dice que es dificil y le bajan la nota por eso, pero sin embargo se puede quitar lo de perder un personaje si muere y puedes grindear. Aun con todo, es algo positivo que haya llegado a occidente un juego de hace tantos años.


Los diseños son puro amor y me parecen mucho mejores que Fates porque han cambiado en la dirección artística. Todas esas armaduras clunky y las pegaso girls.
La dirección artística junto al voice acting y la agilidad en el gameplay que le han metido van a convertirlo en mejor opción que Gaiden.

Las quejas de la dificultad no las entiendo cuando se confirmó que iba a tener modo phoenix para los mancos. Que tampoco le veo sentido a un s-jrpg sin dificultad pero cada uno es como es.

Hasta que no lo juegue me abstengo de opinar pero parece ser que han demostrado que como en juegos anteriores de la franquicia, se pueden hacer romances (que los tiene el juego pero no gira el gameplay en torno a ello, son trasfondo y prefijados) sin meter denigrancias mentales como el minijuego de acariciar y un puto mundo burbuja sacado de dragon ball Z donde los niños crecen en 5 días listos para unirse a la batalla.

Otra cosa que estoy leyendo y que está gustando mucho es el worldbuilding y todo ese mensaje bélico e intriga política que tiene el juego.

But rest assured that when you spend your $40 you are buying a complete experience. Not a skeleton that will be fleshed out by nickel and diming you.

Y esto es lo que necesitaba oír, que los dlcs no son un recorte del juego original. De hecho tiene un capítulo extra incluido que conecta con Awakening. Dicho sea, ojalá no vendan ni un dlc (aunque siendo optimistas siempre habrá alguien que lo compre para subir niveles seguramente).

3 2 respuestas

Lo del modo phoenix lo puedo poner sin poner además un modo dificultad nintendo?



Le han metido un ligero lavado de cara a Celica en comparación a la original, sí. Se la han sacado con los diseños esta vez.


Sigue el phoenix mode? me suena haber leído que lo habían quitado en esta entrega, vaya disgrace fue para la saga.

2 respuestas

#7 Cmon, opciones de jugabilidad NUNCA son malas, si para el phoenix mode no tienes que joderte todo atisbo de challenge en el juego va a ser lo primero que voy a poner, si en vez de continuar con un personaje muerto lo que voy a hacer es reiniciar el combate no veo sentido en no activarlo e intentar ganar el combate con menos personajes

2 respuestas

Es cierto que todo añadido es bueno, pero para eso está el casual mode que no te penaliza al morirse tus tropas y seguirás teniendo esa satisfacción al terminar un mapa. En Fates fueron más allá y pusieron el Phoenix mode que resucita tus tropas a tope de vida al turno siguiente de morir, jugar a un sjrpg con algo así me parece muy raro porque pierde toda la gracia estratégica IMO.

Pero bueno que cada uno juega a su manera y se divierte a su manera está claro, pero me parece demasiado exagerado eso.

1 respuesta

#8 El problema es que así se pierde la tensión que existe entre una buena o mala decisión en el combate. Obviamente si ya hablamos de guarradas como que un enemigo te lance un crítico o acierte con un 10% de posibilidades, pues sí, es frustrante. Cada cual que juegue como quiera, faltaría más. Para mí el núcleo de los FE es la posibilidad de cagarla y perder a tu unidad.

#7 PLS

los diseños de este juego los pondría al mejor nivel de la saga. Ojalá mantengan a este diseñador para los futuros juegos y remakes.

1 1 respuesta

#9 Entonces ese modo no, yo me refiero a que si mueren, no mueren sino que en esa batalla no hacen nada mas

#10 Si y no, obviamente las malas decisiones se tienen que penalizar y entiendo eso que comentas, pero cuando empezas una batalla por quinta vez, porque llevas a esto en el equipo

y viene random pegaso desde la otra esquina del mapa y le suelta un truño en la cara y la mata te acabas cansando; o cuando el rng te escupe en la cara por 1293i2313123 vez

Porque seamos sinceros, ninguno vamos a acabar esa batalla con la unidad muerta; prefiero jugar con otro tipo de handicaps

1 respuesta

#11 haha a mí también me ha pasado eso con la fucking Olivia alguna vez. No juegues jamás a Thracia 776 porque ahí hay unos pegasos enemigos que aparecen por la retaguardia en un mapa sin que te lo esperes cuando tus jinetes están delante, raptan a tus curanderos y se piran corriendo. Jamás los vuelves a ver.

de todas formas Awakening tenía un diseño de mapas bastante insuficiente. Era normal sentirse frustrado porque la estrategia tenía ahí poco peso (solo las stats y el rng). Con Conquest (poniendo un ejemplo actual) si la palma una unidad es por culpa tuya. No te retienen información y la curva de dificultad y diseño de mapas son de los mejores que he visto.


Yo tambien jugaba casual porque eso de que se muriera uno y chao era asquerosisimo.

Eso si, siempre me he preguntado como serian las cutscenes si muere temprano frederick, lucina o lissa.

1 respuesta


Los protagonistas como Lucina por ejemplo no pueden morir, simplemente se retiran de la batalla si mueren en combate y en el siguiente mapa están disponibles, quitando ciertos mapas especificos que si muere X protagonista es game over.


#5 Por lo que leí en reddit hace ya un par de meses, es justamente ese capitulo extra lo peor del juego xD. Eso y que no han solucionado todos los problemas de diseño de mapas que tiene el original.

Los rediseños son lo mejor de la saga, a mi gusto.

Sin haberlo jugado todavía, no creo que sea un 9/10. A lo máximo un 8.5.


¿Si no he entendido mal vuelve a ser un buen FE y además no tiene cringe animuh dating stuff?


#13 Cierto, por ejemplo Frederick es como un consejero de Chrom y en casi todas las escenas sale hablando, supongo que si muere no sale y ya está xD porque creo que ese si muere no acaba el juego


Bastantes buenos analisis. Los lloros por la dificultad estaban cantados.


Pues me gusta lo q leo :D

Espero que MM cumpla con mi edicion


Muy buenas reviews, qué ganas de tenerlo.


Mejor que el original, que es bastante sidoso, ya es, así que podemos darnos con un canto en los dientes aunque sus notas no sean de sobresaliente

1 respuesta

Me espero a la objetiva opinión de Jim Sterling


#21 Como sabes que es bastante sidoso?

1 respuesta

#23 Porque cuando me puse a jugar a FE antiguos lo comprobé en mis propias carnes


IGN - Meghan Sullivan - 7.8 / 10.0

On the battlefield, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shades of Valentia

El nivelazo de las reviews.