Saga The Legend of Heroes / Kiseki #HG


  • Trails in the Sky / Sora no Kiseki (PC)
  • Trails in the Sky Second Chapter / Sora no Kiseki SC (PC)
  • Trails in the Sky 3rd / Sora no kiseki 3rd (PC)
  • Trails from Zero / Zero no Kiseki (Finales 2022 PS4, Switch, PC)
  • Trails from Azure / Ao no Kiseki (2023 PS4, Switch, PC)
  • Trails of Cold Steel / Sen no Kiseki (PS4, PC, PSVITA)
  • Trails of Cold Steel II / Sen no Kiseki II (PS4, PC, PSVITA)
  • Trails of Cold Steel III / Sen no Kiseki III (PS4, Switch, PC)
  • Trails of Cold Steel IV / Sen no Kiseki IV (PS4, Switch, PC)
  • Trails into Reverie / Hajimari no Kiseki (2023 PS4, Switch, PC)

tenemos info de CS3 \o/

■ Prologue (A Rough Summary)

Septian Calendar 1206, spring. A year-and-a-half after the civil war, the Erebonian Empire made Crossbell into a Province, and several months later also annexed North Ambria Province to become the continent’s largest nation, significantly exceeding its longtime enemy, the Calvard Republic.

Meanwhile, the Imperial Government has centralized its power, and new problems of chaos and weakening arose in the areas once ruled by nobles. At the same time, the secret society Ouroboros broke its silence and began to move in secret in order blend in with the activities of the Jaeger Corps and the Calvard Republic.

Concurrently, Rean lands in the Imperial western suburb of Reaves. After graduating from the Military Academy, he began to walk the path of a teacher. Thors has transformed into a full-fledged military school due to the crown prince’s enrollment. In contrast to the main school, there is the “Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch,” which accepts noble children and foreigners who for some reason didn’t make the cut. The branch headmaster is the former Noble Alliance commander-in-chief. Among the three classes, Rean is in charge of the Class VII “Special Duty Division.”

The classes of the Thors II branch school are the Class VII Special Duty Division, Class VIII Tactics Division, Class IX Accounting Division.

■ Characters

Rean Schwarzer

“We’re newcomers all the same. Let’s sweat and improve together as friends.”

Age: 20
Weapon: Long sword
After graduation, he strongly desired to join the Imperial Army, but in order to save the spirit of Thors, and in order to not use himself or Valimar any more, he chose to become the instructor of a newly established branch school with an interesting backstory.

According to Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, Class VII graduated first, and there were changes in the relationship between Rean and Patrick due to the fact that Class VII graduated first. The former students of Class VII regularly keep in contact. And Rean’s ogre power is gradually becoming unstable and impossible to control.

Kurt Vander

“The Eight Leaves One Blade-style Professor Schwarzer, huh? I honestly haven’t heard of him.”

Age: 17
Weapon: Dual swords (huge)
A boy with rare, blueish-gray hair born to the Vander family, known as the military family in the Erebonian Empire. He possess ingenious dual swordsmanship skills and as one of the Vanders, was fired up with a sense of duty to protect the Imperial family, but after the end of the civil war and because of Prime Minister Osbourne’s strategy, the Vander family was dismissed of its employment as protection for the Imperial family, and he lost sight of his goal. After the disappointment, he tries to withdraw his entry to Thors, but at the recommendation of his older brother Mueller, he hesitantly goes to the Thors II branch school.

According to Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, his relationship with Rean, who is a master of the Eight Leaves One Blade style, is a highlight and unrelated to the Imperial military family. Kurt himself has a complex in that he considers himself smart. In battle, he is a balanced advance guard character.

Yuuna Crawford

“I can’t lose to the Imperials until I achieve results with Class VII!”

Age: 17
Weapon: Gun breaker (a tonfa-and-gun combination that can strike and shoot)
A girl with pink hair from the old Crossbell Province. Admiring the work of the Crossbell Police Special Support Section, she enters the police academy, but her dreams are crushed after Crossbell is occupied by the Erebonian Empire. After receiving a proposal from someone on the inside, she decides to enroll in the Thors II branch school in order to ascertain the current condition of the Empire as an aggressor nation. That person is a character that has appeared in the series in the past and is acquainted with Rean.

According to Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, she gets worked up about being from the Crossbell occupied by the Erebonian Empire. She is an “oneechan” as she has a little brother and little sister. In battle, she fights while switching modes.

Altina Orion

“Since you’ve joined the branch school, I think ‘Professor Rean’s Class’ is appropriate.”

Age: 14?
Weapon: Claimh=Solais

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III

A girl who belongs to the Imperial Intelligence Agency. Even after the civil war, she was completing various missions, but as a watchdog who monitors Rean’s activity and a partner, she provides support. Upon Rean’s inauguration as a teacher, she is sent in as a student.

According to Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, changes are starting to sprout her emotions and such while acting with Rean. Her relationship with Millium Orion and the secret of her own birth will also be depicted.

■ Other Interview Tidbits

A group drama will be depicted in the Erebonian Empire walking as a military nation.
The annexation of the North Ambria Province is one part of the Prime Minister’s bigger plan.
What Rean, Altina, and the headmaster were doing during the Northern War will gradually become clear during the game.
The headmaster is an unbelievably strong character who previously served as the Noble Alliance commander-in-chief.
The nobles are weakened by the reduction of the Provincial Army, but are beginning to make moves.
Olivert Reise Arnor is removed from the board members of the Thors Military Academy, the teaching staff has completely changed, and the military feel of the curriculum has been strengthened.
Since Trista is east of the Imperial capital, Reaves is the opposite side of the Imperial capital. The town is complete with facilities and has a high level of convenience.
The Thors II branch school not only has students, it also has characters from the series in faculty that you wouldn’t think of.
The Thors II branch school uses three classes as a single organization, which is different from the main school.
Wait for a follow-up report regarding the former members of Class VII.

H Y P E por ese Vander y en general el setting de nuevos poderes en Erebonia y con esa Jager corps personal de Osborne (heheheh). Me mola peeeeeeeeeero me ha hecho un trigger de mil demonios esto

Rean, who is a master of the Eight Leaves One Blade style

Espero que no se vayan a atrever a poner a Rean al nivel de Cassius o Yun Ka-fai.

2 1 respuesta

#691 Ostia no me había fijado en lo de "master".. Rean, el Divine Blade de la amistad :shutup:
Buf, cuanta info interesante xD


key visual, la nueva clase VII, la nueva academia Thors en el oeste de Erebonia y un trozo de Crossbell


So, por fin me he acabado CI&II, me da pereza escribir el tocho aunque lo tengo mas o menos pensado, así que resumen


Weee al final de resumen los cojones, lo envío así sin editar ni revisar, con todas las vergüenzas, y suerte para el que se lo lea porque ha salido sólo

Resumen de verdad:
SC >> FC >>>>>>>>>>> CS2 > CS1


Tiene que ser duro vivir equivocado

8 días después

Si Tita es >esa Tita (cosa probable) también estará Agate


Sabía que no iban a desaprovechar la oportunidad de poner a una Tita desarrollada. God bless.


El final de TiTS FC



Pues uno más que se une al hilo recién terminado el Cold Steel II y con el todos los de la saga en un idioma entendible disponibles por ahora.

En cuanto a Steel II que es el que tengo fresco recién pasado

La verdad muy contento con haberle dado una oportunidad a la saga, me costó empezar con el allá por el 2015 con Trails in the sky al principio porque visualmente estaba muy desfaso, pero cuando llevas un par de horas y vas viendo el mundo y los personajes te engancha rápido y ya del tirón hasta el final con su cliffhanger del averno vino el SC prácticamente seguido, que aun disfrute más que el primero. Va ser difícil de superar la experiencia que te da esta saga en un futuro.
Si tuviera que ponerlos en orden de mejor a peor para mí:

Después de haberlos jugado los 4 prácticamente del tirón sin tener que esperar a que salgan nuevos se va hacer muy duro esperar años para poder jugar a los siguientes, TiTs3/ToCS3.

Añadir que espero que el ToCS3 al ser en ps4 salga con ambos doblajes (se sabe algo?), porque después de jugar cientos de horas al Tocs1 y 2 con voces en japonés UNDUB que ya les coges cariño, tener que jugar al 3 con las voces en ingles que son desconocidas para mi puede ser un bajón importante.

2 1 respuesta

#700 Dual audio por parte de xseed olvidate mas cuando no hay precedente; pero igual para cuando salga el 3, al ser nuevo nuevo hay posibilidad de o versión de pc o de que ya haya chanchullos para hacer con ps4(que los empieza a haber)

Las voces inglesas las he escuchado luego y son del nivel de alguna mierda de compile, va a ser imposible acostumbrarse


Dado como llevan la localización del juego no me sorprendería que dieran una fecha




2 respuestas



#704 3 de mayo???

Is this real life?!!?!


Persona 5 ya tiene fecha límite


Yessssss, por fin uno de los buenos



Don't let your dreams be dreams.


El mundo puede ser un lugar maravilloso.


arriba a la derecha, no ha crecido ni un centímetro


Por no crecer no parece que le hayan crecido ni los pechos, cosa casi obligatoria en la industria cuando hacen secuelas que pasan los años para los protagonistas.


Están dando mucha info de Sen III en este hilo -->


Las 2 primeras horas de the 3rd del stream del otro día jugadas por Hatsuu


quiero proteger su cabello


Towa, Aurelie y Green looks amazing, a cuchillos mc guadañas se lo ve venir desde aquí

todo pinta genial, DADMELO


Girl of the fucking forever, do not steal


Encuesta de juegos más esperados, Sen 3 primero, VII Remake segundo y DQXI tercero

Japón está desarrollando buen gusto y todos los que se cabrearon por hacerlo exclusivo de PS4 escondidos en el rincón. Sen 3 va a ser ENORME por allí.


El rey en su trono y la plebe detrás.