Baneo masivo.


#179 seguramente del tribunal....

1 respuesta

#179 Me uno a tú ban xD hasta el 29 y mañana me traen el pc nuevo... puto riot

1 respuesta

#181 que va ya me llego una advertencia a finales de junio y no he vuelto a jugar hasta hace 1-2 semanas y lo que juego son ARAMs es imposible que sea por eso xD


#182 sumame a la lista de baneados hasta el 29 xD

1 respuesta

#184 Tú también ? xDDD

Lista de baneados hasta el 29 XD:


1 respuesta

Se supone que ahora cuando te banean, te mandan un correo para ver concretamente tu caso.
Asi que miradlo, y os respondereis. Y si no está, ya me callo la boca y vuelvo a mi cueva. xD


Yo también baneado hasta el 29, justo ayer se me terminaba un baneo que tenía de 2 semanas de duración, entro hoy y juego unas partidas, todo genial. Vuelvo a entrar unas horas después... y tachán! baneado otra vez, ahora hasta el día 29, no he durado ni 24 horas creo yo, y yo no he usado cosas pa zoom ni nada de nada >_< esto tiene que haber sido algo que han tocado por error o adrede pero que se han cargado a un montón de gente a la vez :S

PD: A mí no me dice baneado, me dice cuenta suspendida, que es diferente, pero imagino que será lo mismo que os sale a vosotros, a los del día 29 me refiero.



Actions performed on your account violate the League of Legends Terms of Use. You can review the terms at

Due to the severity of this violation, your League of Legends account has been suspended until Wed Aug 29 14:30:28 PDT 2012

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us by at [email protected].

Riot Games Customer Service

Hijos de perrilla.



Añademe ami tmb, baneado hasta el dia 29 a las 14:30 por la cara xD


Los baneados hasta el 29 es porque hemos reportado amigos, si insultas te banean, si en vez de insultar les ignoras y reportas te banean, dentro de poco si no haces penta te banean también.


Hace tiempo que dejé de reportar, total, no sirve para nada xD

Pero meh, hasta el 29 tampoco son tantos dias.


Aqui otro que esta baneado hasta el 29 a las 14:30 y no recuerdo haber liado ninguna... Asi que no se.


Otro mas baneado.. y por reportar manda cojones!!


Otro mas que le banean hasta el 29, y a 2 colegas mas, lo gracioso es que yo si flameo y tal, pero hay un colega mio, que no dice nunca nada y juega en condiciones, baneos sin sentido


Otro por aquí, hasta el día 29. Me la suda bastante ya que llevo como 2 o 3 semanas que solo juego al Dota2, pero lo más gracioso es la razón que me han dado por el ban.

...consistent abuse of the “Report A Player” feature by your account within League of Legends.

Ya sabéis. Cuando alguien os insulte, muera intencionadamente una vez tras otra, te arruine la partida y se cague en tus putos muertos, no lo reportéis u os banearán a vosotros :D

No se por qué me da que cada vez hay más y más gente cansada del LoL (como yo). Al final se lo meterán por el ojete.

1 respuesta

A mi no me dice la razon me pone lo siguiente

Ciertas acciones realizadas con tu cuenta violan los Términos de servicio de League of Legends. Puedes ver dichos términos en

Debido a la gravedad de la violación, tu cuenta de League of Legends ha sido bloqueada hasta el Wed Aug 29 14:30:19 PDT 2012.

Si tienes alguna pregunta, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros en [email protected].



cierra la puerta al salir

la razon por la que estais baneados en ingles:

Our Player Support teams actually sweep accounts for toxic behaviors on a frequent basis and we've empowered them to hand out direct bans as necessary without prior warnings if they catch players displaying excessive racism, bigotry, or other toxic behaviors in their matches. We use these sweeps to determine whether we are doing enough for our community and to check the accuracy and speed of systems such as the Tribunal and LeaverBuster. The Tribunal is just one piece of the solution to player behavior, but we realized we need to do more.

We've been receiving a lot of complaints from our community about how the act of reporting has created a more toxic environment for other players; players will write in about having a poor game and someone screaming profanities at them and threatening them with reports and bans.

Because of these complaints, we decided to run analyses and metrics against some of the players who reported the highest number of players in the game (after normalizing for games played and all that fun math stuff). We found something a bit surprising and a bit shocking. There were some players that had reported over 1000 times more players than the average player in the population! In addition, these players were often extremely toxic in their games and had repeated cases that were punished in the Tribunal. When we analyzed chat logs in this population, we noticed that they were using reports in an offensive and abusive manner. For example, these players would often say "Enjoy your report f@ggot!" or "everyone in this game, plz report this n*gger." Not all players behaved in this way, but these players were consistently negative towards their teammates in their matches and often tried to convince others to report someone in the game. Many of these players reported for issues (such as playing a poor game) that were not legitimate according to Riot staff standards.

The decision we made today was not easy. It was actually quite sad and a bit depressing for me. We knew that we had never banned for something like this in the past; however, as we dug into the data more, we realized how toxic these players were to their teammates and their opponents and we knew that a verbal warning would not be enough.

These are players that were abusing our report feature and using it as a tool to bully, criticize and frustrate other players in the game. These players that try to get decent players banned from the game! Many of these players already had Tribunal histories and already had their report weights set to 0, but we felt that these acts were distinct enough that an additional punishment was warranted because the Tribunal was not designed to combat abusive reporting.

Today, we decided to give a 7-day timeout to players who were the worst 0.2% of players who abused the report feature and had displayed toxic behavior in their recent matches.

The bans were harsh, I agree. But, we felt they were warranted given the level of abuse these players were involved with. I will continue to answer questions in this thread, let's keep it constructive.

[b]Originally Posted by RiotKiddington[/b]

People who got banned usually make not one or two false reports but thousands of false reports. They would often report everyone on his own team or/and the enemy team for whatever random reasons. We have determined how toxic these players were when they abused the report system. These are players that threaten other players on a continuous basis and also report players that do not deserve it.


Originally Posted by Riot Lyte

Hey EUW,

I'm happy to answer questions about this over the next little bit in this thread. We have been doing some micro experiments and analyses on false reporters and we have noticed a common trend; many of these players are some of the most toxic influences on their games and have been punished multiple times by the Tribunal. For example, we noticed that these are players that tend to threaten other players with reports and bully players with reports.

Let's be clear here: it's 100% OK and encouraged to report trolls and toxic players. In fact, I just pulled up an account on a similar NA thread who has reported 200+ players and has an excellent report weight. Compare this to a player we banned who reported 1000+ players and 630 of them were innocent players that did not deserve bans.

For 99% of users who use the report button responsibly, this will never impact them.[/i]



1 1 respuesta

otro mas aqui hasta el 29


Yo tmb estoy ban :D


#197 vamos, que banean a la gente por reportar a saco y sin razon no¿ (o eso entendi xD)


?Ban hasta el miércoles por "reportar demasiado". ¿Qué cojones?... Se supone que la función del Tribunal es dilucidar qué casos son punibles. Eso quiere decir que el Tribunal no funciona, y se les ve el plumero. Ok ok ok.

He pedido el perma-ban por correo, espero que me lo den. No pienso volver a jugar a este juego. Han destrozado esta comunidad más de lo que estaba. Y ojalá el número de trolls vaya en ascenso.


Pues este ban si que es facil de evitar, por mi parte se acabo el reportar y punto, que me toca un troll pues ya le tocara a otro la siguiente partida y si quiere arriesgarse que le reporte el. Simple y sencillo.

Si yo reporto es por que creo que tengo que reportarlo y sera el tribunal quien decida si hay que castigarle o no.

Ahora no voy a reportar a nadie, y que el tribunal decida sobre lo que los demas reporten.


yo tambien baneado hasta el 29

Solucion para evitar toda esta mierda y el lol sea mejor quitar el chat y los report y listo


esta bien que banen por reportar como un pesado o sin razon.


Me parece COJONUDO que se cepillen a todos los llorones que están eligiendo un target para report desde el minuto 2 o el champ select.

A tomar por el culo todo ese tipo de gente que amarga las partidas y que con sus acciones abusan de un sistema que debería servir para algo legítimo como es defenderte de un troll o de alguien como ellos.



Todos los que estais baneados es porque habeis reportado MUCHO, sin sentido siendo en un 60% de veces el reportado inocente, usado los reportes como amenazas y ademas haber insultado.

No me extraña que haya tanto baneo en MV


Lista de baneados hasta el 29 XD:


Que larga la lista XD

1 respuesta

Lo peor es que te tocan trolls en casi todas las partidas, en fin ya uno no puede ni reportar.

Ayer mande un correo a riot para que me dijeran el por qué del baneo y me han contestado hoy, hago copy&paste.

Dear Summoner,

Internal audits by staff members of Riot have revealed consistent abuse of the “Report A Player” feature by your account within League of Legends.

Falsely reporting players over a large span of time dilutes the significance of your reports and causes unnecessary distress to the players being reported. Reporting players is a tool used to help improve the community rather than a tool used to threaten or bully other players.

Due to this toxic behavior, your account has been temporarily suspended.

Please note that this is a temporary suspension to serve as an official warning. Moving forward, be mindful of who you are reporting as falsely reporting players is not only against the Summoner’s Code, but also negatively effects the League of Legends community. Failure to adjust your in-game behavior can result in additional punishments.

League of Legends Summoner’s Code:

Pues eso se acabo el reportar.

1 respuesta

#208 Sí puedes reportar, si es cierto el report.
Muchas veces la gente considera un troll a alguien por que sea "peor que tú" jugando.

He visto cosas en el tribunal de reportar 4 personas a 1 poniendo que ha dicho comentarios racistas y han convencido a parte del equipo rival de ello. Luego miras el chat y NO HA DICHO NADA.
Es algo increíble la de mierda que se llega a ver con el tema reports.

Que se de un toque de atención para concienciar de que hay que utilizar correctamente el sistema de report es algo bueno para todos ya que se estaba utilizando en plan mafia -o haces lo que queramos o te caen 4 reports-.

2 respuestas

A mi aún no me han baneado nunca. Juego, y listo.
Si me insultan, paso de ellos y les reporto (escribiendo claro está lo que ha pasado)
Si se van AFK, les reporto (y escribo).

Ahora toco madera.

PD: Espero que la mayoría no seáis de los pesaos que se tira toda la partida: noob, noobs, fed, etc etc y asi porque entonces os mereceis la muerte por pesados xDDDD