La noticia original, en Polygon, explicaba bien claro que era un caso extremo, jugando expresamente para llegar directo hasta el final, con la dificultad mínima, y obviando cualquier contenido incluso relacionado con la trama principal, lo que hace sospechar que no era la primera vez que lo jugaba.
The playthrough itself isn't comprehensive, however. The player is not seen to examine many of the game's story-centric items and rarely dies. It's also worth pointing out one gamer has already achieved a platinum trophy for his time in-game, taking him roughly nine hours to complete in the first playthrough. Other reports state the game can take between eight to 15 hours to complete.
Eso sí, el titular bien escogido, clickbait de manual y la horda de comentaristas de titulares tragándoselo hasta el fondo.