iu reporting in
reminder of that week when creiamos que tails era el mejor protoss del mundo por ganar a mvp y nestea
GuMiho vs. EffOrt
Reality vs. Happy
Genius vs. Jaedong
a ver si me puedo marcar un 3/3, en el pvp sabia que ganaría hero pero no lo pongo porque no me creeréis anyway.
the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom >the city of gom
its over guys
we had a chance
Curious 2-0 Sun
aLive 2-0 Jaedong
Gumiho 2-0 Soulkey
HerO 2-0 Effort
Puzzle 2-1 HerO[jOin]
Yugioh 0-2 Reality
Hack 1-2 RorO
Puzzle 2-1 Reality
Leenock 1-2 RorO
Horror 1-2 Sun
sC 1-2 Jaedong
CoCa 0-2 Soulkey
DRG 1-2 Effort
Yugioh 0-2 HerO[jOin]
Tails 1-2 HerO[jOin]
Gumiho 0-2 Effort
GSL 18-22 KeSPA