Hilo de discusión pre-Campeonato Mundial de la Temporada 6


#1620 me interesa MÁS QUE DE NADIE lo que digan los del staff de Snake, esa gente son genios y no estoy de coña.

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TSM poniendo calentito a SKT T1

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#1622 No creo que las scrims deban analizarse desde la perspectiva de una partida de torneo.
Espero que el staff de TSM sea consciente que mostrar demasiado de tú estrategia en scrims es contraproducente.

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¿entrenamiento con comentarista? Y me ha parecido ver a Montecristo wtf

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#1623 pero... pero, cuenta lo que han dicho los de Snake, que esa gente sabe cosas. Lo que no sé es cómo el team hace lo que hace.

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#1624 ese video es de un evento que fue hace tiempo..

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#1626 Oh, eso explica todo xD


#1625 Snake son los que tienen la mejor GH del competitivo o quienes eran

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#1628 todos tienen gaming houses impresionantes, pero la de Snake parece el cuartel de los vengadores xD


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Pone a EDG y TSM como favoritos, por que contra ROX y SKT no han echo scrins G2.

Y niels y mithy han pillado en las partidas en early.


#1629 nada nuevo igualita a las que tenemos en latinoamerica

#1621 Que tienen de genios, esta bien que sean chinos pero...


y donde se rien mas los jugadores de ellos


#1621 A ver, no es gran cosa.
En principio se pensaba que el proyecto de RNG es para el año que viene.
Puesto que se cree que Mata no estubo entrenando porque estaba buscando un mid para que comparta linea el año que viene. Si no llegan a semis en el mundial, como mínimo, se da por hecho que Xiahou será el suplente.
Dejó a looper haciendo calls en chino, cuando aun no domina 100% el idioma (al parecer quiere que el equipo haga los calls como SKT T1).
Y a Uzi se le escapó en una entrevista que el proyecto del team era para el año que viene y que aspiraban a semis.
Cosa que debería tranquilizar a TSM y a Samsung.

Pues bien, RNG le pagó a Snake para realizar bloques lárguísimos de scrims, en principio se pensó que para probar midlaners de cara al siguiente split puesto que normalmente las scrims para el mundial las haces con equipos del mundial.
Lo que dijo Sneake de RNG para el mundial fue, en cuatro palabras:
-Mata tiene un plan-.
Y de la forma que lo dijeron no creo que se refieran para llegar a semis.

Se le complica el grupo a TSM.

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Puto Mata...

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#1635 le sobran muchos huevos a ese hombre.

yo cojo a insec y lo subo al primer equipo, le das importancia y confianza para que vuelva, con mata todo se puede, y pillar a un mid decente chino o coreano. y pa´lante

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#1636 Mlxg es el segundo mejor jungler de China y sólo porque Clearlove es Clearlove y Mlxg es muy joven y aún hace cagadas de novato.
Pero cuando le vi por primera vez dije... "este tío va a ser Dios".


#1634 como son los calls de stk? porque se ha hablado mucho sobre ello

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#1635 No se cuantas veces os lo dije ne le live xD

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#1639 no te hacemos caso, como habrás podido comprobar xDDD o no queremos hacerlo porque es la verdad :s

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#1640 Es el jugador mas inteligente del juego. Y yo sabia que estaba ocupado con otra cosa que no era el juego y no podía entrenar ni entrenar a su equipo.

Solo con ver como se mueven en el spring y en el summer te das cuenta que el shootcaller es otro xD.

PutaBida, Me ignoran por que soy de FNC D;. Eso es racismo. De algún tipo.

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Un AmA de la wildcard rusa: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/539fv0/albus_nox_luna_ama/

#1639 Yo sigo diciendote lo mismo, RNG no sale de grupos si juegan como llevan jugando las ultimas semanas y nadie pone orden en ese caos xd

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#1638 Al parecer tienen varios callers específicos y uno principal y discuten la macro-estrategia según vaya transcurriendo el juego, lo que los hace mucho más versátiles.
#1641 Contra Imay el caller fue looper y contra EDG trató de ser mata pero estaba fuerísima del meta y de la partida, hubieran perdido igual con looper.

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#1642 Kira es el que le aconsejó a Bjergsen para el 1on1, no sé dónde lo dice Bjergsen. Que además lo recuerda en plan "nice el tío".

#1643 entonces... algo parecido a TSM por lo visto.

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NoFe, el manager de ROX:

Back in his days as a player, NoFe was renowned as a strategist; despite his less-than-stellar mechanics, teammates and opponents alike spoke highly of his mind for the game. Even during his eight-month retirement, he kept up an impressive series of match analyses on his blog, each post brimming with detail. No one was surprised when NoFe was announced as the manager of the newly founded HUYA Tigers.

On paper, the Tigers' strength seemed questionable. Many fans doubted whether GorillA would be able to carry three unimpressive sophomores and a washed-up PraY. Whether NoFe would successfully make the jump from cerebral player to competent manager was also a point of concern.

All doubts dissipated as they took home the regular split in their debut season, then secured their Worlds ticket in the next. Displaying an attractive mix of spirited aggression and rugged determination, the Tigers continued their underdog fairytale by knocking aside KT Rolster and Fnatic. They had become, against all odds, the second best team in the world.

2016 came, and the Tigers kicked into third gear. Galvanized by the addition of the devilish prodigy Peanut, ROX would dominate both rounds of the Spring season with style. No longer were they a group of undervalued misfits, hungry to prove their true worth; they were the second best team in the world, ready to usurp the Final Throne.

With each passing week, hope grew. No team was standing up to their signature aggression. The archenemy SKT had encountered their worst slump in history and were lucky to make the postseason. The time had come. This was their season. Nothing could stop them now.

Nothing, but for an SKT back from the dead.

Dreams were crushed. Hearts were broken. The Tigers had once again fallen to their demons.
Would they be able to rise again?

"Hello, I'm No Chul "NoFe" Jeong, manager of the ROX Tigers."

How have you been?
"Well, since the finals, I've been taking it easy at the teamhouse, sometimes going out to hang out with friends or family. It really has been a while since I've been able to enjoy some time of my own. It was always hectic during the regular season, but the league schedule getting stretched out across six days exacerbated the situation this year. It was hard for me to go out any further than our front porch."

How does it feel to be champions at last?
"It was our first trophy. We finished second last Spring, last Worlds, and this Spring. Then finally, first. First at last. The players were full of bliss. I was too. I wanted a tournament victory so very much. It was fulfilling and meaningful."

How did you manage to deal with the hardships that followed three consecutive second place finishes?
"When we first got to 2nd place, it was not so bad for us because it was our first season and we did not expect to do so well. I think our standing then was very satisfactory, and we just wanted to do better next season. But as was later well publicized, we had issues with our sponsors that summer. No one was getting paid, money was very tight, and everyone had a hard time. It was a very difficult period for us.
Despite everything, we stuck together and kept trying. It felt like the heavens acknowledged our efforts and guided us to a second place finish at Worlds. It wasn’t a trophy, but it still was a great achievement all of us were happy about.
Our loss this spring was unexpected for the opposite reason. We had retained most of our roster, everyone was in great spirits, and everything had been going very smoothly all season. We all had high expectations; I think we were all expecting victory. Finishing second once again, under such circumstances, was heartbreaking. It hit us really hard."

Despite their recent triumph, the Tigers' shadows had not yet completely passed.
I decided to ask about the future.

Which foreign teams do you consider a threat?
"To be honest, I haven't been able to closely follow every foreign league - I'm short on time. There is simply no way I can watch all regions' regular season games [laugh]. I do watch the playoffs and finals, though.
As everyone knows, NA has made huge improvements this season. Shotcalling, mechanics, teamfights… they're doing everything better. The LPL has also become a more competitive league. So I really think it’s going to be the toughest Worlds ever, although that's said every season [laugh].
I consider our biggest threats to be TSM and EDG. Both teams are coming as their region's champions and are considered to be strong teams. I think they'll do well; compared to last year's foreign teams, they come with a more imposing aura. Games against them will not be be easy.
We’re planning to have scrims with TSM, and I'm curious as to how they will go. We won't make much out of the results, of course, as they'll be fresh off the boat. No getting cocky just because we win a few, or worrying overmuch just because we lose a few. Scrims are scrims. But I'm looking forward to it." [Editor’s Note: This interview took place on September 7th.]

TSM seems to have a different philosophy to initiating teamfights and tend to lane aggressively. How are you planning to capitalize upon these style-of-play differences?
"I've prepared a lot, but the Worlds meta is very fickle. Many teams will change up not only their picks, but their entire approach to the game, throughout their tournament run. So it's difficult to say anything definite as of now. There are some constants, though. Bjergsen is one - he's an outstanding midlaner that really demands respect. Doublelift is another - his play breaks down severely once he tilts. We have these externalities down. Anyway, TSM is clearly a strong team and will be a tough opponent."

The Flash Wolves are renowned for their undefeated record against top Korean teams as well as their world class midlaner Maple. Thoughts on the Flash Wolves?
“I almost forgot - Flash Wolves is another strong team. They have a strong midlaner and jungler, and when they get rolling, their aggressive style of play and explosive teamfighting really shine. Their bottom lane duo is also skilled, as deducible through their rankings on the Korean ladder. It's difficult to keep them down, as a large part of their strength comes from sheer individual skill. But although they are a very dangerous and clutch team, I think their aggressive tendencies are double-edged. If we avoid mistakes, we should be able to match them well."

Most consider EU to be this season's underdogs. Do you agree?
"Their rotations are less refined and their drafts are unconventional. The latter worries me, as EU is usually the birthplace of new metas. At first, everyone thinks what they're doing is weird and suboptimal… but in the end, all the other regions end up catching on. [laughs] So if EU brings something new to the table, they may turn out to be a serious contender; if not, most if not all of them should go home in the group stage. If they do utilize their open-mindedness to great effect, we’ll be right there taking notes. [laughs]"

Any players in particular you’re looking out for?
"Bjergsen has been a star for quite some time and is an amazing player. He can even hold his own against Faker. But Kuro is skilled at playing his lane conservatively while keeping one step ahead in terms of map movement, so I think we will be able to contain Bjergsen as a team. I would have pointed next to Score… what a shame. The last player I would pick is Mithy. His unorthodox style of play left a big impression on me last Worlds. When he's on his game, he's a force to be reckoned with. I rate his unpredictability quite highly."

The above was but a third of NoFe's extremely verbose interview. We are in the process of condensing the insights contained in the rest. Stay tuned for Tiger, All Too Tiger, a book of coaching aphorisms by Friedrich NoFe.

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"Bjergsen has been a star for quite some time and is an amazing player. He can even hold his own against Faker. But Kuro is skilled at playing his lane conservatively while keeping one step ahead in terms of map movement, so I think we will be able to contain Bjergsen as a team. I would have pointed next to Score… what a shame. The last player I would pick is Mithy. His unorthodox style of play left a big impression on me last Worlds. When he's on his game, he's a force to be reckoned with. I rate his unpredictability quite highly."

Lamida de polla a kuro e interesante lo de Mithy...


"The Flash Wolves are renowned for their undefeated record against top Korean teams as well as their world class midlaner Maple. Thoughts on the Flash Wolves?
“I almost forgot - Flash Wolves is another strong team. They have a strong midlaner and jungler, and when they get rolling, their aggressive style of play and explosive teamfighting really shine. Their bottom lane duo is also skilled, as deducible through their rankings on the Korean ladder. It's difficult to keep them down, as a large part of their strength comes from sheer individual skill. But although they are a very dangerous and clutch team, I think their aggressive tendencies are double-edged. If we avoid mistakes, we should be able to match them well."

Oye, que va resultar que el zorro no está tan loco cuando dice que FW puede ganarle a SKT.

Por cierto, NL de nuevo en challenger en Korea después de haber bajado a D3.


#1644 Creo que lo dice en el video del sorteo de grupos, en el que sale con path


#1646 Yaya una pregunta, el post para comentar las partidas de las worlds que sean en diferido y sin spoilers ¿Se va a abrir dicho post al final?

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#1649 Si, se va a abrir, durante esta semana apareceran los hilos de los worlds, tranquilos.

Tema cerrado