G2 lanza "G2 Academy"


G2 Esports lanza un programa para streamers para que consigan más exposición al público usando la marca G2 en Facebook Live

G2 Esports is thrilled to announce the launch of G2 Academy, an innovative program designed for streamers to gain exposure through the club’s brand.

Designed as a hub to nurture both aspiring young talents and veterans wishing to take the next step in their streaming adventure, the G2 Academy will allow streamers to broadcast alongside some of G2’s famed players in games such as Hearthstone, League of Legends and Call of Duty.

The creation of an academy program designed specifically for streaming comes in the wake of G2 Esports’ ground-breaking decision to initiate a multi-platform distribution of live gameplay content. The focus of the G2 Academy will be on Facebook Live, where G2 fans have been able to enjoy in-game content since the start of February, the go-to platform for players wishing to share their experiences with each other.

“As a streamer, it has been incredibly useful to get to know other streamers, learn from them, pitch ideas and cross-promote each other,” G2 Esports Brand Manager Jakub “Lothar” Szygulski said.“Building a community is the most important aspect of the streaming culture. The G2 Academy will be the boost that many streamers need by providing a network for the most committed and a small but encouraging support. I would have loved to have that when I started. I am super excited about streaming on multiple platforms simultaneously, and I think that the G2 Academy streamers will quickly see the benefits of going global.”

Join the G2 academy and stream alongside G2’s famed players
All streamers wishing to join G2 on this adventure can send an application to [email protected]. Within the application please include: your basic information, streaming experience, links to social media and/or stream channels, and, more importantly, why you want to join the G2 Academy. Additional content inside the email is optional, but the more you tell us, the better we know you.

G2 Esports’ Brand Manager, Jakub “Lothar” Szygulski, will be present at IEM Katowice from March 3rd-5th, ready to take questions regarding the G2 Academy program. All fans wishing to know more about the project or simply challenge Lothar to a game of Overwatch or Hearthstone, with prizes up for grabs, simply stop by the HyperX booth on Saturday from 2pm-4pm and on Sunday from 2pm to 5pm.


Mi G2 sacandosela como siempre


G2 sabiendo cómo hacer las cosas una vez más. Chapó.


De nada Curilost xD


Ya podrían los haters de ocelote aprender un poco de el y de su organización, gj g2.


Me parece una idea interesante, una herramienta más para desarrollar y observar el talento, sino recuerdo mal xPeke y redbull también sacaron una herramienta parecida encanto al desarrollo del talento. Todo lo que se haga por mejorar el nivel me parece correcto. Bien por G2.

Por mucho que me esfuerzo sigo sin entender como hay personas que aprovechan la más mínima situación para meterse con otros equipos.

1 1 respuesta

vaya g2 tiene un brand manager, Ocelote no pinta nada en este equipo ya porque no hace las tareas de 128248 personas a la vez :psyduck:


El trabajo de oce ahora mismo es dormir rodeado de dólares en su yate

1 respuesta

#8 Yo creo que usa el yate para navegar entre billetes, navegar sobre el agua es de pobres.


#6 No tiene nada que ver, creo. Lo de xPeke y Red Bull estaba orientado a la mejora de mecánicas, por así decirlo. Esto es para que los streamers se den a conocer. Ambas medidas pretenden sumar en la comunidad, pero son muy distintas.

Sobre lo segundo... diría que nadie ha nombrado a otro equipo xD

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