El nerf a Ryze ha sido por la moda de usarlo en top
Porq decís que Ryze al baúl? Le bajan el coste de mana de la cárcel algo y un poco el rango, TANTO se notará que lo tiraréis al baúl? a mi me da que ya es más por llorar que otra cosa.
#33 Porque en mid se va a notar muchísimo la bajada del rango.
En top creo que continuará siendo igual de viable. Pero como suele pasar, los que usan por moda lo dejaran apartado por ver que le cae nerf.
Abilities Changes
IMPORTANT NOTE - Air client only stores one set of his abilities, so due to it being an air only patch, we can not get the changes to the second half of each ability. With that said, Xypherous updated his jayce thread with new numbers. These could be them.
Base damage is now 44.5( down from 46.5)
HP5 is now 6 (+ 0.6 ) (up from (5(+ 0.5))
[Q] - To the Skies! - Now does 40/90/140/190/240 (Changed from 25/75/125/175/225) [NOTE - Air cleint does not list his ratios, no way to know if there was a change - Read Xypherous' post for Ratio change said to come]
[W] - Lightning Field - Basic attacks now deal 20/25/30/35/40 (changed from 20/30/40/50/60)
[W] - Lightning Field - Cooldown is now always 10 (Changed from 13/12/11/10/9)
Other - Read Xypherous thread for more possible changes with this patch.
Master Yi
[E] - Wuju Style - Now 15/20/25/30/35% passive bonus (Changed from always 15% from last patch)
Important Note - Air client does not have any of the ratios for this ability or the true damage numbers, they could have all been nerfed
Items Changes
Aegis of the Legion
Recipe Cost is(down from 625)
Now gives 200 health (down from 250)
No longer gives 20 MR
Passive now gives 20 MR (up from 15)
Passive now gives armor
Effect is no longer increased by 50% on minions
Locket of the Iron Solari
Recipe Cost is now 600 (up from 520)
Now gives 20 armor (down from 35)
No longer gives +10 HP5
has new passive - "Legion: Grants nearby allies +20 Magic Resist and +10 Health Regen per 5 seconds"
[Because people seem to be confused, if the old active was removed, It would be listed here, It still has the old active.]
Now builds from Aegis of the Legion
Runic Bulwark
Removed from the air client
Bonitos nerfs.
Como lo del Bulwark llegue al live va a ser una gran cagada. El unico objeto de aura que es viable y lo joden. ¿Que coño va a buildearse ahora un supp?
Quitar el Bulwark Rúnico, a mi gusto el mejor item de la s3, me parece un error.
Al final su "vamos a dar más opciones de mr" parece que sea un nerf para cuando quieres itemizar contra mr más que un buff.
que van a quitar el runic??? me parece de lo mas idiota que he visto en mucho tiempo...
y lo del aegis... habra que verlo pero me parece que va a tener poca gracia ahora O_O
A mí tanto el aegis como el runic bulwark como items de tank o support me parecían perfectos. En todo caso habría nerfeado el aegis y buffado / mantenido igual el bulwark.
Supongo que los tanks puros ya no existen para este juego.
todo dios con build glass cannon x'D !!!!!! la verdad es que las teamfights serian curiosas. cortas pero curiosas x'D !
No entiendo a los que os quejais de Ryze, le han reducido algo de rango, pero le han buffado el movment speed mucho, y bajado costes de mana....
Me acababa de comprar a Jayce, ty Riot
Tras el meganerf a Olaf, pienso que se merecía este cambio
new logging screen and music
Ability Changes
[Passive] - Gathering Fire - Basic attacks are no longer listed has having half-effect
[Q] - Inner Flame - Now slows for 20/25/30/35/40/% (up from always 25%)
[Q] - Inner Flame - [R] Now slows for 60% (up from 50%)
[Q] - Inner Flame - [R] Now has a ratio of 1.1* AP (up from 0.6AP) and does 80/230/380/530 (up from 50 / 150 / 250 / 350)
[Q] - Inner Flame - [R] - No longer has the first ratio for when mantra'ed of doing extra magic damage
[W] - Focused Resolve [R] No longer heal for another 1% per additional AP
[W] - Focused Resolve -[R] Now heals for the 20% Plus 30/70/110/150 (+ 30% AP)
[W] - Focused Resolve - Cooldown is now always 12 (down from 16/15/14/13/12)
[E] - Inspire [R] Damage and shield both have a ratio of .25AP (down from 0.6AP, (just for damage))
[E] - Inspire [R] No longer gives allies a shield based on half the amount, but now gives it based on a scaling number (based on R level) and a ratio: 40/85/130/175 (0.25AP)
Click Spoiler to view tooltip pictures
Spoiler (click to show)
[W] - Ardent Blaze - Range is now 1000 (up from 900)
[W] - Vicious Strikes - Now increases attack damage by 20/35/50/65/80 (changed from 7/14/21/28/35 (+ [1% of maximum Health]))
[W] - Vicious Strikes - Now gains 8/10.5/13/15.5/18%lifesteal and spell vamp. (Down from 9/12/15/18/21%)
Master Yi
Wuju Style[ E ] -Now 7/9/11/13/15 % (Changed from always 15)
The above is the only change - Riot moved the overirde files for master yi back to his normal files, thus the false positive on changes.
Item Changes
Boots of Speed
Limited to 1
Boot Enchantments
Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.
Wooglet's Witchcap
Recipe Cost now 1045 (down from 1060
Now gives 45 armor (up from 40)
Dominion, TT - Moonflair Spellbade (Ranged Only)
Now has (Ranged only) tag
Now gives 50 armor
Now gives 50 MR
Dominion, TT - Blackfire Torch
Now costs 2400 (down from 3770)
Recipe Cost now 720 (up from 700)
No longer gives 250 health
Now only gives 10% CD (down from 20)
Previous two passive have been removed
New Passive UNIQUE Active: Deals 20% of target champion's maximum Health in magic damage over 6 seconds and increases all subsequent magic damage taken by the target by 20% (60 second cooldown).
Now builds from Blasting Wand and Fiendish Codex
¿Qué quiere decir esto?
Boots of Speed
Limited to 1
Boot Enchantments
Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.
Tampoco es para tanto los rangos de Ryze, simplemente ahora que cuando te estés acercando te van a dar un buen par de hostias xD