PvP.net v1.61
· Players can now earn unlimited rewards per day in Co-op vs. AI. After 180 minutes, rewards continue to be earned at 75% the normal rate.
· Custom games now have a separate pool of 120 daily reward minutes that is no longer shared with Co-op vs. AI.
---- Only applies to Summoners level 15+. Lower level Summoners earn unlimited rewards per day.
· Updated the IP reward forumula for Co-op vs. AI:
---- Games of medium to long length will yield larger rewards
---- Games of short length will yield smaller rewards
------- On Summoner's Rift, "short" is generally less than 24 minutes
------- On The Crystal Scar, "short" is generally less than 12 minutes
---- Players should see an increase in IP reward per game so long as they aren't quickly steamrolling the bots
· The Tournament Draft Custom Game mode will now allow Summoners to pause the game
· Dodging a Ranked Game will no longer result in loss of Elo but the time before you can join any queue again has greatly increased
· Adjusted the way Elo is handled for newly formed ranked teams; many new teams will see their Elo increase as a result.
· Normal Draft Mode (Please note that these additions were incorrectly stated in the Darius patch notes)
---- Normal draft has changed so that premade groups are not prioritized over solo players
------- Solo players have a 20% chance of being the team captain with banning powers and first pick, regardless of the premade status of the rest of the team
------- If a solo player is not team captain, the player will be given a random slot in the pick order
------- If players group up before a game, their host absorbs all of their chances, i.e. the host of a 4-man premade has an 80% chance to be captain
· A feedback sound now plays when spending mastery points
League of Legends v1.0.0.141
Summon: Tibbers
Reactivating 'Summon: Tibbers' while the Bear is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following
Yordle Snap Trap now properly ignores unit collision when placed
Missile Barrage
Missile Barrage's area of effect and particle are now properly centered around the point of impact
Missile Barrage's spell icon is now tinted when 'The Big One' is ready
Children of the Grave
Reactivating 'Children of the Grave' while the Ghost is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following
If Pounce's movement extends past Nidalee's current movement order location, that order will be cancelled (she will no longer automatically walk backwards to that point)
If Broken Wings' movement extends past Riven's current movement order location, that order will be cancelled (she will no longer automatically walk backwards to that point)
Rumble now has a marker at 50 Heat to denote when he has reached the Danger Zone
Flamespitter is now more responsive especially while moving and turning
Electro-Harpoon now has a swirling icon overlay and a slight icon shift to denote the second shot
Reactivating 'Hallucinate' while the Clone is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following
Fixed a bug where Wish would sometimes not grant assists
Fixed a bug with Explosive Shot's passive not working correctly with Madred's Razors and Wriggle's Lantern
Blood Scent
Warwick will now immediately gain the bonus of Blood Scent if he reduces a target’s health below 50%
Warwick will now immediately gain the bonus of Blood Scent when it is activated
Event Horizon will now always correctly stun enemies who use dash abilities to pass through it
Tuned Death Ray travel speeds and hitbox precision, especially when cast near walls
Fixed an issue where Chaos Storm could sometimes be cast twice
Omen of Death
Reactivating 'Omen of Death' while the Ghoul is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following
Mana Potion gold cost reduced to 35 from 40
Co-op vs. AI
Added Alistar Bot and Dr. Mundo Bot
Intermediate bots will now sell their Doran's items to buy an additional item after completing their builds
Beginner bots will no longer purchase elixirs
Updated several bots' item builds
Summoner’s Rift (Winter) has been disabled
Updated the Item Shop to display 8 build options for items, increased from 6
Circle portraits are now correctly aligned with team colored outlines during announcements
There is now new messaging to inform players that leaving games can result in temporary bans in League of Legends
Neutral Minion Camps now have new icons on the Minimap
Champions that have died now display an icon on the Minimap
Updated several Champion art assets including splash art and icons for various Akali, Alistar, Amumu, Caitlyn, Mundo, Jax, Renekton, Tristana, Teemo, Twisted Fate, Warwick, Xin Zhao, and Pantheon skins
Fixed several missing particles for various Champions