Echan a Chaox de TSM


A falta de leer la respuesta de xpecial (ahora me pongo) por lo que he leido era por probelmas personales de rendimiento, fiestas y demas y bueno si Regi y el son amigos creo que es entendible que prefiera mantener esa amistad a un juego.

De todos modos me da mucha pena, chaox era TSM, siempre ha estado ahi y ha sido uno de los mejores adc del mundo, espero que tenga mucha suerte.


no es que le tenga mucha simpatia a tsm, pero reginald se podria haber largado en su dia, y no dar tanto por culo.


Ya nadie puede quejarse del titulo del hilo, era 100% legit al final xd


Como decían por ahí atrás, un equipo con wingsofdeathx, salce, chaox y 2 mas sería epic.


Hombre estaba claro wT lo hizo de puta madre sólo le falta experiencia pero tiene mucho potencial . Lo único malo es que Regi seguirá dando pena. Alguien por ahí lo comparo con scarra juaz Scarra está a muy buen nivel y siempre lo ha estado entraría sin duda en mi top 5 de mids sólo por detrás de los mejores europeos. (sin contar a los asiáticos)


vaya tela wt potencial, simplemente pq se hace un penta lasthiteando y libre sin que nadie le moleste lo más mínimo. No comments.

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Futuro ad carry de curse?

Se aceptan apuestas

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#157 Te apuesto a que no.


#156 +1


Yo pienso que la han cagado muchisimo, wt solo ha hecho una semana buena, espero que contra equipos grandes como clg, dig o crs mantenga un buen nivel pero pienso que esto ha sido porque reginald tenía miedo de que hubiese otro lider en el equipo que se encargarse de los calls y demas, porque si le quitas eso solo le queda su habilidad personal y hay mids que son bastantes mejores en NA. Me da mucha pena y ojala llegue el día que TSM se arrepienta del kick que le han metido.


pues yo viendo su comportamiento, el kick es merecido. Que regi igual no es el mejor ap mid? de acuerdo, pero al menos llega a los entrenos a tiempo y no deja colgados a sus compañeros. Porque es una grandisima falta de respeto, que teniendo un partido importante contra col en la mlg, chaox llegue tarde 2 horas al entrenamiento, y encima llegue como se puede ver en el video de solomid, como medio riendose, y dice, perdonad equipo, como si se la sudara. Amen de estar todo el dia de fiesta y demas por lo que hemos podido leer.

Que chaox es mejor que wildturtle? seguramente. Que se la estaba sudando el equipo y de ahi el kick? tambien.

Cuando un miembro empieza a hacer esas cosas, o se le expulsa, o te crea mal ambiente en el equipo (solo hay que ver las caras de todos cuando llego tarde) y te puede arrastrar a algun miembro mas al pozo. Asi que por mi parte veo correcto el kick.

#162 Exacto, un ronaldinho en un equipo, cuanto antes lo largues, mejor para el funcionamiento del equipo, y en esta caso era chaox.


Hacéis comparaciones que no se han de hacer.

TSM no quiere un ronaldinho en su equipo, pues fuera y que entre alguien mas serio.
¿Que no es igual de bueno? Eso lo sabemos todos, pero es lo mejor para su equipo tal y como ellos lo están viviendo.

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Cualquiera que haya seguido GameCrib sabe que el kick es mas que merecido, no puedes sudartelas de los entrenamientos y scrims por que estas de juerga con fans o de resaca, esto es un curro no es un hobby.

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#163 Eso iba a decir yo. Tienes 2 tios que discuten cada partida en el equipo, pero uno es el team leader y un tio que se toma en serio lo que hace y el otro es un grandisimo jugador pero que solo sabe irse con groupies en vez de entrenar o preparar partidos.

Kick merecido, y encima Wildturtle demostró el otro día contra un crack como Doublelift que no tiene problema alguno en jugar a ese nivel.


Al final esto para ellos no es un entretenimiento como pueda ser para nosotros. Ellos están cobrando por lo que hacen, no es normal que se toquen los huevos. Saben si la lian se les va el chollo.


Los videos del Q&A de Dan Dinh sobre todo esto:

Copio un resumen directamente desde este hilo de reddit:

  • Chaox is officially KICKED off of TSM due to communication issues

  • We will find out more on the next Gamecribs episode.

  • TSM is in a weird state right now and is definitely hit by the roster changes

  • Chaox has officially moved out ASAP back to New York. TSM guys covered his back by not leaving him out on the streets.

  • Chaox was shaken and emotionally hit by the news today.

  • Future plans for Chaox: go home, relax, stream, and figure things out from there. Potentially could go to Asia and play/coach there.

  • Expect notable differences in playstyle for TSM.

  • To make it clear Chaox was replaced by WildTurtle due to communication conflicts with the team.

  • Dan mentions how Chaox's attitude towards some members of TSM was out of line.

  • In Dan's opinion Chaox being kicked out was expected and justified. (Note: during this part he mentions that he made his decision knowing both sides of the story)

  • WildTurtle will be apart of the TSM household ASAP, in Dan's words, by the end of this coming week.

  • Dan's personal side of the story on ChaoX's departure: Wasn't really emotionally connected to Chaox but says he will definitely be missed.

  • Off what Dan said, the whole TSM team was again really sad about Chaox's departure.

  • Dan states that Chaox took the news hard at first, but when it eventually began to sink in Chaox took it like a champ.

  • Dan thinks that Chaox may find another team by the end of this season as long as his attitude is in the right place.

  • Dan again hints about footage in the upcoming gamecribs episode further explaining ChaoX's decision to be dropped.

  • TSM will continue to plug Chaox under the TSM streamers banner.

  • TSM will help Chaox in the search for a new team

  • TSM has even asked Riot about the possibility of finding Chaox a team in China since he speaks Chinese.

  • It's hard to let a player let go.

  • Is Chaox the new coach? Chaox will not be a coach for TSM. The whole point for replacement was that the team was not functioning properly with him. They made sure Chaox is left alone but would have made sure that he is able to have a hotel for the next 5 days or something. He decided to go back home and so they booked the flight to NY for him. Dan offered him to walk around go to eat some food to not be left alone. They got some dinner and hung out. Chaox asked for Dan's opinion and cameraman's opinion on what happened.

  • Is Chaox out of the house yet and what are his plans now? He wants to stream and figure out what team he want's to play for, maybe even an Asian team as a player or coach.

  • Will the team change its playstyle? There will be notable differences because no two players play alike.

  • Why did Chaox leave? It wasn't really him who left. He was replaced due to not working out with the team.

  • What are the attributes you find most attractive in a girl? Skipped - not appropriated.

  • The decision that was made for Chaox to leave the team? Is it a fair decision and will it make it better for the team? It was a fair decision knowing the whole situation and Dan thinks Chaox saw it all coming at some point. So he took it very gracefully and mature. If the team was in this decision they wouldn't have acted the same way. Chaox attitude to just look forward is probably the best you can have.

  • Will Wildturtle be moving into the gaming house? Not immediately, but within a week. He comes to the house after Sunday when he flies to LCS and from there to the gaming house.

  • Are you sad to see Chaox leave? Chaox is a cool guy but Dan hasn't the same relationship to him as the other players. He hang out with him from time to time and will be missed in some aspects but not as for the other players in the team. He will be missed a little bit but for Dan it wasn't has hard felt as for the other guys. There was not a lot of time he built a strong connection.

  • You think Chaox will find a team for the season? If his attitude is at the right place he will get picked up. It's in Chaox own hands, Dan thinks he will find a good team.

  • Would you give Chaox a second chance after all the incidents? After Dallas it was not immediate that he was gonna benched. He was taken a chance between Dallas and LCS. More on GameCrib.
    You want to be considered a full member of TSM? Irrelevant to the conversation.

  • Does TSM have a sub for every position? The only position which had no sub was support. WildTurtle was going to be a sub for AD or Mid and Wings either for Top or Jungle. Dan guesses everyone could figure playing support within a week of time so it wasn't a high priority.

  • If you were in Chaox position right now how'd you feel and your actions after? Dan would understand what he did wrong and try and learn from it and do the best from now on. It's important to move forward and learn from your mistakes and grow from it. Then you can continue to be in the scene and be successful.

  • Was Chaox mainly removed because ethics more than his performances? Why did the team decide for WildTurtle? The replacement was absolutely not based on his performance it was based on Chaox attitude towards the team. His attitude towards Regi was kinda unacceptable. You hear people say you cannot be a player and a manager but that's just how it was and it just happens to be that is attitude was out of line when it shouldn't happen. It wasn't just once, it wasn't just twice it was a continuation type of thing and happened too frequently that it affected everybody on the team and so something had to be done.
    The team told Chaox, and he showed up late and told him again and came late again. So the team told him again on the third day, woke up early to make sure they had breakfast together and that he wasn't late and he disappeared from breakfast and came late to the scheduled practice. They wanted to sit down with Chaox and tell him what he did wrong but a lot of things happened at LCS which made it that he had to be benched. Apparently more happened. More on GameCrib. TSM felt they were pretty fair with their decision and did for him after the decision. He took it very well, like a champ actually. They know it was very important to him and invested a lot and made sure that he was paid for the last month and also got his cheque for the next month. They made sure he can go anywhere from the gaming house and he chose to go home. He's still gonna be part of the network and gonna be promoted as a streamer. TSM Manager will help him to contact any team if he wants to play the same position or another position on any other team. Right now they ask Riot for a contact list of managers in Asia cause Chaox speaks Chinese and it was an option he was looking for. His future is wide open now and they help him with that. More on GameCrib!

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1 comentario moderado

#166 Menudo pieza este Chaox...


Chaox has officially moved out ASAP back to New York. TSM guys covered his back by not leaving him out on the streets.


Que cabron, y se pira a asia con la baylife. Este tío es un genio


Vete de vacaciones dijeron, cuando vuelvas seguimos jugando dijeron. TSM Chaox

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¿Resumen del Q&A de Dan Dinh? >.<

1 respuesta

#172 Que Chaox se va de la casa, que piensa stremear y pensar lo que hace en el futuro.

Que es probable que vaya a Asia bien como jugador o bien como coach. TSM le ha pedido a Riot que incluso miren a ver algún equipo chino por que Chaox habla Chino.

Que se le echará de manos, blablabla.

Y que wildturtle se les unirá a la gaming house después de la LCS de la semana próxima.

Yo personalmente veo a Chaox un gran jugador, pero no lo veo de Coach. Cada vez que dice esto es injugable, etc... se da un ostión.


#171 Vuvlas plz

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#174 por lo menos no puse la V y la L cambiadas.


Espero por el bien de TSM que Regi no vuelva a bajar de nivel.

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#176 la duda es si algun dia subira.

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#177 hater

tsm tsm tsm

y sobre todo

chaox chaox alla donde vayas te querre



viendole la baylife que se pegaba en na, me extrañaria que en corea se centrase xD.


En Asia entrenaría para ganar y no subir videos de su propio equipo las 24/7

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