EU LCS Promotion Tournament


#1200 porque ilozano esta lesionado?


Empieza esto , apuesto por CLOUD 9 y Denial sorpresa en el ultimo match !


Cloud9 tiene un nivel muy alto, apuesto por ellos claramente... reventaron a NIP en 2 finales en otros torneos xD


el tema es si van a estar a la altura sin kou :S


bo3 ambos partidos no? pq como sean como los de ayer me va a dar algo...


bo5 ambos? omfg estos de Riot estan crazy ! xD


Un poco la cabeza si se les va, ayer con un solo bo5 llegaron hasta las 12.... nose si hoy se hacen todos los bo5 a que hora acabara esto.


3 de la mañana xD eso es si cada uno dura 60 minutos y sin descansos entre partidos xD


Por el bien de todos nosotros esperemos que los partidos no sean como los de ayer...


C9E gana isi, 3-0/3-1, np.


Aunque en el pasado summer split ya se metieron 10 o 12 partidos seguidos con lo del desempate y tal, no?


Esperemos que Santorin lo haga bien pq reemplazar tiene que ser muy duro a un nivel tan alto..


Quien quiere ver esto cuando oce esta jugando ranked 5s


Estas que te miras un solo partido de estos tras el ktb vs shield

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#1214 adios entonces. O lo dices y aun asi te vas a quedar ?

1 respuesta

Leona Worth.


#1215 Que parte de mi mensaje no has entendido?

Creo que se entiende que no lo voy a mirar


Se ha quedado a gusto Tabbz en twitter cuando le ha preguntado por el anterior LD, le ha metido mierda a todos y cada uno del resto de equipos LCS xD

1 respuesta

#1218 Ponlo por aqui plz :(


Sk still had Ocelote. Grande tabzz


Why was LD so successful? :) First off, in the S3 Summer Split every other team was bad. Once we fixed our roster issues (Noonia and wewillfailer replaced by Dexter and Mithy) we threw out our weaknesses. Let's look at the other teams:
Fnatic played with Puszu and newly switched Yellowstar. They were a terrible botlane.
Gambit played with Darker / Voidle. Same story as Fnatic.
EG was becoming worse and worse every patch. Snoopeh donating doublebuffs before 5 minutes was common, and Yellowpete wasn't the ADC he used to be.
Sk still had Ocelote. SK Botlane was the only good botlane in the summer split.
NiP's heavy downgrade from Extinkt to Mimer punched them in the gut into relegations. They might have had a chance at the throne too.
MyM was just bad individually and if they couldnt cheese you they lost.
ATN had a good showing early on in the season but Creaton broke his hand. Forellenlord played the broken Lissandra when nobody realized, but was weak on other champions. Araneae performed very well in the start of the split but lost his confidence once they started losing and his play plummeted.
What we see here is that every team had weaknesses and exploitable players. Lemondogs didnt. All we had to do was pick strong laners, win laning phase and push every lane 1-3-1.
There was nothing enemies could do about it because their players were just weak. There's no particular ''brain of LD'' or ''playmaker of LD''. We were just all really good players in every single role and lane, and we knew how to close out games with little effort. Lemondogs was a well oiled machine that had everything a good team needed to be succesful. Our team chemistry and communication was really good.

Se me olvidaba


"Sk still had Ocelote." Me mata

1 respuesta

Son verdades


wut impaler ha metido un critico a nivel 1


por que dice broken lissandra cuando sigue igual que antes, incluso con buffs? quitando 100 de daño al ulti a nivel 3 todo lo demas han sido buffs, ahora tambien le parece broken???

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Después de esto, Ocelote ya no te invitará a su G2 Padel House, chincharabiña Tabzz.


#1225 wtf si esta hablando de hace 1 año

1 respuesta

En NA era mas exagerado aún, C9 se los pasaba a todos por la piedra (y ahora también).


Menos mal que esto lo ganaba C9 facil xD veremos a ver si no se les atraganta la eliminatoria.


Pues yo no los veo tan buenos