Warhammer: 40,000 Dawn of War 2


#1737 me jode eso, creo que es un descompenso total, ahorrar tanta energia es muy muy jodido, eso si, han eliminado la mayoria de cosas que tienen energia en t1, pero ya veremos.

Creo que lo que quieren es que haya mas guerra de guerrillas xD
Yo seguire con marines, tengo ganas de que llegue el parche.

Los eldar son supertacticos ahora xD seran dificiles de usar.

Eso si, las banshees como las hayan puesto como en la beta...hasta luego!!! XD


Gente como anda el tema? buen momento con el parche para volver a darle?


Pero que mierdas han hecho? se me peta continuamente los mapas, y cuanto mas bajo el rendimiento mas se me peta xDDDDDDDDDDD
Joder, que yo esto lo muevo perfecto con todo a tope... a alguno mas le pasa?


yo volvere a jugar , cuando salga el parche,xk no es posible, que tengo el doble de requisitos que pide el juego, y me vaya a trompicones,y esto me paso desde el ultimo parche


creo que son los últimos drivers de nvidia, no el juego en sí. Por eso dejé de jugar yo.


creo q son los drivers. A un colega le pasó lo mismo. Volvio a los drivers anteriores, y no problem


y de donde saco los drivers anteriores? xD que version? :/
mira que actualice el otro dia cojones...


mira en www.guru3d.com ahi estan todos


bueno señores, ya a salido los cambios oficiales de la beta 1.4,

no se van a integrar en el juego, primero se hara una beta, hasta el 13 de julio, despues ya se vera si hacen cambios y demas

todos los que tengan el juego podran participar en la beta, sigiendo estos pasos http://community.dawnofwar2.com/blogs/?p=722

mientras tanto pongo los cambios oficiales,

New Content

World Builder
• World Builder, the map editor is now available to allow users to edit, create, and add new maps to multiplayer games
• Open the world builder by navigating to C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\dawn of war 2\ world_builder.exe.
• Save maps to C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\dawn of war 2\Assets\Maps\PvP
• It is recommended to have an 8800 GT class video card, or be able to run DOW II with ‘high’ graphical settings

• Added 8 new multiplayer maps to the game
• (2p) Calderis Refinery
• (2p) Outer Reaches
• (2p) Leviathan Hive
• (4p) Calderis Refinery
• (4p) Golgotha Depths
• (6p) Calderis Refinery
• (6p) Angel Gate
• (2p) Legis High Stratum is now available for all Dawn of War II owners

Additional UI Content
• Added an RSS news ticker to the title screen that will show critical game updates, news, and information
• The Main Menu News tab is now controlled by RSS. You can subscribe to the RSS feed at: dow2news.relic.com/relic/dow2/news/english.xhtml
• Added a new PvP loading screen tip about Sweeping Advance
• The PvP loading screen now shows loading progress bars for each player in the game

Game Options
• You can now freely change the Number of Tickets needed to win a match (250, 500, or 1000)
• You can adjust the Starting Resources of a match to be standard or high
• Added the option to end a match by conceding defeat in Ranked and Custom Games in the F10 Menu. Team games require a unanimous vote to Concede.

• Various new pieces of wargear have been added to the Campaign. Can you find them all?
Observer Feature

New Fog of War Options
• Choose between both teams’ viewpoints
• New option lets observers see enemy movements beneath the Fog of War

Telecast Features
• Attention Arrows let telecasters highlight a squad, object, or piece of terrain with an easy click
• Large mouse cursors for Low-resolution webcasts

Improved Replays
• All new Observer UI features are also available in replays
• More options for removing UI elements let you make awesome screenshots of Dawn of War II action

Observer Hotkeys
• Hotkey “G” toggles the Fog of War
• Hotkey “A” tags a unit with an arrow
• Hotkey “W” toggles the size of the cursor
• Press hotkey “F” to cycle through the Fog of War settings
• Hotkey “H” toggles the Observer Panel Visibility
• Hotkey “T” toggles the replay speed

Referee Feature

• A referee is similar to an observer, except with additional functionality available only to the referee. Referees can send text chat messages to all players and they can pause the game.
• The action of all players is halted when a referee pauses the game
• Observer/Referee slots must be opened by the host
• Observer/Referee mode is only supported in custom, unranked games
• Referees are selected by the host. Any number of observers can be granted referee privileges
• Referees have the same hotkey functionality as observers, but can also pause the game by pressing the “PAUSE” key
Eldar Balance Updates

Global Eldar Balance changes
• Reduced the regeneration of the Seer Council from 1.5 HP to 0.5 HP
• Decreased the Webway population cost from 5 to 3
• Decreased the sight radius for the Webway from 20 to 5
• Changed the name of ‘Conceal’ ability to Distort Field
• Reduced the cost of Swift Movement from 120 Psychic Might down to 50
• Reduced the cost of the Crackshot ability from 150 Psychic Might down to 50
• Reduced the cost of the Distort Field ability from 175 Psychic Might to 75
• Increased the cost of Eldritch Storm from 650 Psychic Might to 750
• Reduced the cost of Seer Council from 600 to 450
• Decreased the Psychic Might cost of Spider’s Brood from 400 to 200

• The Banshee Exarch’s health has been buffed from 160 HP to 200
• Removed power cost on Banshee Squads
• The power sword’s damage has been increased from 34 to 37
• The Aspect of Banshee effect now increases HP by 20%
• To use Fleet of Foot Banshee squads require the Aspect of Banshee upgrade

• Doom Effect has been decreased from 75% to 40%
• Reduced the energy cost of Doom from 50 to 40
• The cost of Singing Spear has been decreased from 170 requisition 55 power to 130 requisition 40 power
• The cost of the gravity blade has been reduced from 200 requisition, 50 power to 150 requisition, 30 power
• The damage-reducing effect of Fortune has been decreased from 50% to 30%
• The energy cost to use Fortune has increased from 30 to 45
• The effect of Rune Armor has increased from 50 health to 100 health
• The energy gained from the Rune Armor wargear has been changed to +125
• Spirit Stones now cost 80 energy to cast and is no longer a limit break ability
• Spirit Stones now regenerate 60 units for the targeted unit instead of its previous 150
• Spirit Stones now heal 200 HP
• The suppression resistance gained from the Spirit Stones’ ability has been reduced from 100 courage to 50 courage
• Farseer’s Mind War supressing effect has increased from 20 courage to 100 courage

• Guardian squad HP has been increased from 90 to 100
• Fleet of Foot now requires the Battle Equipment upgrade to be equipped
• The cooldown time of Plasma Grenades’ has increased from 35 seconds to 60 seconds
• Plasma Grenades no longer suppress enemy units
• Guardian squad’s requisition cost has been increased from 270 to 300
• Shuriken Catapult’s damage has been increased from 12 to 15

• Reduced the weapon cooldown from 4 seconds to 2 seconds
• Decreased the unit’s damage from 180 to 90
• Increased the HP of Brightlance crew members from 160 to 220
• Removed the Beam Scorch ability from Brightlance Platforms

• Removed knockback from the D-cannon weapon
• Increased the HP of D-Cannon crew members from 160 to 180

• To use Fleet of Foot, the squad must have the Pathfinder upgrade
• Decreased the Health of rangers
• Pathfinder is now a Tier 1 upgrade
• Added Kinetic Pulse: a Ranger ability that fires a high-impact, low-damage blast of kinetic energy that can knock a single unit down
• Removed the Rangers’ Suppressive Volley ability
• Changed the cost to spawn a squad of Rangers from 360 requisition 25 power to 300 requisition 30 power
• Added setup/teardown time to the Long Rifle of 1.5 seconds
• Reduced the cooldown time on the Long Rifle from 7 seconds to 3.5 seconds
• Increased Ranger Long Rifle damage from 160 to 180

• The Scatter Laser’s damage has been decreased from 34 to 28
• The Pulse Laser’s damage has been decreased from 60 to 45

Shuriken Cannon
• Reduced the mid-range damage of the Shuriken Cannon from 1.6 to 1
• Increased the long-range damage from 0.15 to 0.2
• Changed the cost of the unit from 270 requisition to 210 requisition and 30 power

• The cost of the Witchblade of Kurnous has been increased from 125 requisition, 30 power to 125 requisition, 35 power
• The cost of equipping Warp Throw has increased from 100 requisition, 20 power to 100 requisition, 40 power
• Cloak of Shadows has had its requisition cost decrease from 150 to 100
• The health-regeneration effect of Channeling has been increased from 2.5 to 3

Warp Spiders
• Increased the HP of Warp Spider’s from 160 to 200

Warp Spider Exarch
• Increased Warp Spider’s Dual Deathspinner damage from 35 to 46
• Increased the Exarch’s HP from 160 to 240

Warp Spider Exarch (Hero)
• Decreased the cost of the Power Blades upgrade from 170 requisition and 70 power to 130 requisition and 45 power
• Decreased the cost of the Improved Warp Generator upgrade from 125 requisition, 40 power to 110 requisition, 30 power
• Group Teleport now requires the Improved Warp Generator upgrade
• Decreased the power cost of the Shimmer Orb from 35 to 25
• Units shielded by a Shimmer Orb are knocked back if hit by grenades or plasma devastator shots
• The cost of Anti-Grav Grenades has been decreased from 200 requisition, 50 power to 120 requisition, 40 power
• Decreased the cost of Improved Targeters from 100 requisition, 35 power to 100 requisition, 30 power
• Added a teleport effect to warn players of Warp Spider group teleportation target

• Decreased the damage of the Shuriken Cannon from 210 to 70
• Decreased the Shuriken Cannon’s cooldown time from 1.5 seconds to 1 second
• Changed the ‘weapon family’ of the Shuriken Cannon from heavy bolter to bolter
• Decreased the cooldown fire rate of the Wraithlord’s Brightlance from 4 to 2 seconds
• Decreased the damage of the Wraithlord’s Brightlance from 100 to 90

Fire Prism
• Explosive Shot has been reduced in damage from 120 to 70
Ork Balance Updates

Global Ork Balance Changes
• Buffed the damage of More Dakka, it now increases ranged damage by 25%
• More Dakka no longer reduces cooldown
• Reduced the wait time of the Roks impact from 2.1 seconds to 1.1
• Reduced the Waaagh cost of Kult of Speed from 275 to 125
• Reduced the Waaagh cost of Hide Da Boyz from 150 to 75
• Reduced the Waaagh cost of Use Yah Choppas from 150 to 75
• Reduced the Waaagh cost of ‘Ard Boyz from 150 to 75

Deff Dread
• Decreased the cost from 300 requisition and 70 power to 250 requisition, 45 power
• Decreased its HP from 550 to 450
• Decreased Buzz Klaw damage from 170 to 120
• Increased the Burnaz ‘n Bits cost from 50 requisition, 20 power to 200 requisition, 20 power
• Increased the effect of Burnaz ‘n Bits from 125 HP to 300 HP
• Reduced the Waaagh cost of the Rampage ability from 75 to 35

Kommando Nob (Hero)
• Increased the range of Twinlinked Shoota from 25 m to 32 m
• Changed the cost of the Rokkit Launcha from 105 requisition, 65 power to 150 requisition, 50 power
• Decreased the cost of Improved Camouflage from 100 requisition, 45 power to 100 requisition, 35 power
• Boom Time makes the Kommando drop a stun grenade upon retreated
• The Kommando no longer drops a grenade when he is killed
• Changed the number of Stikkbombs thrown from 1 to 5
• The damage gradient of Booby Traps now gives less damage on its outer radius and more damage on its inner radius
• Changed the damage of Booby Traps to 75/125/175 depending on the unit’s proximity
• Decreased the cost of Booby Traps from 135 requisition, 20 power, to 120 requisition, 20 power
• Increased the duration of Hide da Boyz from 20 to 40 seconds
• Removed initial energy cost from the infiltrate ability
• Kommando’s Extra Equipment increases the hero’s HP regeneration rate to three times his normal rate
• Kaboom damage was changed from 400 + 100 to 300 + 100

• Decreased the cost of Kommandos from 400 requisition , 75 power to 400 requisition, 40 power
• Increased the damage of the Shoota from 25 to 29
• Nob leaders are equipped with a hammer when the squad is upgraded
• Love Da Dakka no longer requires infiltration
• Reduced the Waaagh cost of Love Da Dakka from 10 to 5

• Decreased the damage of the Beamy Deffgun from 3.5 to 2
• Decreased the cooldown of the Deffgun from 1.6 seconds down to 1 second
• Lootas now have an infiltration ability called Hide Da Gunz
• The Hide Da Gunz ability requires setup time, but zero energy to use

• The Mekboy is now melee resistant like the other heroes
• Decreased the damage of the Shoota from 47 to 42
• Decreased the damage of the Beamy Deffgun
• Increased the effect of the Battery pack from 25% HP to 400 HP
• Decreased the energy consumption of the Battery Pack from 100 to 40
• Increased the cost of the Battery Pack from 85 requisition, 20 power, to 100 requisition, 20 power
• Decreased the cost of upgrading to the Beamy Deff Gun from 180 requisition, 65 power to 150 requisition, 40 energy
• Decreased the energy consumption cost of Electric Armor from 40 to 10
• Decreased the cost of Electric Armor from 170 requisition, 30 power to 120 requisition, 30 power
• Mines now have a setup time, deal minor damage, and suppress units
• The Kult of Speed ability no longer stacks
• Mekboy now has a repair ability

Nob Squad
• Decreased the cost of a Nob Squad from 600 requisition, 100 power to 500 requisition, 100 power

• The Aiming Wotz Dat? ability suppresses targets faster than before
• Reduced the Waaagh cost of Aiming, Wotz Dat? From 6 to 3
• Increased the damage of Shootas from 10 to 12
• Increased the cost of the Big Shoota from 40 requisition, 20 power to 75 requisition, 20 power
• Increased the damage of the Big Shoota from 36 to 37
• Decreased the Big Shoota’s range from 49 m to 43 m

• The requisition cost of Sluggas have been increased from 270 to 300
• Increased the damage of Choppas from 17 to 27
• Increased the cost of Burnas from 30 requisition, 10 power to 50 requisition, 15 power
• Decreased the cost of Burna melee damage from 45 to 50
• Decreased the Burna cooldown from 3 to 0.3 seconds
• The Slugga Nob Leader is now a stealth detecting unit
• Upgrading to a Slugga Nob Leader no longer requires Tier 2
• Reduced the Waaagh cost of the Recklessness ability from 35 to 18

• Decreased melee damage from 26 to 17
• Stikkbombas now throw 2 bombs per member instead of 1
• Altered the cost of Stikkbommas from 330 requisition, 10 power to 280 requisition, 30 power
• Increased the upgrade cost of the Bomma kit from 30 requisition, 10 power to 30 requisition, 15 power
• Increased the squad size from 3 to 4
• Decreased the population cost from 4 to 3
• Reduced the damage of Stikkbombs from 175 to 58
• Increased the range of Stikkbombs from 30 m to 50 m
• Reduced the Waaagh cost of throwing a Stikkbomb from 4 to 2
• Decreased the health of Stikkbommas from 200 to 150

• Choppa damage has been increased from 19 to 27
• Increased the cost of Improved Rokkit Packs from 25 requisition and 10 power to 50 requisition and 20 power
• Choppas are now categorized as power weapons
• Increased the cost of Stormboyz from 400 requisition, 20 power to 400 requisition, 40 power
• Reduced the Waaagh cost of the Bommaboyz ability from 45 to 20
• Increased the health of Stormboyz from 160 to 180

• Changed the damage type of Rokkit Barrage from rocket to artillery
• Increased the scatter reduction of Rokkit Barrage from 40 to 48 (scatters less)
• Reduced the Waaagh cost of Tankbusta Barrage from 25 to 12
• Tankbusta build time reduced to 6 seconds

• Increased the Bang Bang Hammer’s damage from 130 to 150
• Bang Bang Hammer hits now increases the speed of surrounding friendly units by 0.15 m/s
• Kustom Shoota now has a knockback ability called ‘Shoot ‘em Good
• Removed the passive knockback effect on the Kustom Shoota
• The limit break cost of ‘Cybork’ has been decreased from 800 HP to 400 HP
• Decreased the HP cost of Angry Bits from 800 to 200, you need only take 200 points of HP damage before Angry Bits can be cast
• Angry Bits now adds 1.5 m/s of speed to the Warboss when activated
• The Trophy rack damage reduction effect has been reduced from 50% to 25%

• Increased damage
• Increased the HP of the Wartrukk from 350 to 400
• Decreased the upgrade benefit of the Wartrukk’s Reinforced Plating from 300 HP to 200 HP

• The Nob Frenzy ability now makes the squad invulnerable for its duration
• Hammer damage decreased from 110 to 100
• Choppa damage has been increased from 75 to 100

Looted Tank
• Reduced the cost of the Don’t Press Dat ability from 70 to 35
Space Marine Balance Updates

Global Space Marine Balance Changes
• Decreased the Zeal cost of Angels of Death from 500 to 250
• Decreased the duration of Angels of Death from 15 to 8 seconds
• Decreased the cost of Assault Terminators from 700 requisition/ 900 Zeal to 500 requisition/ 500 Zeal
• Decreased the cost of Terminators from 700 requisition/ 900 Zeal to 700 requisition/ 500 Zeal
• Decreased the cost of Drop Pods from 500 requisition, 400 Zeal to 100 requisition, 200 Zeal
• Calling a Drop Pod no longer deploys a Tactical Marine Squad
• Drop Pods no longer reinforce Terminator Squads
• Removed the speed debuff on ‘For the Emperor’
• Decreased the cost of the Venerable Dreadnaught from 750 requisition, 750 Zeal to 700 requisition, 400 Zeal
• Increased the health of the Venerable Dreadnaught from 1200 to 1600
• Reduced the Zeal requirement of Blessing of the Omnissiah from 250 to 120
• Reduced the Zeal cost of For the Emperor from 125 to 50
• Reduced the Zeal cost of Laraman’s Blessing from 225 to 125

• Increased the health of the Apothecary from 500 to 550
• Altered the cost of the Power Axe from 80 requisition, 25 power to 100 requisition, 20 power
• Increased the cost of the Master Crafted Bolter from 85 requisition, 25 power to 125 requisition, 25 power
• Armor of Apothecarion now reduces the movement speed of the Apothecary to 15% speed; previously it rendered the unit immobile
• Decreased the healing effect of the Armor of Apothecarion from 5% to 2%
• Decreased the healing effect of the Armor of Apothecarion from 5 seconds to 3.5 seconds
• Decreased the cost of the Armor of Apothecarion from 200 requisition, 80 power to 200 requisition, 60 power
• Decreased the damage of Purification Rites from 50 to 30
• Decreased the cost of Improved Medical Equipment from 120 requisition, 30 power to 100 requisition, 20 power
• Decreased the effect of Combat Stimulants from 75% to 40%
• Decreased the energy cost of Combat Stimulants from 50 to 40
• Increased the cooldown time from 30 seconds to 40 seconds of Combat Stimulants
• The Purification Rites ability knocks back and damages enemy units that are close to the heal target

Assault Space Marine
• Decreased the squad cost from 550 requisition, 50 power to 500 requisition, 50 power
• Changed the Armor type of the ASM from Infantry to Heavy Infantry
• Increased the HP of individual squad members from 325 to 400
• Increased chainsword damage from 34 to 35
• Changed the cost of Melta Bomb upgrade from 30 requisition, 15 power to 50 requisition, 30 power
• Melta bombs no longer immobilize, but instead reduce a vehicle’s speed to 40%
• Melta bomb effect duration has been changed from 20 seconds to 15 seconds

Devastator Squad
• Changed the cost of Devastators from 345 requisition, 0 power to 250 requisition, 30 power
• Reduced the mid range damage of the Heavy Bolter from 1.6 to 1
• Increased the long range damage of the Heavy Bolter from .15 to .2
• Added the Vengeance Rounds ability: High damage barrage by the SM Heavy Bolter that does no suppression damage; it also does light damage to vehicles
• Added Advanced Targeting: an upgrade that allows the use of Vengeance Rounds
• Changed Focus Fire to Vengeance Rounds, adding +5 damage per hit
• Increased the energy cost of the Advanced Targeting Upgrade 20 to 50

Devastator Plasma Cannon
• Slowed the projectile speed of the Plasma Cannon from 40 m/s to 35 m/s

Force Commander
• Decreased the cost of the Stormshield from 150 requisition, 30 power to 125 requisition, 25 power
• Decreased the damage of the Thunder Hammer from 175 to 125
• Increased the energy cost of the Power Fist Flesh over Steel from 50 to 80
• Decreased the cost of Artificer Armor from 125 requisition, 25 power to 100 requisition, 20 power
• Added Teleport Ability to the FC’s Terminator armor
• Decreased the cost of Terminator Armor from 300 requisition, 150 power to 200 requisition, 100 power

• Increased the cost of the Razorback from 240 requisition, 40 power to 300 requisition, 60 power
• Decreased the health of the Razorback from 450 HP to 400 HP
• Reduced the effect of Extra Armor ; it used to add 300 HP, now it adds 200 HP

• Added Extra Armor, an upgrade granting the tank extra health

• Increased the damage of the Scout Bolter from 11 to 13
• Added Explosive Shot ability to Scout Shotguns, a conical blast that grants knockback
• Added the Advanced Infiltration Training ability, an upgrade that unlocks the infiltration ability for a scout squad
• Removed the AOE on the Scout Shotgun
• Increased the damage of the Scout Shotgun from 11.5 to 40
• Scout Sniper Rifles now have a setup and teardown time of 1.5 seconds
• Scout Sergeant upgrade no longer requires Tier 2
• Shotgun upgrade no longer grants infiltration
• Sniper upgrade no longer grants infiltration
• Increased the speed of the Scout from 6 to 6.5

Tactical Marine
• Reduced the Flamer cooldown from 0.3 to 0
• Flamer burst info values have been reduced from 3 to 5 seconds to 1 second
• Reduced the reload frequency of Flamers from 6 to 8 bursts to 10 bursts
• Changed the squad’s armor type from infantry to heavy infantry
• Increased the squad’s capping speed from 1 to 1.5

• Increased the damage of the Bolter; it used to be 42, now it is 60
• Increased the damage of the Plasma gun from 76 to 90
• Decreased the cooldown of the Plasma gun from 2.5 to 1.5
• Consecrated Bolters now require Tier 2
• Decreased the energy activation cost of the Brothers in Arms ability from 25 to 10
• Decreased the energy drainage of the consecrated bolter ability from 4/s to 3/s
• The Brothers in Arms ability no longer grants a cooldown bonus
• The Master Crafted Bolter no longer requires Tier 2
• Decreased the cost of the Master Crafted Bolter from 100 requisition, 40 power to 100 requisition, 30 power
• The Artificer Armor mines’ damage has been increased from 50 to 75
• Decreased the energy cost of Artificer Armor mines to 45; previously it was 65
• The damage of Bionics Powerful Sweep has been decreased from 45 to 65
• Decreased the effect of Signum Armor from 75% bonus damage to 50% bonus damage
• Increased the cost of Signum Armor from 135 requisition, 25 power to 135 requisition, 30 power
• Increased the Refractor Field’s ratio of damage taken to energy drained from 0.25 to 0.125
• The Orbital Relay Beacon now has a retreat toggle, allowing you to toggle whether or not you want to retreat to that point or the HQ
Tyranid Balance Updates

General Tyranid Balance updates
• Changed sight range on Capillary Towers from 20 m to 5 m

Tyranid Global Balance Changes
• Reduced the Biomass cost of Brood Nests from 225 to 100 Brood Nests no longer autoreinforce units
• Increased the health of Brood Nests from 200 HP to 300 HP
• Increased the cost of Mycetic Spore from 300 requisition / 400 Biomass to 400 requisition / 175 Biomass
• Decreased the cost of Warrior Vanguard from 500 requisition, 300 Biomass to 400 requisition, 150 Biomass
• Without Number now spawns Hormagaunts, Termagants, and Warriors

• Carnifex has been moved to Tier 2
• Thornback upgrade grants the Carnifex the Pheromone Cysts ability
• Pheromone Cysts allow the Carnifex to spawn Ripper Swarms
• Decreased Bioplasma damage down from 100 to 70

• Added the Screamer-Killer, a ranged Carnifex unit to Tier 3
• Screamer Killers are equipped with a Barbed Strangler
• Screamer Killers can be upgraded to equip Venom Cannons
• Increased the damage of the Screamer-Killer’s Barbed Strangler from 85 to 150
• Decreased the 8 m AOE Bioplasma damage size down to 5 m

Hive Tyrant
• Improved Synapse effect has been decreased from 50% to 25%
• Reduced the damage of the Tyrant’s Charge; previously it was 20, now it is 15
• Decreased the -70% effect of Psychic scream down to -25%
• Decreased the 160 requisition, 50 power cost of the Venom Cannon down to 140 requisition cost, 40 power
• Decreased the cost of Bonded Exoskeleton from 185 requisition and 45 power down to 140 requisition and 40 power
• Increased the Warp Field cost of 125 requisition and 20 power to 125 requisition and 25 power
• Decreased Bioplasma damage of 100 down to 80
• Decreased the AOE of Bioplasma; previously it was 8 m, now it is 5 m

• Increased the requisition cost of Hormagaunt cost to 375; previously it was 300
• Decreased the speed of Hormagaunts from 7.5 to 6.5
• Increased Scything Talon damage from 11.5 to 17
• Hormagaunt HP has increased from 65 to 81
• Added the Adrenal Glands ability, which increases Hormagaunt speed, and allows them to leap on opponents

• Lictors are now in Tier 3
• The Lictor’s HP has been increased from 600 to 1000
• Increase the damage of the Lictor from 51 to 75
• Increased the cost of the Lictor from 300 requisition and 30 power to 500 requisition and 50 power
• Flesh Hooks no longer knock back retreating units
• Removed initial energy cost from the infiltrate ability

Lictor Alpha
• Feeder Tendrils now heal upon successful hit
• Feeder Tendrils no longer heal when killing an enemy unit
• Decreased the 7% healing effect of Feeder Tendrils down to 3%
• Decreased the 20 second suppression effect caused by Scything Talons down to 10 seconds
• The 100 requisition and 25 power cost for Scything Talons has been increased to 100 requisition and 40 power
• Decreased the 130 requisition and 30 power cost of Toxin Sacs down to 100 requisition and 20 power
• Decreased the 45 energy cost of Toxic Cysts down to 30 energy
• Corrosive claws’ cost has been decreased from 150 requisition and 60 power down to 120 requisition and 40 power
• Changed the name of the Loner upgrade to ‘The Lone Hunter’
• Removed initial energy cost from the infiltrate ability
• Pheromone Trail no longer reinforces units automatically

Ravener Alpha
• Crippling Talons’ damage has been decreased from 110 down to 80
• The Crippling Talons’ slow effect no longer affects retreating units
• Acid Splatter’s damage has been decreased from 110 down to 60
• Decreased the Corrosive Devourer’s cost of 135 requisition and 60 power down to 150 requisition and 50 power
• Decreased the 150 requisition cost of Hardened Carapace down to 100
• Strengthened Sinew now grants the Fleet of Claw ability
• Strengthened Sinew no longer grants the passive speed increase
• Decreased the damage of Toxic Miasma from 15 down to 7.5
• The initial energy cost of Toxic Miasma of 7 has been increased to 10
• The Corrosive Devourer’s damage of 160 has been reduced to 100

Ravener Brood
• Moved raveners to Tier 1
• Reduced the power cost of raveners from 75 power down to 45 power
• Added the Ravener burrow strike ability, which allows Raveners to tunnel underground and knockback units at the target location
• Added the Enhanced Muscle Coil ability, which restores the original Ravener burrow ability.
• Decreased the damage of Scything Talons from 65 down to 35
• Changed Scything Talons to a power weapon
• Decreased each Ravener’s 450 HP down to 400 (the Squad HP is now 1200)

Ripper Swarm
• Removed the Ripper Swarm from the HQ

• A Termagant squad now costs 300 requisition
• Decreased the 7.5 m/s speed of the Termagants down to 6 m/s
• Increased Termagant’s 60 HP up to 81
• Added Toxin Sacs upgrade that grants Termagants the Crippling Poison ability, which slows targets to a crawl for a short period of time
• Decreased the Devourer damage of 8.5 down to 7.5
• Decreased the Devourer’s cooldown of 2 seconds down to 1 second
• Removed the Devourer’s knockback

Spore Mines
• Added Bio-Plasma Detonation, a new spore mine ability that allows them to explode for massive damage after a short build-up

Warrior Brood
• Increased the power cost of the unit from 15 power to 30
• Changed the cost of Warriors from 400 requisition and 15 power to 300 requisition and 30 power
• Removed Venom Cannon upgrade
• Decreased the squad’s damage from 25 to 22
• Decreased the range of the Warrior’s Barbed Strangler from 44 m to 30 m
• Changed the Scything Talon to a power weapon
• Decreased the damage of Scything Talons from 22 to 18
• Changed the cost of the Adrenal Gland upgrade from 100 requisition and 30 power to 200 requisition and 20 power
• Increased the damage of Adrenal Glands from 33 to 45
• Increased the Barbed Strangler’s damage per second from 45 up to 60

Venom Brood
• Added a Warrior Brood that comes outfitted with a Venom Cannon. Available in Tier 2
• Venom Cannons are now exclusively anti vehicle weapons

• Warp blast damage of 120 has been reduced to 70
• Decreased the cooldown of the warp blast from 4.7 to 0
• Decreased the vehicular damage of the warp blast from 1 to 0.1
• Focused Warp Blast damage has been decreased from 200 to 100
Bug Fixes

Ork bug fixes
• Fixed big stomp so that it properly animates and wears off at the right time
• Fixed an issue where the Beamy Deffgun could rotate on the spot without setup or cooldown time initiating
• Fixed a bug that prevented Kommando squads from upgrading to have a Kommando Nob Leader if a previous Leader died in combat

Eldar bug fixes
• Fixed a bug where Haywire grenades were not responding upon usage
• Fixed a bug where Haywire grenades were sometimes missing their target
• Fixed a bug when switching between modes on the Fire Prism
• Fixed Mind War so that it now simulates a weapon hit

Tyranid bug fixes
• Fixed a bug where the Carnifex was not properly affected by synapse
• Tunnels can no longer be repaired
• Fixed a bug where spore mines were unaffected by phase shift and anti-grav grenades in-game
• Fixed charge range action to work with squads
• Fix melee movement hitch for hormagaunts
• Fixed an issue where the user could see opponents through the fog of war during the first frame of the match
• Fixed a bug where purchasing the Lictor Loner (Lone Hunter) wargear would drain 75 energy
• Fixed a Lictor jump bug
• Fixed a bug that caused the Lictor to freeze when commanded to jump
• Sped up the pre-fire stage of the flesh hook attack, reducing the windup and ‘busy time’ for the unit
• Fixed a bug causing the Lictor to lock up if it fired its Flesh Hooks at the same time its target became unconscious
• The Lictor’s Flesh Hooks can no longer be used on generators
• Fixed the Lictor Alpha’s Terrify ability failing to work in multiplayer games

Space Marine bug fixes
• Fixed a bug where Melta bombs were not responding upon usage
• Fixed a bug where unloading a squad while throwing a smoke grenade caused the razorback to become unresponsive
• Fixed a bug where the apothecary heal ability counted as 2 revives
• Added minimap blip for relay beacons

General gameplay bug fixes
• Fixed a bug where build effect animation and audio still played after canceling a unit; it was an exploit in some cases where a user could lag someone else’s machine by spamming a build and immediately cancelling it, if someone else was attacking their base
• Fixed a bug where ability effects were appearing through the fog of war
• Race Headquarters can now be cancelled without spawn effects appearing
• Headquarters no longer regenerate their own HP
• Fixed an issue where retreating did not disable weapons properly
• Fixed an issue where units would become unresponsive and chase targets despite being issued commands to stop
• Fixed bug where the post game stats screen did not shutdown the name replay dialog box when another player forced it to close indirectly
• Fixed a bug that made units unresponsive if players triggered an ability at the same time an upgrade was completed
• Fixed a bug that caused leader-upgraded squads to lose their keybindings if all units, except the leader were killed
• Fixed a bug where squads would get stuck in their capture state
• Fixed a bug where retreating units slowed down due to other squads having the right of way when retreating
• Improved unit movement and added pathing fixes for retreating units
• Fixed a bug where a squad would automatically take cover if a retreating unit ran past
• Abilities tied to wargear no longer have their recharge timer visually reset when switching between wargear items
• Fixed a bug where a hero’s upgrade queue and spent resources were not cancelled upon death
• Fixed a bug that prevented units from throwing grenades on staircases and inclines
• Limit breaks are now prevented from charging while the limit break ability is active
• Fixed a bug where tanks would randomly turn when unloading
• Fixed a bug where walker vs. walker sync kills would not grant Waaagh/Zeal/Biomass/Psychic Might
• If a unit’s ability fails to fire, its energy is refunded and the ability’s cooldown time is prevented
• Fixed a bug where a unit’s ability cooldown was not being reset after the unit teleported or resurrected
• Ork Waaagh Banners, Ork Turrets, Space Marine Beacons, Webway gates, and Space Marine Turrets are now crushable by vehicles when they are being built
• Fixed a bug where you could see unrevealed garrisoned buildings through the Fog of War

Graphical bug fixes
• Fixed a bug where units using two handed ranged weapons would always be aiming while walking, and not in combat
• The Carnifex now appears as a triangle vehicle indicator on the minimap
• Fixed an issue where the scything talons animation was not synching properly with its animation
• Upgrade decorator added for Slugga Boy Nob
• Fixed a bug where HQ decals would revert to the default display when being re-shrouded in the fog of war
• Fixed a bug where a unit’s death animation would play twice if it occurred simultaneously with an upgrade completion
• Fixed a bug where Tyranid generators could be selected when the cursor was outside its bounding box

Text Bugs
• Fixed an issue where the chat box was not scrolling on game setup screen
• Fixed Seer Council tooltip
• Fixed a warlock text bug
• Fixed a Ravener text tooltip bug
• Fixed help text on the Warboss, Kommando Boom Time, Kustom Shoota, and the Shoot’em Good ability
• Fixed loota help text
• Updated several upgrade tooltips to specify if they grant abilities
• Updated loading screen tips to reflect newly-introduced abilities and tactics

• Secondary objective minimap pings have been updated to be better aligned to map markers
• Stalwart Companion will now add +1 Stamina on the barge, as a bonus the stamina will be removed when the Stalwart Companion is removed as well
• Fixed a bug where squads close to levelling are displayed as having levelled up when viewing the post match screen after losing a mission
• Fixed a bug where the undo button would disappear or lose functionality if the user allocated points for their squads while speech is playing on the inventory screen
• Fixed a bug where the client’s cursor disappeared when changing planets if the client was rotating a unit model on the battle barge

• Matchmaking has been improved to take NAT type into account during random matches. This should improve matchmaking performance, and reduce “churn” due to failed joins

• Fixed a bug where the client’s game crashed to the desktop if the client selected Exit Game from the Pause menu while playing a mission

• Fixed a crash when players sign out during loading a PvP game
• Fixed a crash that occurred when the host/client moved one of the two squads back to the Squad Deployment screen
• Fixed minor miscellaneous scar issues

• Fixed an issue where attached splats were continually generating new geometry near the headquarters in PvP games

UI Improvements
• Your Hero can now be rotated in the hero selection panel
• Improved the searching skull animation and visual consistency on the find a game UI screen
• On the PvP teams setup screen, players on your team have their names highlighted in blue, and enemies have their names highlighted in red
• Added news ticker that shows RSS updates to the title screen
• Moved intel events position down so that the MP player list would not interfere when opening the top event cue
• Rank and Performance bars have been removed from the Find a Game party panel. Both statistics were misleading and encouraging bad player behavior that was negatively impacting Matchmaking
• AI mini-map pings have been disabled

• TrueSkill is now displayed in the post-game stats screen for Ranked games

Audio Improvements
• Improved surround sound output; previously surround sound was dictated by the user’s camera focus

In-Game UI and Graphical updates
• Added new icons for the Screamer Killer, the Venom Brood, the ork infiltrate ability, the Scout shotgun ability, the Space Marine infiltrate upgrade, Tyranid crippling poison, Tyranid Bio Acid Discharge, Tyranid Burrow Strike ability, the Ravener muscle coil ability, the Techmarine’s Powerful Sweep ability, the Tyranid Toxin Sacs upgrade , and for the Ork Shoot ‘Em Good ability
• Units now fade when destroyed (instead of popping out of existence)
• Added new EULA disclaimer on opening title screen for optional Beta participants
• Changed the hotkey for rangers and spore mine detonation
• The Techmarine’s Powerful Sweep ability icon is now a new, unique icon
• The Zoanthrope Focused Warp Blast now has distinct hit effects and focused tracer to distinguish it from the standard shot

Army Painter
• Unlocked new colors and new badges

AI Improvements
• Vehicle operators avoid heavy weapons with setup times
• The AI now evaluates the demand for weapon upgrades as the value gained against the enemy army
• Improved squad responsiveness when threatened


joder, es un juego nuevo xD


Orcos over, por dios, los de asalto ahora se toman como si llevaran armas de energia, vamos que se follan todos los marines y todos los vehiculos, anda a tomar por el culo.

armas de supresion cuestan energia, OLE SUS COJONES, a ver ahora quien para 3 de orcos en la primera ronda o chococientos tiranidos.
El plasma va mas lento, asi puede dar a algun vehiculo, en fin, MENUDA MIERDA DE PARCHE.
Los marines estan totalmente underpowered


anda anda, a joderse un rato que ya estuvieron over durante 2 meses sobre TODAS las demás razas y aquí nadie decía nada, mención aparte a la ANIMALADA de los buffs de los scouts

random ftw

Y los orcos necesitaban buffs a saco, a partir de la mitad de la partida eran malísimos


Ahora con los stikkbombz, no se petan los generadores de una ondanada. Los stikkboms los han blufeeado muchisimo. Ahora no sirven para pegar, son uno más sí, pero hacen bastante menos daño y tienen menos vida. Los Stormboyz siguen igual de mal.

Los piztoleros, que es la básica la han encarecido. Así que no los veo tan over. El dred orko, sí vale menos pero le han quitado vida a saco y meterle los lanzallamas vale la vida en energía.

Lo veo bastante bien en general el parche.


Ya os lo baticino, montones de orcos sacando en cero coma miles de deff dreads y nadie con anti tanque... eso es lo que va a pasar, porque el defdread lo sacas con la punta del nabo en 5 minutos.

Si los orcos estuvieran mal, los hubieran subido, pero es que les han subido y han bajado a todas las demas razas una burrada

#1752 pero si los scouts par que esten superbufados les tienes que comprar de todo, creo que solo has visto el incremento de daño, el rifle de francotirados ahora necesita estabilizarse... :/

no puedo participar en la beta y dudo que se me haya actualizado en 1 segundo xD


hay retraso hasta mañana a las 10 de la noche.


Lo que en españa son las 00:00 del día 3 vamos.

22:00 GMT, que es +0 en españa estamos +2...

Ya se lo han pensado bien la hora de la beta x'D hora a la que no juega ni dios x'D En america las 2 de la tarde, todos comiendo y aqui todos sobando x'D.

Danao esos dreds sin el lanzallamas son así como un razor o peor, pq han de ir a melé. El razor aguanta bastante más que el dred y estando en retaguardia son muy toca pelotas. Ya se verá y eso de que los piztoleros valgan 300 buff me hace pupa x'D ya que son una unidad que en tier2 y tier3 no sirven para nada más que no sea reparar.

Menos mal que el meckboy ya puede reparar x'DD donde vas que unos piztoleros podian reparar y el jefe orco mecanico no x'DD


370 los gantes me dan miedo.. o los han hecho muy buenos.. o ademas de seguir con un tier1 malo, encima caro xD ahora si.. el tier2 con carnifex me parece MUY over :S

aunque claro... yano hace falta guardianes cerca para poder dar saltitos y morder a eldars


un carnifex tier2?

se han columpiado xD y mucho xD


Hombre, el Carnifex mete, pero el 50% de lo que metía era por el upgrade a Venon Cannon.

Vamos, un Carnifex sin ese upgrade es un nerf enorme y ahora tener dos tipos y tener que decidir en que momento usar cada uno porque no es un allinone como el viejo donde repartías por igual a vehículos y tropas, pues realmente no es tan over.

Me parece mucho más bestia el Deff por ese precio, que sacas 25 y la mitad no van a tener antitanques para hacerles cosquillas.


Never, no deja de ser melee el dread, ademas creo que tiene carrera y cuesta menos energia, con lo que mejor me lo pones, para cuando tu kieras tener antitanque te han petado la energia, y para cuando (si es que llegas) tengas antitanque te vienen nobles con la habilidad invulnerable y te destrozan.

Bolters pesados, que es lo unico que puede parar una masa, cuesta energia...
en cambio no he visto que suban lo que viene siendo la recogida del recursos energia... pf...


Acabo de probar la beta y la mitad de los cambios de esa lista no existen


a mi no me ha bajado nada aun xD


#1762 tienes q hacerlo tu:

en l aventana de Steam:

Archivo>Propiedades>Cambiar> WarHammer 40K Beta

reiniciaras Steam y t emepzara a descargar


ya, lo de la beta si, pero creia que harian alguna actualizacion
ya he jugado y pst, no se, creo que ha sido por el mapa que he jugado que es bastote, el de la puerta del angel xD
me ha resultado dificil mantener el tipo, me han spameado marines e imposible hacerles frente, a eso sumarle que he perdido cualidades por un tubo U_U


es un cambio my radical la verdad... me cuesta seguir el juego con los tyranidos.. xD la velocidad de los gantes es bajiiisima ahoar pufff almenos los ravaners ayudan bastante en tier1 pero nose.. demasiado caros los gantes para mi gusto :S eso si.. a los guerreros ahora la mejora melee sirve de poco salvo porque son eficaces vs vehiculos.. pero la mejora de supresión da vida al enjambre (l melee ya no da nada) ah si.. y la mejora de melee y disparos que el comprabas a los guerreros ahoar se puede comprar en tier1 juju si le pillo el gusto puede ser muy over xD


madre mia los marines dan miedo jajajaja que cosa mas salvaje me tiran 3 o 4 granadas o algo asi que me hacen añicos en 3 segundos..

Tengo que probar al lictor con loneliness+salto+heal-on-hit que lo msmo es interesante y la bajada de speed a los gantes pufffff una cagada.. no puedo perseguir ni a los scouts saltando :S me hacen la trama como kieren 2 tropas :S


3 o 4 granadas ni mas ni menos.

Eso te hacia añicos antes y ahora, necesitas 4 jodidas escuadras de scouts upgradeadas y encima tirar todo a la vez xD



las granadas no se si eran 170 de daño xD asi que imaginate 4.

La habilidad de knock down de la escopeta un poco mierda no? joder, ahora los scouts al no derribar normal, me los funden que da gusto jajaja

por cierto, ahora los guerreros llevan 3 cañones venenosos o he visto mal esta mañana cuando jugue?


Ahora es que hay dos warriors, y los venom sí, llevan multiples cañones pero son más caros de lo normal, tier 2 y no hacen ni el huevo contra tropas normales.


he jugado 3 partidas y me han fundido las 3. tendre q replantearme de nuevo q sacar xD

Tema cerrado