Ronda de análisis de Wargroove


A pocas horas de que se lance, la prensa especializada ya ha emitido su veredicto sobre el sucesor espiritual de Advance Wars. El consenso es que, sin superar al original, es un excelente juego con horas y horas de contenido.

Recordad que tenemos un hilo general de Wargroove para hablar de él en Mediavida.


Medios nacionales

IGN España 8.9 / 10

Wargroove se va a convertir por derecho propio en quien recoja el testigo de Advance Wars.

Meristation 8.0 / 10

A WarGroove no le falta de nada, es un videojuego notable en todos y cada uno de sus apartados, pero no termina de tocar la excelencia en casi ninguno de ellos.

Medios internacionales

CGMagazine - 8.5 / 10

Wargroove is a deeply engaging strategy game that has the potential to continue to thrive and develop for years to come with a dedicated playerbase of creators

COGconnected - 90 / 100

For those who are eager for a new turn-based tactics game that succeeds at trying something new, or for those who have been keeping an eye on this game like I have over the past few years, Wargroove is immensely satisfying and certainly doesn’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon.

Critical Hit - 8.5 / 10

Visually charming, deliciously deep and packed with extra content, Wargroove is a strategy experience that works comfortably at home or on the move.

Daily Dot - 4.5 / 5 stars

From all angles, this is an experience you can truly tailor to do just what you want it to. Chucklefish has packed this game so full with meaningful experiments—and things that are worth seeing.

Destructoid - 9 / 10

There's a lot to love with Wargroove. I definitely have my qualms with some of the campaign mission design and plot, there is so much here to love. I can't say that it's a completely innovate entry into the genre, but I think it's safe to say that Wargroove is a title that needs to be in every turn-based strategy lover's catalog.

DualShockers - 8 / 10

Wargroove: Who is it good for? Absolutely everyone!

EGM - 8.5 / 10

Wargroove might be the least original game I've played in a long time, but it offers fans of the Advance Wars series something we've been lacking for a while. Thankfully, Wargroove does add enough subtle variations on Advance Wars' formula to create its own niche, and multiplayer is much easier than convincing your other friend with a Game Boy Advance to buy their own copy. Even if you're playing alone, there's plenty to see and do, as long as you're willing to learn some hard lessons along the way.

Eurogamer - No Recommendation / Blank

Care, generosity and love have gone into this attempt to recreate some legendary tactics games, but is it enough?

Game Informer - 9.3 / 10

Wargroove offers several ways to get your turn-based strategy fix, whether it's playing through an hours-long campaign, creating your own scenarios, or playing online

Game Revolution - 4 / 5 stars

Unlike a lot of indie-level titles, Wargroove is truly fully featured. It's got a solid story mode, but that's just the start. The side modes and especially the map editor give you a lot of bang for your buck.

GameSpace - 9 / 10

Wargroove is the best turn-based strategy RPG that's come out in ages. With a near limitless content pool, a solid single-player campaign, and addictive multiplayer options, it should be around and entertaining its fans for years. Here's hoping it's the start of a new franchise, because I already want more.

GameSpot - 8 / 10

Wargroove doesn't shy away from its Advance Wars inspiration, but it proves to be much more than a mere copycat.

GameXplain - Liked-a-lot

Video Review - Quote not available

Gameblog - French - 8 / 10

It took a decade for the vacuum left by the absence of Advance Wars to be filled, not by a new game in the series but by Wargroove, an independent title that has all its qualities. The difference is the tone and look, the fantasy world rather than the military too, but for the rest, Wargroove is the turn-based tactical game that fans of the genre were waiting for, especially on Nintendo Switch obviously.

IGN - 8.5 / 10

Wargroove's brain-teasing tactics and impressive level editor make it the Advance Wars successor fans have been waiting for.

Metro GameCentral - 8 / 10

The best Advance Wars game never made and while there are a few flaws there's also plenty of new ideas and a mountain of extra content.

Nintendo Life - 9 / 10

As far as strategy games are concerned on the Switch, Wargroove is one of the best titles you can find on the eShop. Extremely deep and diverse strategy gameplay, ridiculous amounts of replayability, and charming presentation all combine to make this one an easy recommendation to anybody looking for a deep and cerebral experience for their Switch.

NintendoWorldReport - 9.5 / 10

Wargroove offers a robust and content-laden package that turn-based strategy fans will adore.

PC Gamer - 78 / 100

Brimming character and imagination, Wargroove occasionally loses its groove over long-winded core gameplay.

PCGamesN - 6 / 10

Chucklefish's strategy tribute does nothing worse than Advance Wars, and little better - instead, it's exactly what it needs to be to spiritually succeed. It's small, in both character models and design ambition, but it's probably going to be massive. Despicable.

Reno Gazette-Journal - 8 / 10

Wargroove is a fantastic game in the turn-based, tactical RPG genre and a great starting point for anyone who has never played such games before. It also has a high skill ceiling for those who consider themselves experts.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Unscored

In summary, it’s good and I like it.

Star News - 4.5 / 5

Wargroove will leave Advance Wars’ long-forgotten fans beside themselves with joy.

TechRaptor - 9 / 10

Wargroove is the turn-based tactics game you've been waiting for. It looks wonderful and sounds amazing, but it also plays so well. The strategy layer is deep but simple to learn. With several different modes in single player and multiplayer, there is something for both hardcore and newcomers of the genre.

TheSixthAxis - 9 / 10

In a world bereft of a new Advance Wars, Wargroove is a worthy successor. Its fantasy retro strategy stylings mark it out as a wonderful amalgamation of the classic Fire Emblem and Wars games, and while it doesn't revolutionise the genre in the way that the modern Fire Emblem games have it nails the feel of Intelligent System's best games – while standing proudly on its own.

Twinfinite - 4.5 / 5

The wait has been worth it; Wargroove is absolutely a must-play title for fans of the genre and just Switch owners in general.

USgamer - 4 / 5 stars

Wargroove takes a classic formula and repurposes it for a more traditional swords-and-sorcery fantasy setting (with battlepups). With its large number of modes and impressive suite of creation tools, it's almost enough to fill the Advance Wars-sized hole in our heart.

Wccftech - 8.5 / 10

Wargroove is the game fans of tactical role-playing games have been waiting for. The huge amount of content and play modes, solid gameplay almost completely devoid of RNG and excellent presentation make it a game that no fan of the genre should pass on.




Compradisimo!! Contando las horas!


Como les cuesta dar 9 a los indies xD

4 1 respuesta

#4 los maletines no pueden ser tan generosos


Aquí lo que mola es el Metacritic, que con un 86 ya puedes ir comprándolo sin miedo

1 respuesta

Estaría bien que en estos hilos de rondas de análisis se pusieran también la cantidad de análisis realizados para saber si está lo suficientemente contrastado.
Tal que así:

  • Opencritic - 85 (basado en 29 críticas)
  • Metacritic - 86 (basado en 24 críticas)

Que luego te encuentras cosas como Slay the Spire con un 93 basado en 12 críticas o Out of the Park Baseball 16 con un 90 basado en 5 críticas. Papel mojado básicamente.


#6 es una media de las notas de todas las "revistas" pero bueno está rondando la nota de press triangle to Disney Lo cuál está muy bien


Todo lo de Chucklefish es amor.

¿Se sabe si tendrá físico aquí en España? ¿Tal vez Avance Oficial...? :thinking: :thinking:

1 respuesta

no podrían hacer un juego así, pero que no pareciera que estamos jugando a la gameboy advance?

1 3 respuestas

#10 es el feel que están buscando para los fans de advance wars


#10 ¿Por qué? Ya de por sí las animaciones pixeladas del mismísimo Advance Wars (2001) son atemporales, basta con hacer lo que han hecho y copiarlo todo.


Ojala esta noche se pueda jugar


#9 no es todo amor , es el segundo producto de Chucklefish . Por lo menos esta vez si parece que han echo su trabajoy no se han pasado riedose del dinero de kiststarter para montar una editora en vez de crear el juego que decian .
Como editora pese no intervenir han tenido buen ojo a la hora de escoger , aun asi Stadew valley ya se ha marchado de Chucklefish , luego risk of rain es luego lo mas decente que tienen mas luego todos los de mas esta en "variados ". No confudamos las cosas

1 1 respuesta

#14 tienen wiychbrook en un futuro, no?

1 respuesta

#15 Si,"wiychbrook " intentado ocupar el espacio dejado de stardew valley en la empresa tras su marcha , aun asi siguen con los derechos en switch y en movil.


Uf, pillo sitio para muy posible compra.


Me parece juegazo, pero para móvil, para el resto de plataformas ufff.

1 respuesta

#18 Para switch me parece que encaja perfectamente.


sold, a que hora podremos empezar a jugar?


Está vendidisimo. Ahora a avisar a varios colegas que hace no tanto me decían que tenían mono de Advance Wars.




Veo que mis impresiones no se alejan de las de los reviewers. Y sí, el último punto en la score de 10 es obviamente un dlc que tienes que pagarle al periodista


#10 si no hicieran eso a la mayoría de gente ni le hubiera llamado la atención. Ataque a la nostalgia, es la época.


Me he pasado ya 4 niveles, no está nada mal. De momento me está gustando bastante. A ver como sigue para no caer en lo aburrido... supongo que metiendo nuevas unidades en cada misión y cambiando de ejército en momentos determinados...

Una pregunta: ¿las estrellas solo se consiguen a base de terminar el nivel en menos de X turnos o entran otras variables? No sé muy bien por qué me dan a veces 3 estrellas y otras 1 o 2. Estaría bien que tuviera "retos" por nivel, en plan: acabarlo en menos de X, acabarlo sin morir X unidad, acabarlo sin usar healing, etc. Entiendo que esto no existe, ¿verdad?


Continuamos en el #HG.

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