Tráiler de The Gardens Between


Aventura narrativa con puzzles que trata temas como la amistad y lo que significa madurar. Saldrá a finales de año para PC.

The Gardens Between is an adventure puzzle game about friendship, what it means to grow up, what must be let go what should never be left behind. Best friends Arina, a headstrong girl, and Frendt, a boy wise beyond his years, fall into a lush world of mysterious gardens. The vibrant world grows around objects from their past to form curious combinations of time and imagination. Together they traverse a bittersweet story of friendship where the forwards and backwards traversal of time makes cause and effect malleable. Memories surface as the duo stargaze, illuminating the meaning and depth of their friendship.


Pues no se, podrían haber enseñado alguna mecánica.
Lo único que se ve en el trailer es literalmente 1 salto y 1 puente que se activa con 1 botón.

Por otra parte, estéticamente es bastante bonito. Antes de darle al play me había parecido pixelart.


Woah, rebonico!



Usuarios habituales

  • Dawfliz
  • Zariel
  • PoetaEscueto
  • Astara
