Si Dark Souls, Bloodborne y Elden Ring fueran películas de los 80


Hilo dedicado a todos los fans de la fantasía de los 80.

Imágenes generadas por IA.

Dark Souls / Bloodborne

0:00 Silver Knight guarding Anor Londo (DS3)
0:05 Farron Keep
0:10 Undead Parish Hallway
0:15 Firelink Shrine side area with Frampt (DS1)
0:20 Anor Londo (DS1)
0:25 Firelink Shrine Interpretation (DS1 or DS3, take you pick!)
0:30 Our favourite Dark Souls lore nerd (Zulie the Witch, DS2)
0:35 Amzing chest ahead (Gwynevere, DS1)
0:40 The hallway before Wolnir (DS3)
0:45 The Abys Watchers (DS3, not sure why the goofy one on the right genereated yellow lmao)
0:50 The Tomb of Gwyn (DS3)
0:55 Cathedral of the Deep (DS3)
1:00 Cathedral of the Deep 2 (DS3)
1:05 Anor Londo, sort of (DS3)

Elden Ring

0:00 Limgraave
0:05 Church of Elle
0:10 Merchant Kalé
0:15 Yura in the Land of Reeds
0:20 Gatefront Ruins
0:25 Melina
0:30 Roderika
0:35 Stormveil Castle
0:40 Nepehli Loux and the Goofy Tarnished
0:45 Brother Corhyn (I asked it to make a priest, what can I say? lmao)
0:50 Liurnia of the Lakes
0:55 Hand Monster (Using the fact AI can't generate hands to my advantage!)
1:00 Hand Monsters
1:05 Acadamy Student
1:10 Sellen (Unmasked)
1:15 Loretta
1:20 Ranni (The AI is racist against blue people, it didn't want to generate it properly)
1:25 Caelid
1:30 Caelid 2
1:35 The Lake of Rot
1:40 Melenia, Blade of Miquella

0:00 Blaidd
0:05 Alexander Iron Fist
0:10 Millicent (Kinda cheated to generate this one, bumped up the image influence as I wasn't getting what I wanted for a long time)
0:15 Selia, Town of Sourcery
0:20 Chad McChadington (Let Me Solo Her)
0:25 Crumbling Farum Azula
0:30 Marika
0:35 Black Knife Assasin
0:40 Radagon
0:45 Radagon (This one goes hard)
0:50 Rykard, Lord of...probably not blasphomy by the looks of it. The AI REALLY didn't want to generate Rykard
0:55 Varé
1:00 Little Bastards
1:05 Opera Bat Lady
1:10 Night Cavalry
1:15 Get Mohged Palace
1:20 Mt. Gelmir Campsite
1:25 Godskin...something. Yep, the AI gave me something real interesting here lmao
1:30 Godskin Apostle
1:35 Banished Knight
1:40 Margitt/Morgott. It's an interesting take, that's for sure...

0:00 Ancestor spirits
0:10 Tarnished and Torrent riding through Siofra
0:15 Hallowhorn Grounds
0:30 I am in severe pain I broke my legs 500 times to get here (Mogh's Incel Basement)
0:35 Leyndell
0:40 Leyndell
0:45 Raya Lucaria
0:50 Raya Lucaria
0:55 Debate Parlour
1:00 Queen Marika
1:05 Godfrey
1:10 Godfrey
1:15 Fia
1:20 Fia
1:25 Rogier
1:30 Rogier
1:35 Rykard, Lord of Slightly More Blasphamy than in the last video
1:40 Yura, bloody finger hunter (and bloody pain in the ASS to generate because of his damn hat!)


Pues ahí va mi productividad de hoy, gracias @TRON


Otro de Dark Souls:

0:00 - Undead Burg
0:05 - Undead Merchant
0:10 - Hollow Warrior
0:15 - Hollow Soldier
0:20 - Taurus Demon
0:25 - Capra Demon
0:30 - The Graveyard by Firelink Shrine
0:35 - The Catacombs
0:40 - Valley of Drakes
0:45 - Darkroot Garden
0:50 - Big Hat Logan
0:55 - Kingseeker Frampt
1:00 - Darkstalker Kaathe (1)
1:05 - Darkstalker Kaathe (2)
1:10 - Artorias the Abysswalker
1:15 - Batwing Demon
1:20 - Ash Lake
1:25 - New Londo Ruins
1:30 - Blighttown
1:35 - Lower Undead Burg
1:40 - Solaire of Astora
1:45 - Lost Izalith (Weird Split Screen Effect)
1:50 - Trusty Patches




Mis dies. Es como viajar en el tiempo.


Buenisimo. Ya tengo algo que ver a la noche en la camita 👍🏻👍🏻


el generador de fotos de la IA de películas ochenteras asusta de lo bien que cuela, hay por ahi muchos intentos de colar fotogramas generados por la IA como películas nicho


Buenísimo @TRON


Molan bastante, me imagino en el futuro fenomenos fans y haters de las IAs, del estilo "DALL-E es una puta mierda sobrevalorada, como Salvador Dalí".


Alucinante 😯


Me he quedado embobado viéndolo, increíble.

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