Xenoblade Chronicles X #HO


Anda hoy también han actualizado... bueno, en realidad sólo han puesto que están con unos prototipos de Doll para poner a la venta en Kotobukiya y que vienen a ser, pues eso, como los Dolls (Transformers) que salen en el juego.

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#1081 si sacan un peluche de tatsu.... :f5:


Lo que estoy leyendo en EOL de que el juego va a 720 y 30Fps petardeando de lo lindo es cierto?

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Quiero que termine el Yorox wild ride


El anterior iba a 480p y 20 fps de media asi que no se que esperabas xD


#1083 ¿Y quieres que lo digamos nosotros que tenemos todos el juego y estamos comprobando todas esas cosas en vez de jugar?

Mírate algún streaming para ver como se mueve, yo no he visto nada raro y he visto varios durante horas.

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#1086 jajaja el ansia de saber mas del juego y querer jugarlo hace que te lo estes destripando entero cabron xD

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#1087 Lo bueno que tiene es que veo mucho paseo por las mismas zonas con peleas y poco más. Para mí eso no es distinto a ver uno de los directs anteriores.


6 nuevos mensajes de madrugada
get excited
le shamefur dispuray


Tranquilo, yo traigo el excite.


La de 13 años va con bulto trampa.

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#1091 Es un cepo para pedófilos.

Por cierto Elma es badass con ese equipo de cuero.


A las 20:30 Nintendomination va a hacer streaming el juego, ha asegurado que no va a seguir la historia principal para evitar los spoilers:

PD: Me quedo con un dato que ha dicho, lleva 32 horas jugadas y es nivel 20 :O


hoy en cosas sorprendentes que no te puedes creer que existan: Un tema bueno de la OST de XenobladeX

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#1094 Y más de una

Ya dije yo que me llevé más de una agradable sorpresa con la música. Al menos digamos que las que no conocía me han gustado... bueno, y las que me quedan por saber.


Los theme de los continentes molan.


Realmente mirando las partes de OST ripeadas que hay, hay bastante menos vocals(y negro) que lo que me esperaba. Y cuando hay destaca menos.

Si alguien quiere trastear un poco mas con las pistas que hay, he encontrado este documento



Outline on pacing and flow:

Game starts out slow with dumby quests but you free to go where you want, I did for about five hours. Then I died to a big monkeylizard in a lava pit.
The first three chapters hold hands with the player to get you into the world and system. Like quest requiring exploration criteria, game makes sure you were outside and looking around.
After chapter 4 the game really picks up. Quests get better but main story is the real star. No spoilers but later is even better!
If you get stuck on hard boss. Hire online player with great gear to help.
Get DOLL! Drive around, run over low level monsters, then fly!
I like this story better than Xenoblade 1. Xenoblade 1 was very straightforward, this time more over the place and surprising at times. No Shulk sees future to spoil events of the future.

The Really Good:

The world in a doll the first time you fly is jaw opening. FFXV won't have flying. :(
Flying Dolls. Can we replace ugly characters with dolls? Next Xenoblade should be about just Dolls. In space.
Monster Hunter. Monster Hunter with giant robots.
Exploration is great, world is huge and beautiful. (Some ugly graphical issues: no AF, lots of blurred textures even with install pack, pop in. Don't think even my PS4 could render this well, would render better but still. FFXV demo looked better at some things worse at others.)
The game directs you to many interesting points but many others are very hidden and secret for you to discover.
The story really picks up after chapter 4, like a good book that leads you into world and then speeds up. First few chapters are world build.
Plenty to do after or along with the story.

The Good:

I really like how you can hire other players to make cool team but also help if get stuck. World boss events and doll unlocks give everyone a goal but bosses are hard.
Graphics are good.
Most of the music.
Most of the characters. They have some great quests to them, some characters are really great. Elma is great.

The Xenoblade:

The combat. Its mostly the same + Dolls. Soul Voice replaces Visions for synergy and efficiency that you need to be good at for harder fights. Game is pretty easy early on but you have to get good at combat for later story bosses, have to be really good for hard world bosses. Soul Voice success helps for keeping enemies Hate-locked on a damage taker.
Combat can feel airy but that's how it is in Xenoblade. Obviously not as good or physical as Blood or Bayonetta 2.
Bathing suit/super robot/kamen rider cutscenes. Silly. Super serious cutscene = wearing shades and a bikini.
Lots of dumb quests of kill monkeylizards or collect their tears but a lot more good quests than Xenoblade 1. Character quests are really well written but some characters are very dumb.

The Bad:

Some of the music. NLA music is bad during day but I don't spend any time there.
Some of the characters. Spoilers so won't say who.
Graphics can be really bad at times if you care that much.
Some long load times between a few cutscenes.
Some text is teeny.

The ???????:

Start is slow but only two hours or three long. Can probably really run through it now that I know how to speed up the chapters. Maybe even an hour on a new play.
Doll is level blocked but by the time you get to dolls you should be only a level or two away.
The music as a whole, hit or miss tracks.
Silent protagonist "with choice". You have role but you never talk outside battle. But lots of cool development for "you" in story. Elma is big character though and she talks plenty.
Heroic bravado. Clapping. Jean Claude Van Damme.



I like this story better than Xenoblade 1.

Wow, precisamente estaba temiendo que la historia fuera uno de los puntos flacos del juego. Decir eso es poner el listón muy alto, así que me mantengo prudente

Me gusta como pinta esto, joder


Yo lo de la historia me lo sigo sin creer. Espero llevarme una gran sorpresa y que me guste muchísimo ¿pero que me vaya a gustar más que la de Xenoblade 1? Hasta que no lo juegue los demás pueden decir misa.


La historia es mejor que la de Blade 1 porque es mucho más cercana a Gears y a Saga y no al viaje épico genérico de Blade 1 lo cual no implica que vaya a ser mejor para la plebe.


Pues si la historia es buena yo ya tengo GOTY.


Y como en todos los juegos, la ost del desierto siempre siendo superior al resto. Me gusta lo que veo, aunque también dudo mucho que llegue a superar al primer Xenoblade, hasta que no lo juegue no me lo creere.


No me suena haberlo visto por aquí. Cosas que dice un tío que lo está jugando:

I can't lie. Actually, I don't need to lie. Xenoblade X is a serious RPG made especially for people who love serious RPGs. There's no mercy to be found for newcomers here. It's not a game in which you simply repeat the same old process of visiting a few shops, upgrading some gear and then heading off to the next destination in order to defeat whatever boss might be there. You need to go into this game with the idea that you're going to be a pioneer on an unexplored planet. There isn't a single element in this game that will make sense right away. It's a game in which you need to gain a deep understanding of each of its many components before moving on. If you try to skip over an important step and proceed anyway, it will come back to bite you later on.

This is the kind of game where you need to spend a lot of time carefully learning all of the systems and slowly mastering them. Before writing this, I played the game for about 30 hours. It feels like a long time, but I don't think I have mastered more than maybe 20% of the game systems. Maybe even less than that. Honestly, I felt like giving up on more than one occasion. There were times when I didn't feel like doing any of the pioneering stuff and just wanted to get on with the story. I didn't care about setting up another data probe. I just wanted to go to the next location.

That was the wrong way to approach the game. As you gradually realize the significance of being a member of BLADE, you'll naturally start to feel motivated to fight for humanity on this new and dangerous planet. Because of that, you will want to work on cultivating Mira in order to gather new resources. You will come to understand the importance of placing data probes. The goal isn't just to see the story, it's to protect humanity, and the importance of this mission will become clear to you as you play.

As long as you approach the game in this way, the motivation to master all of the systems, no matter how complicated, will come naturally. You start the game as a selfish child gamer who just wants to play through the story, but as the game progresses, you will grow into an adult gamer. Xenoblade X is an extremely complicated and difficult game, but it is absolutely worth taking the time to get over that first hurdle. It is certainly not a game aimed at newcomers to the genre, but I hope that even newcomers will give it a try and help create a new future for humanity on planet Mira.

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#1104 vamos que será un juegazo para jugadores de rpg pero un infierno para "newcomers".

Me gusta. Venderán una mierda pero me gusta xD


hay un nicho enorme de temas de Sawano buenisimos sin vocals ni braus braus que no han estado enseñando

con cosas como esta SI me venden el juego

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#1106 Y no me creíais cuando lo dije hace una semana.


Con todas las cosas positivas que salen de la gente que lo está jugando no sé si mi cuerpo y mi mente van a aguantar hasta que salga este maldito juego.

Solo puedo decir que hace 2 semanas salió el 2º dlc de MK8, estaba super ilusionado con su llegada y me encanto cuando lo probé, pero ha sido salir todo este torrente de comentarios y videos de Xeno y se me han quitado las ganas de jugar, las llegadas de Splatoon y Yoshi no me motivan casi nada, el E3 quiero verlo fundamentalmente por saber la fecha de este juego, joder Nintendo DAMELO YA COÑO!!!


#1104 Vamos, que han hecho que el core del juego sea una reconstrucción de Colony 6 a lo bestia, con mil millones de cosas más y dándole más sentido a la exploración.

Monolith / Nintendo: sacarlo en verano, please

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es el juego perfecto para el verano

verano pls

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