The End is Nigh! (De los creadores de Isaac)


Lo nuevo de los creadores de The binding of Isaac saldrá en steam el 12 de Julio (Switch y otras consolas más tarde).

Game by: Edmund McMillen and Tyler Glaiel.

Music by Ridiculon
Voiced by Rich Evans

The End Is Nigh is a sprawling adventure platformer where the player takes control over Ash, one of few “things” that have “survived” the “end of the world”.

Follow Ash as he flops his way through a future of pain and suffering. Feel his stress levels rise as you throw him into an endless swarm of decaying, mutant animal-like creatures and help aid his final epic quest… to simply make a friend (out of pieces of people he finds along his journey).

Oh, also you collect video game cartridges and tumors! if that does anything for ya.


  • 600+ levels!
  • 12+ explorable chapters!
  • 20+ collectible and fully playable mini game cartridges! (each with their own tiny achievements!)
  • 80+ achievements that will make you feel good about yourself
  • 100s of collectible little squishy tumors!
  • loads of hidden extras and endings that you will probably see someone else find before you do!
    • and stress!



Acabo de ver el post de Astara, que alguien borre este, thanks! :/

Y mira que busqué :(


Me quedo corto de grafica... shit

Tema cerrado

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