Palabras de Aonuma sobre el Zelda de Wii U
Can you tell us anything about the Wii U Zelda game?
“I’ll say more at E3 2014.”
Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker were very open worlds, while Skyward Sword was very closed. Is there a chance we’ll see that openness again?
“I think the most open-world Zelda we’ve had so far has been Wind Waker, just because you were able to sail the ocean and go all over the islands. When creating a game, we look at what is the core, kernel gameplay. You try to construct the game around that, and making that core mechanic the easiest to access.”
“For Skyward Sword, that kind of narrowed, focused world helped us with that, but at the same time it meant you didn’t have that wide-open world to explore. We’ve heard the complaint about lack of openness from a lot of fans. As we’re deciding what the core gameplay mechanic was, we have that open-world desire at the forefront of our minds, and we’re trying to figure out how to incorporate that as well.”[/i]
Parece que quieren seguir profundizando en los open world, Aonuma también ha dicho que le gusta muchisimo MonHun 4 y cuando un japo dice eso es que está metiendo elementos monhun en su juego.
Seguramente lo anunciarán el 2014 y saldrá el 2015.
“I think one thing that surprises me is how many encouraging messages I get when I just post something simple. Like, just at E3, I posted that I was really feeling the jet lag, and people were like, ‘oh, no that’s too bad,’ and gave me lots of pat on the back type messages. It made me realize that Zelda fans are just really, really nice. I didn’t realize they were such great people. When I’m at my job, and working on producing The Legend of Zelda titles, and Mr. Miyamoto is getting mad at me and stuff, then I get these encouraging messages it’s almost enough to make you cry, so it’s just really great.”
i want to fuck aonuma