SimCity 5 #HO

Este es el hilo para hablar de SIMCITY 5. Está bien si lo comparáis o hacéis referencias con otros juegos o sus precursores pero no empecéis a discutir en este hilo sobre otros juegos en exclusiva, que para eso están sus respectivos hilos o podéis abrirles uno.

Este es el último aviso, cualquier post no relacionado con SimCity en lo más mínimo tendrá punish asegurado.


kokuo actualmente

3 1 respuesta

#1051 ahahahhahahahahah epic xD
notch le tiene envidia ya

Kokuo, financiate el psychonauts 2 xD


Jajaja, que bueno :P

Aunque la verdad no es tan "Homerosa" (en mi bolsillo va menos de 1/5 del total...).

Pero bueno, ya que yo tambien soy gamer, solo la gracias que la gente me da por permitirle de comprar un juego de 82€ por mucho menos me vale (y el 1/5 del total, claro :P).

Un saludo

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#1054 A ver cuanto dura xD


Comprado a kokuo sin ningún problema. 100% recomendable!


Habrá segunda beta cerrada.


Será mas completa o igual de demo limitado que la anterior?


Desde las 15:00 del sábado 16 hasta las 15:00 del domingo 17, hora española. 24 horas.

Enlace para que os apuntéis:

The beta will feature an enhanced version of the one-hour gameplay segment from the first closed beta session in January.

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Unos pantallazos nuevos:

A #SimCity hospital with ambulance, patient rooms, surgery center, wellness center, emergency room & diagnostic labs.

Looking out across one of our newer regions. Love this view.

I've been drawing roads while zoomed all the way in lately; you get a better sense of the terrain that way


#1059 Gracias por avisar

For a limited time, pre-order SimCity to guarantee your spot in the upcoming beta!

Esperemos tenerla asegurada :D

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#1061 De nada :)

Maxis and EA Australia are very excited to let you know that SimCity has just gone gold! So excited, in fact, that they have a few accompanying announcements…
Firstly, there will be a second closed beta (which won’t exactly mean a lot to the majority of you) held for another 24 hour period, starting February 17th. You may be asking, ‘why hold a beta now when the game is already being manufactured?’. Well, this will undoubtedly benefit the team in determining the right future tweaks on the multiplayer/networking side of things.
Second comes the first footage of the Limited Edition content, the ‘Heroes and Villains’ set. This set will alter your gameplay experience as you will be able to create organized crime within your city (we know how many of you just want to create a dump of a town!) and also upgrade your police force to superhero level.
You do this by placing the evil lair of the dastardly Dr. Vu or the Super Hero HQ of the one and only ‘Maxis Man’ respectively. Get rich in high-tech to promote Dr. Vu’s robot army production and/or fight all crime and protect your city…you can even set up this mega confrontation between the two entities!
SimCity will be available March 7th on PC, and the best part is…if you pre-order now, you get the Limited Edition at no extra cost! Also, check out the ‘Heroes and Villains’ gameplay trailer below, which shows our special villain and hero arch enemies in action!

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Joder por fin he podido ver el dichoso video xD

La verdad es que estoy un poco decepcionado, me esperaba cosas realistas no movidas raras como en los sims (Si, ya se que se llama Sim City). Espero que se pueda elegir si quieres este tipo de cosas en tus mapas o no.

EDIT: #1065, Si, eso acabo de leer en #1062. Menos mal, mejor asi y que tu decidas como de realista quieres que sea tu ciudad

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#1063 Imagino que decides tu al construir sus edificios

Fu! me equivoqué al hacer click :( soz

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Q: How long does the beta run?
A: The Closed Beta is open from Saturday February 16 6AM PST (1300GMT / 1400CET / 2200EAT) to Sunday February 17 6AM PST (1300GMT / 1400CET / 2200EAT).
Q: I want to be part of the beta, what can I do to get in?
A: We are accepting applicants at until 6AM PST (1400GMT / 1500CET / 2300EAT) on Monday, February 11.
Q: I registered for the beta, when will I receive my code?
A: If you have been selected, you will receive an email during Saturday February 16 with your unique redemption code and instructions how to join the beta. We want to get as many fans into the beta as possible, but we can only invite a small group of fans to participate.
Q: Why is there another beta? What’s the purpose of this beta?
A: We learned a great deal from our first Closed Beta and have set-up a second beta for the primary purpose of testing our servers. We have added more capacity to our servers in order to accommodate the flow of players. This beta will help us stress test them.
Q: Is this the same experience as before?
A: We have implemented changes based on user feedback from our first Closed Beta. Players who participated in the first Closed Beta will notice improvements in the game when they use the zoning and road tools, alongside the hundreds of bug-fixes as well.
Q: Why is this beta only 24-hour when the previous one was two days?
A: This Closed Beta was created specifically to test the server. We will only need a 24 hour period in order to do it and we chose a day that will allow for a largest number of players.
Q: Will other items be unlocked?
A: This is the same build as the previous beta. Previous items that were locked are still locked. We did incorporate a number of fixes resulting from found bugs and feedback from the first Closed Beta.
Q: What’s new in this SimCity?
A: SimCity delivers unprecedented depth of simulation with the new GlassBox Engine, where everything is simulated, from up to 100,000 individual Sims in a city, to every Kilowatt of power pulsing through a region of cities. The model-like world and detail of the simulation make this the most responsive and personal SimCity ever. This is also the most expansive city management game yet where multi-city gameplay across regions delivers a larger playing field. Play a single city or up to 16 cities at once each with different specializations, it’s your choice.
Multiplayer is also a first for the series, adding a new dimension to the game, as decisions impact both the city and the region, creating new ways to play by collaborating or competing to earn achievements. Finally, SimCity is a live service that simulates real-time updates and pushes them to players in the form of new challenges. Through this platform, Maxis is also able to provide a continuous stream of new gameplay features and content. Whether you play by yourself, with your friends or the rest of the world, SimCity introduces an infinite world of possibilities.
Q: What’s in the beta?
A: Here’s the answer straight from Lead Producer Kip Katsarelis: The Closed Beta is an important step for us as we approach our launch date for SimCity. We’ve crafted a one hour replayable experience that will let you enjoy the magic of the game and allow us to test critical features. Everyone will go through our “Getting Started Scenario”, which takes you through the basics of how to play the game and gives you a sneak peak at some late game content. After that, you’re free to start your own city and play for one hour. We’ve given you all the tools to build up a medium density city, given access to the Casino Big Business, all of the basic services, loads of public transportation options, and several options on how you can power your city. You can start up as many cities as you like during the beta. We encourage you to try to build different types of cities, explore the leaderboards and try to beat the Global Challenge! By putting these features through a rigorous test, you’re doing us a huge service. Your feedback will go directly to the Development Team and make an impact on future updates. By playing the game you’ll be testing our online servers, helping ensure a smooth launch.
Q: Is the beta English only?
A: This Closed Beta will offer multi-language support.
Q: Is there a Mac beta client?
A: No, this beta is exclusively for PC users.


Ya me he registrado para la beta 2, a ver si hay suerte... En la otra, si no llega a ser por el concurso ese de Facebook, no llego a tenerla xD


Me he registrado para la beta pero no me ha pedido ni email ni nada y que yo sepa no estaba logueado en su web :S

#1069 No lo tengo abierto

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#1068 va logueado por origin

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¿Un día de beta? Y además para probar la chorrada esa de Héroes y Villanos que a mí personalmente no me interesa nada. Cada vez se esfuerzan menos xD

Parecía todo más bonito antes de que empezara. Preveo expansiones para hacer el juego consistente al igual que pasa con Sims 3 por doquier.

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Comprado a KoKuo con 0% de problemas. Muchísimas gracias!!!!


#1035 No es la giralda de Sevilla, sino la de Kansas city que por cierto fue demolida hace unos años. Fue construida allí por el tema de que Sevilla y Kansas city son ciudades hermandadas. A no sotros nos dieron un hombre de bronce estúpido que tenemos en una rotonda.

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Y ahora sacan Cities XL Platinum, casualidad? lol pero por 4€ se lo compro xD

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Eso de las 5000 expansiones es que ni se duda, vamos va a pasar 100% seguro.


Le he dado al pre-purchase por curiosidad y casi me da algo al ver el precio.

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#1072Aquí fue donde lo vi y la verdad es que no especifican si es de Sevilla o de Kansas. Pero teniendo en cuenta que son norteamericanos (y el resto del mundo no suele existir para muchos de ellos) no me extrañaría que tuvieras toda la razón.

No sabía que hubiera una réplica de La Giralda en Kansas. Ni siquiera sabía que las ciudades estaban hermandadas… esto explica que exista la Av. Kansas City en Sevilla… XD

En fin, interesante dato. Vergüenza que siendo sevillano no lo conociera xD

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en gocdkeys está por 29€ la limited pre-order, el precio oficial es una locura sin sentido.

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#1076 De todas formas no me las voy a dar de guay, pero yo creo que es la de kansas city, pero vamos todo es comprarlas.

Y añado, de todas formas irán a ponerla caricaturizada, asique da igual porque evidentemente la giralda no se ilumina por dentro y menos de esa forma xD Y como dato curioso, al rededor del mundo hay muchas "giraldas".


#1077 Mmm..resulta atractivo.

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Una vez que has hecho la pre-order(la he pillado en mysteam) como va el tema? si es una key donde hay que meterla cuando saquen el juego??

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