Ronda de análisis de Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle


Después de desatar todo tipo de reacciones desde que fue anunciado en el E3, parece que el fruto de la unión entre Ubisoft y Nintendo es la sorpresa del verano cosechando muy buenas críticas por parte de la prensa.


Medios nacionales

Vandal - 8,6 / 10,0

Le hemos echado un montón de horas a Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, y os aseguramos que le echaremos algunas más después del análisis, que es una de las cosas más positivas que podemos decir sobre un juego. Lo nuevo de Ubisoft Milán es un título divertido, completo, original y muy bien ejecutado, hecho con mucho cariño y que podemos disfrutar incluso sin ser grandes fans de la estrategia. - Recomendado

El de Kingdom Battle es el triunfo de lo inesperado, como aquella vez que me sugirieron echarle una bola de helado de vainilla a un vaso de Coca-Cola. Una mezcla sobre el papel imposible, como la de combinar a Mario con los Rabbids en un juego de estrategia táctica por turnos, pero que contra todo pronóstico acaba funcionando a la perfección para producir algo fresco, novedoso y con carisma. Y es, también, una propuesta distinta que le viene de perlas al catálogo de Switch, uno que poquito a poquito va demostrando que Nintendo va por el buen camino y que han aprendido de los errores cometidos con Wii U.

3DJuegos - 8,5 / 10,0

Una cosa es una alianza estratégica y comercial, y otra es una colaboración real entre equipos de desarrollo. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle responde a esta última concepción. El resultado es un videojuego de estrategia y táctica que fusiona con extraordinario acierto dos universos, pero también dos maneras de hacer videojuegos: las de Ubisoft y Nintendo, que en realidad resultan no ser tan distintas. Humor, talento, accesibilidad y profundidad se dan la mano en un título duradero, divertido y de mucha calidad. Buenas noticias para Nintendo Switch, que suma otro gran exponente a su catálogo.

Medios internacionales

AngryCentaurGaming - Buy

Arcade Sushi - 8 / 10.0

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is one of the best mash-up games in Ubisoft and Nintendo's partnership, and is a surprisingly strong strategy game to boot.

Areajugones - Spanish - 8 / 10.0

Mario and Rabidds come together in a videogame with high doses of humor, entertainment and style. Ubisfot and Nintendo join forces to create a great exclusive for Nintendo Switch.

Cerealkillerz - German - 9.1 / 10.0

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is definitely offers the best from both worlds with a touch of XCOM. Tactical veterans will miss some challenge in most of the game but besides that the game is probably the best entry into the world of tactical RPGs. Also Super Mario and Ubisoft Fans will enjoy the amount of easter eggs and secrets hidden in the game.

COGconnected - 88 / 100

With every successive stage the potential dangers grow, and new ones are always being added to the pile.

Destructoid - 7.5 / 10.0

Other than the campaign there's some challenges to embark upon (which didn't really catch my interest), or a limited co-op mode. I'll be honest here, it's nice that they have it, but it's a little strange given that the story is single-player -- you'd have to catch your partner up to speed with your happenings unless they've played it. The learning curve isn't too steep (which is part of its charm), but I wish drop-in/drop-out multiplayer was just fully integrated.

Do You Even Game Bro? - 9 / 10.0

A trip to the Mushroom Kingdom by way of Ubisoft and the Rabbids, this risky move pays off with an addictive and challenging turn-based strategy RPG full of great fan service and more than a few laughs

DualShockers - 8 / 10.0

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle has a special charm to it, which is something I didn't expect to say when first hearing about the project. While the allure of these two franchises coming together may be the draw for many, the surprising depth to its combat and the replayability that it offers are the real highlights. The fact that Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle turned out as well as it did makes me hope to see Nintendo work with other developers again in the future to utilize their beloved characters in new, unique ways just like this.

Eurogamer - Recommended

This wonky crossover is the unlikely source of a superbly designed tactical combat challenge as well as a charmingly silly adventure. - Italian - 8.7 / 10.0

A quirky crossover that seamlessly blends two universes apparently far away, a compelling strategic game that despite its simplicity has a lot of depth to it (and one that could be a perfect introduction to the genre) and above all a production that truly captures that special, peculiar Nintendo feel: well played Crying Ubisoft Man, well played.

Game Informer - 8.5 / 10.0

While Kingdom Battle's puzzles won't win any awards, the robust selection of challenging tactical battles entertains from beginning to end

Game Rant - 4 / 5 stars

This zany crossover from Nintendo and Ubisoft goes beyond initial expectations, setting up one of the more accessible and enjoyable turn-based strategy games in recent memory.

GamesBeat - 85 / 100

The Switch has had a great debut year, and Mario + Rabbids is another, if unexpected, excellent addition to its software library.

GameSpace - 8.5 / 10.0

If you own a Nintendo Switch, you want this game, period. I didn’t know I wanted this mashup, but now that we have it, I can’t wait for the DLC, and I definitely want sequels.

GameSpot - 9 / 10

The unlikely collision of Mario and Rabbid franchises is delightfully charming, and features a deeply satisfying turn-based tactics system underneath its colorful skin.

GamesRadar+ - 4 / 5 stars

Mario + Rabbids gives you the action and strategy of XCOM in a way that does justice both to Mario and to the Rabbid's kooky style. Ubi's big E3 surprise is an unmissable Switch game.

GameXplain - undefined

GearNuke - 9 / 10

Despite being one of the most crazy collaboration so far from Nintendo, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle ends up being a highly competent strategy RPG with an addictive combat and progression system.

God is a Geek - 8 / 10.0

Easily the best game the Rabbids have ever been in and quite possibly Mario's best non-Nintendo spin-off.

Hardcore Gamer - 4.5 / 5.0

While not a traditional Mario or Rabbids game, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle contains enough elements from both franchises to appeal to fans of either series.

IGN - 7.7 / 10.0

Based on its colorful world, beautiful animation, and source material you might expect Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle to be “My first turn-based tactics game.” But you're in for a surprise: even for XCOM vets some of its battles are challenging puzzles. Some of its tougher levels do devolve into a trial-and-error slog, but a good mix of enemies, objectives, and character abilities keep things interesting.

IGN Italy - Italian - 8.6 / 10.0

Simply put: one of the best games available today on Nintendo Switch.

IGN Spain - Spanish - 8.7 / 10.0

Sometimes crossovers surprise us by bringing together in the same title two apparently disconnected licenses like these. In addition, the game allows us to see an unprecedented genre in the adventures of the italian plumber as is the turn-based strategy, and the result could not be better for this debut.

Marooners' Rock - 9.2 / 10.0

I can only hope this relationship with Nintendo and Ubisoft continues, because aside from Breath of the Wild, Mario + Rabbids is the best game on the Switch.

Nintendo Insider - 9 / 10

Whether you still struggle to comprehend the unexpected collision that the irreverent Rabbids have had with the Mushroom Kingdom or not, in Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Ubisoft Milan readily proves at every turn that even the wackiest ideas can result in a sensational experience. With infectious humour, it will soon win you over to prove itself absolutely unmissable.

Nintendo Life - 9 / 10

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is a must have for Switch-owning fans of turn-based tactical games. More importantly, such is the style and depth on offer that it's also ideal for those that haven't played much of the genre, for whom 'X-COM' sounds like a silly acronym from a war movie. It introduces the concept in the best possible way, and then utilises its own ideas for what becomes a smart and - at times - deliciously challenging experience.It's perfectly acceptable to be surprised by Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, as many have been since its E3 reveal. The end result delivers on all of the potential that we could suddenly see back in June; even if you don't actually like the Rabbids, this game - and its familiar Mario cast and setting - is so good that Ubisoft's mascots are likeable. Well, almost.

NintendoWorldReport - 9 / 10.0

The developers at Ubisoft Milan and Paris took their time to figure what works about strategy games and elevated it to a form that can be enjoyed by many. Add to that the pure cleverness of the adventure, and what results in an absolute must play for Nintendo Switch owners. This is the best game the Rabbids have starred in and they only needed Mario to achieve it.

Polygon - 8 / 10.0

Mario + Rabbids manages to walk a narrow road, offering up a legitimately challenging squad tactics experience without alienating the family friendly Mario audience. While it doesn't quite have the full layer of spit and polish of an in-house title, Ubisoft comes damn close to capturing that Nintendo magic.

Press Start - No Verdict

Ubisoft have crafted something extremely special in Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, and it's absolutely worth the time, effort, and patience to see it all the way through to the end. The references, the tone, and the way it all works with the Switch's portable nature makes it one of the platform's best by a good mile.

Saudi Gamer - Arabic - 4 / 5.0

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle smoothly merged two completely different worlds into a quirky, comical story with addictive gameplay. At the same time it managed to mold its own identity on a system that needs this kind of game.

Slant Magazine - 4.5 / 5 stars

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is one of the most creative turn-based tactical games in years.

Spaziogames - Italian - 9 / 10.0

A crazy and extremely fun mash-up, embellished by an excellent combat system and a compelling soundtrack by the eternal Grant Kirkhope.

TechRaptor - 7.5 / 10.0

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle gets more right than wrong in creating a casual and fun tactics experience, but tedious puzzle sections and a shotgun approach to Mario references holds it back from greatness.

TheSixthAxis - 8 / 10

As strange as Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle sounds on paper, there are some really good ideas in the mix. Having XCOM's battle gameplay presented in a more light lighthearted fashion and greatly enhancing character movement are both excellent touches. It's not perfect, but there's a lot to like from this unlikely combination.

TrueGaming - Arabic - 8 / 10.0

This game, all in all, deserves to be played even if you are not much of a Strategy games fan because Ubisoft had elegantly produced a "Nintendo" title which perhaps may surpass even Nintendo themselves if they had released a Mario game in the strategy genre.

TrustedReviews - 4 / 5 stars

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is yet another great Nintendo Switch exclusive, and one of the most original Mario titles we've seen in a long time. It may not do much outside of the core combat, but even that is enough to keep you entertained for its duration.

Twinfinite - 4.5 / 5.0

All in all, though, Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle is yet another fantastic game you should have in your library if you own a Nintendo Switch. It's clear that Ubisoft respects the sanctity of these iconic Nintendo characters, and the game certainly does them justice. Kingdom Battle might not be the most challenging tactical RPG around, but it does offer a satisfying combat flow, and provides ample opportunities for players to come up with interesting strategies and team compositions to complete a map with.

USgamer - 4.5 / 5 stars

Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle is a game that sounds like it shouldn't be any good. On the contrary, Ubisoft has crafted a charming adventure for Mario and its Rabbids. The game streamlines the strategy combat experience while still offering surprising depth. Its world is absolutely beautiful, full of color, life, and hints of Mario's long history. Mario + Rabbids has no right being this good. It's not perfect, but it stands as one of the better gaming surprises of 2017.

VGProfessional - 9.1 / 10.0

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is the kind of exclusive the Nintendo Switch deserves. Gorgeous, simple to learn, yet difficult to master, this collaboration between Ubisoft and Nintendo is a work of art that nobody should miss on the Nintendo's latest console.

We Got This Covered - 4.5 / 5 stars

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is an absorbing and addictive experience that combines unpredictable, tactically deep, turn-based strategy gameplay and dexterously imbues it with the humor and heart of a traditional Mario adventure.

Worth Playing - 8.5 / 10.0

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is another excellent addition to the Nintendo Switch's bustling first-year library of enjoyable titles. It does a great job of being accessible enough to lure strategy newcomers while also providing a good amount of challenge to vets. It comes with plenty of content to keep players going in solo and multiplayer modes, and every battle is entertaining. With a presentation that matches some of the better Super Mario titles out there, Mario + Rabbids is a perfect fit for your library.


Un juego hecho por fans, nada podía salir mal.


Mejor de lo esperado ...


Mañana me llega el mío y podré empezar a disfrutarlo.
Buen curro pezespada.

1 respuesta

#4 en verdad me editaron casi todo, credits al mod xD

1 1 respuesta

#5 No dejan volar tu imaginación :(

1 1 respuesta

#6 mejor así, que lo había hecho desde el móvil y daba bastante asco comparado con esto xDDD


Notas bajas para ser nintendo, se nota la mano de ubisoft.

1 1 respuesta

#8 Es que no es Nintendo. Es Ubisoft 100%.
Lo máximo que habrá puesto nintendo es algún artista para modelar entornos y personajes.


A mi tb me llega mañana, me jode darla 50 napos a bugisoft, pero este tipo de juego me encanta y tengo la switch cogiendo polvo


Lo que me jode de este juego es el season pass y el contenido de los amiibos (que son caros estos jodios xDD), pero el juego me interesa mucho para cuando me compre la consola de aquí a la re-re-revisión que seguro le caerá en cinco años xD (y aún así ahora mismo no podría comprármela, pero igualmente me interesa este juego).

1 respuesta

#11 prueba los XCOM, los tienes tirados para PC :wink:

1 1 respuesta

Me llegó, este mediodía Le doy y comento por aquí como va.

1 respuesta

#13 Por aqui no te va a leer ni peter, hazlo por aqui mejor.


quiero saber dificultad¿?

1 respuesta

#15 Pues tú sabrás. Quieres?


#12 Le tengo echado el ojo al 2 especialmente, pero hasta que no saquen una definitive ultra legacy & knuckles goty edition creo que no pasaré por caja, que me parece caro de narices con todos los "packs" xD

1 respuesta

#17 jugaste al 1? lo tienes incluso en físico tirado y con contenido adicional.

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