Sekai ha anunciado un pepinazo...
In an alternate future where Nanomachines have helped shape a new world and humanity has embedded “always-on” access to the Internet, a virtual war is waged online. Using the aid of Nanomachines, a young boy by the name of Kou Kadokura seeks to restore his memory and avenge the death of his girlfriend, Sora, whose life was taken from her during the tragedy known as “Gray Christmas.” With a deep, story-driven narrative and the opportunity to pilot, upgrade, and modify their simulacrum (mechs), players will take to the virtual battlefield in top-down battles against virus-infected simulacrum.
WORLD END ECONOMiCA, the hit three-part visual novel series from Spice and Wolf writer, Isuna Hasekura, is coming to PS4™ and PS®Vita in 2017. The console and handheld release of WORLD END ECONOMiCA will feature all three chapters combined into one package and will be made available digitally on PSN and physically (in limited quantities) via a partnership between Sekai Project and Limited Run Games.
SakuSaku (Steam & Denpasoft)
A tale about Yuma, a second-year student at Mihaya Academy who has heard more than a lifetime’s worth of gossip, romance, and love-related troubles. And as much as Yuma would like to roll his eyes and toss his head back in exasperation, he has no one to blame but himself. By offering up a listening ear and providing personal advice to the girls in his school his interest in love has reached an all-time low. However, could a mysterious girl who believes in the power of love, but has actually never been able to fall in love, get Yuma’s heart beating once again?
From SMILE, featuring the vibrant and lovable artwork of Sayori, the creator of everyone’s favorite catgirl comedy series, NEKOPARA, comes the hilarious nukige tale, Boku to Koisuru Ponkotsu Akuma.
De parte de Degica:
At first, Takayuki Narumi is befriended by Mitsuki Hayase only because Mitsuki's best friend, Haruka Suzumiya has a crush on him; however since then, Takayuki, his pal Shinji Taira, and Mitsuki have grown to be the best of friends. Then one day, Haruka confesses to Takayuki her love for him. Not wanting to hurt her feelings, Takayuki agrees to go out with her. After a few incidents, their relationship gets intimate, even while Takayuki and Mitsuki begin to realize their feelings for each other. But suddenly, when tragedy strikes, things are never the same for these four friends again.