Bueno, copio la noticia tal y como la puse en la web del clan élite www.wc3elite.net
"Pues si, a Elakeduck, quien ha entrado recientemente en el clan SK y poco despues de que blizzard baneara de nuevo un monton de cuentas y cd-keys, HA PERDIDO LAS STATS de su cuenta de http://www.battle.net/war3/ladder/w3xp-player-stats.aspx?Gateway=Northrend&PlayerName=lastorcstanding , aún no se sabe nada sobre seguro pero es muy posible que duck usara hacks, se esta estudiando el caso por parte de SK pero todavía no se sabe nada sobre seguro, podemos ver estas palabras de kidartica:
"For those screaming for a statement, I am currently in China and the internet here is not optimal. The issue just recently came to my attention, and I have other things that need to be given first priority while I am away. Though we are looking into the matter.
A couple of things:
1) Unless you know exactly how Blizzard scans for hackers, you should be cautious when talking about it.
2) Maphack is tied to account, not CD key. ElakeDuck has not been at home since the reset, so unless anyone has been to his home and checked, no one knows whether his personal CD key is banned or not.
3) Blizzard did not wipe all ElakeDuck's accounts, only LastOrcStanding.
SK.ElakeDuck. has not been used for ladder play, so it should not have any games to it. SK.ElakeDuck is not the SK Gaming player.
ElakeDuck is the SK Gaming player's account, and he did play two AT games on them. However, if you read the ladder rules, you find that "An
Arranged Team's win/loss record are only stored for 30 days after the team has last played a game." ElakeDuck's last game on the account was April 20, more than 30 days ago, so no, this account has not been reset for hacking.aka_elakeduck, 64AMD.ElakeDuck, Duck's 2v2 smurf and ElakeDuck[KB] are untouched.
4) SK Gaming will not rush to any conclusions. We do take this situation seriously, but condemning a player without even looking into it more closely would be quite unprofessional.""
Aún no se sabe nada sobre seguro pero a mi sinceramente no me tiene muy buena pinta, aparte mirando su cuenta de LastOrcStanding, http://www.battle.net/war3/ladder/w3xp-player-stats.aspx?Gateway=Northrend&PlayerName=lastorcstanding ahi veo que su ultima partida es el dia 26 del mes pasado, como es posible que sus stats desaparecieran y ademas esto ocurre poco despues de ke blizzard baneara un monton de cd-keys y accs en battlenet ?