Hilo de discusión pre-Campeonato Mundial de la Temporada 6


#1888 Nada de supuestamente, es oficial ya, y no solo eso:

Championship skin & ward - From now, 25% of revenue from each year’s Championship skin and Championship Ward will be added to the Worlds prize pool. That means every purchase of Championship Zed will directly increase the prize pool for Worlds 2016. For context, had this been applied last year, it would have more than doubled the prize pool.

Challenger skin - Similarly, going forward, 25% of revenue from each year’s Challenger skin will be added to the MSI prize pool.

Team Championship skins - Beginning with the winning team from this year’s Worlds, we will be sharing 25% of the revenue earned on skin sales in the launch year of each set of Team Championship skins directly with the players who inspired them, as well as their team and league (because it takes a village to make a champion). In the spirit of celebrating past champions, we’ll also be sharing revenue from past Team Championship skins with the previous winners - players, teams and leagues (Fnatic, TPA, SKT, Samsung White and SKT again)

New (and improved) digital goods - Next year, we’ll be introducing new revenue sharing opportunities, such as team-branded in-game items and esports promotions, as well as improving revenue sharing on summoner icons (World icons increasing from 20-30% and regional league increasing as determined by each league). We believe the potential for revenue is extremely strong for committed teams building strong brands - but given that these are new and untested products and we’re looking to address an immediate gap in team revenue, in 2017 each league will set aside a guaranteed minimum to each of its teams as it determines appropriate based on regional needs. For example, the EU LCS will have a minimum revenue amount of €100,000 per team for the full season, of which 50% will go to players as supplemental income on top of their existing salaries

Da para hilo nuevo, yo no digo nada.

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#1891 hilo ya


Muy buenas noticias. Si debería abrirse hilo.


Abrir el LOL después de unos días , encontrarse los horarios, menudo shock.

Ahi se pudran


Que os parece? xD


kobbe carried.OK.

clg han sido unos carried al mundial jajajajaja


A clg le a hecho carry al mundial Aphromoo, se sabe de aqui a lima xDDD


Porque aun no han hecho la quiniela del mundial?


Al puto Uzi le ha puesto una A xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Les recomiendo que se pasen por esto, esta muy bonico:


¿Tan mal ve la gente y veis a Ahq? ¿Veis claro que H2K pasa de grupos junto a Edg?

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#1901 AHQ siempre es un rival a tener en cuenta. siempre.

Dopa top1 de korea por cierto, de nuevo por 1287347172421 vez.


#81 No solo no lo veo claro es que lane for lane Ahq se come a H2K por no hablar que es un roster que lleva 4 splits y este es su segundo mundial juntos no les va a faltar teamplay


Si An esta igual de fuerte que el año pasado no creo que h2k pase, aun me acuerdo de esa jinx y como se lo hizo pasar a fnatic, cada vez que lo pienso me entran los sudores frios.. >_<

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Menos mal, porque aquí se ha dicho poco menos que H2K pasaba fácil de grupos


#1904 jinx es tier1. No se si en el parche del mundial tambien.


A fnatic de la s5 le valieron camitas para pasar de grupos, estuvieron a nada, pero a nada de no pasar (le entran sudores al recordarlo), y era el mismo quinteto que el de este año, tal vez este año no llegen tan fuertes, no lo se, no vi ningun partido de ellos solo lei noticias sobre sus partidos contra FW. Pero como An este igual o parecido al del año pasado h2k tendra que sudar y mucho, pero mucho mucho.

Para mi fue top 3 de mejor adc del mundial del año pasado

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#1907 para mi fue el mejor xD.


si ahq juega con chawy me planteo apoyarles una pena que no sea asi

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#1909 Te ha llegado el legends

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#1910 que va me mola desde que era adc

esa partida fue super bestia con varus

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#1911 Se la saca el amigo.

En SGS habia uno que jugaba karma mid antes de que le hicieran el rework y era una pasada, no me acuerdo si era chawy cuando se paso a mid o era otro.

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All aboard the TSM hype train! Choo fucking choo.


#1912 aquí somos fan de verdad no de palo :psyduck: pff no me acuerdo si seria chawy


Una entrevista al coach de EDG, Aron:

Q: What is the team's main improvement during the bootcamp?
A: I can notice clearly that the players are more focused, and they are practising hard. The passion is higher than when we were in China. After arriving in Korea, the players truly realized that they are going to the worlds. We scrimed against the western team and it opened our mind in terms of mindset, playing style, and overall strategy. We only played against the Korean teams in China. Now I think the western teams definitely aren't bad. On the contrary, they deserve more attention.
Q: Recently, TSM and SKT's scrim videos were leaked. Many believe TSM is quite different from last year. What do you think about TSM?
A: This time, TSM is pretty good on all positions, even though veteran support YellowStar went back to Europe. The rookie support is improving impressively. Like reported by many, TSM seems to be the best western team this year, which we agree. In terms of scrims, TSM are very good.
Q: Talking about scrims, is the scrim result overall optimistic for EDG?
A: I wouldn't call it optimistic. We are still developing our understanding of the patch, and we didn't train to target specific teams. Every team in scrims just PB casually without targeting specific opponents. This kind of scrim results aren't worth referencing, so I wouldn't call it optimistic.
Q: This is the third time EDG entering worlds. Are you satisfied with the results?
A: The team was founded three years ago and we have entered the worlds three times. We ended up in quaters last two times, which was a pity. In S4, players got health problems during travelling, and we lost to our LPL brothers. This is difficult to accept for EDG, especially after EDG won two champions in LPL. We all felt pitiful. After the game, the players cried, and our boss cried. We felt we shouldn't lose that way. However, last year, quarter is somewhat acceptable for us. For one thing, after MSI last year, pretty much every player is bothered by injury. AmazingJ is a new player, and the patch is unfriendly to LPL -- top is exceptionally strong. We are the only lucky team to enter quaterfinal from LPL. When facing FNC, we felt that we were able to handle them after adjustment. After all, sports games are hard to predict, plus some champions were suddenly banned. Of course, during the game, it showed that our strategy was not up to date. Compared against FNC that plays around the top, we were behind in terms of patch understanding. This year, we have tow new players, but we are more confident, because our comprehensive training and managing systems broght us very good team spirit, which makes training more efficient. The only concern I have is that our two new players never played in worlds, so not sure about their adaptability. So our focus is now on these two new players.
Q: Many commented that your team is in a good group, what do you think?
A: We are the first seed, so no matter what we won't meet other first seeds. People believe our group is good because we don't have LCK teams. Well, even if we have LCK teams, it will be SKT or Samsung. It's not like only one team can get out. It all comes down to No.3 and No.4 in your group. Other than LPL and LCK, other pool2/3 teams aren't too far from each other, except for C9 from pool3. As long as you don't get C9, all other (pool2/3) teams are more or less the same. It's either winning easily, or face difficulty but still win.
I think the so called death group should be three top teams fighting two slots. If a group has two top teams and two mid-level teams, it isn't different from having two top teams and two bad teams. If you are good, you will get out. We all know that you won't face teams from the same group in quarters, so having strong teams in group is actually a good thing, because it means it's easier later on. Ultimately, I think we should face it calmly. I hope our brother teams from LPL will do the same. We all want to get out, so don't underestimate weaker teams in the group, and don't give up on stronger teams in the group. Because as we mentioned, once you get out, having stronger teams in group is a good thing. For teams who want a good result, quarterfinal draw is more important.
Q: Talking about brother teams, IM's group seems like a death group. Do you think they are likely to get out?
A: They have chance. They entered the worlds in flying speed. This is a young team but the players have big match experience. For example, AmazingJ played in S5 (interviewer: he will play three SKT top laners, Aaron: lol). Mid Athena won IEM. The coach is from CJ, and another coach is from LGD. So from players to supporting crew, there is plenty of big match experience.
As to whether their group is really the death group? I actually don't think so. FW is a first seed. They played well in LMS, but you notice that FW is weaker than other first seeds. You can say SKT is the real first seed. So it's like for second pool, you get a LMS team, so it's alright. Then people think it's a death group due to C9 from pool3. It's like when FW, SKT, and IM all can get out, you have another team C9. This is actually better than having a wildcard. Why? If we have a weak team from pool3, then matchs between the first three teams are excpetionally important. Losing one game may determine the outcome of the group. There is low tolerance of losing. It's BO1, so it's easy to have accidents. But now you have C9, C9 may win against any of the three teams, so it's pretty delicate, because all four teams can win against each other. I don't think it's a death group, because even if you lose one game, the other teams may save you. For this group, SKT is slightly better, and the other three teams are even, which makes mistakes more forgiving in this group. IM can have room to adjust, so it isn't the worst group.
Q: We talked about group B and C, so the death group is...?
A: Compared against B, D is more like a death group. First of all, TSM is recognized as a very strong team by everyone, then we have LPL's RNG which is also strong. RNG is limitless, because all their five players are outstanding. RNG has the best roster in this worlds. I am not exaggerating, I envy their roster. Then you have Samsung. Even though it's a bit of a miracle for them to enter S6, but they defeated KT, and KT is 2 hp from first seed of LCK. Since Samsung can defeat such a good team, it means they shouldn't be underestimated. I would rather not say these three teams (TSM, RNG, SSG) are different in terms of strength. The more accurate description is that they are dramatically different in style. SSG has conventional skills and strategies of LCK teams. RNG has top roster with unlimited possibilities. I think they may fail to get out of the group, and they may win the final championship. RNG's upper and lower limits are so far away. TSM is a classic western type team. So who will get out depends on the blood battle between them.
And I am not saying Sylce has no chance. They can win any team in this group in bo1. If any team lose to Spy in Bo1, then the whole situation is going to be really tough. So this group is the real death group, because 1 bo1 may ruin the whole thing.
Q: Many people are optimistic about LPL this year, especially about EDG. Many believe finally we can go 50 50 against LCK. What do you think about this?
A: It's impossible to judge without playing for real. People believed that LPL was stronger than LCK last year. Without playing, nobody knows who is stronger. Maybe people see that RNG is showing up strong in MSI, but they still lost at the end. Maybe LPL performs well in summer, but that's without inter-region comparision against LCK. So we have to wait for the real matchs. We can first see the game between SSG and RNG, IM against SKT. For our team, if we want to go far, we will play against LCK anyway. It's far fetched to call it 50 50. I would say at most, as a whole, LPL vs LCK is 40 60, or even 30 70. We are weaker, mostly weaker in terms of mindset. We used to think we'd go 50 50, but we lost. Furthermore, other regions shouldn't be underestimated this year.
Q: Is LCK as strong as last year?
A: SKT is exceptionally strong in big games. (Interviewer: are you trying to jinx them? Aaron: nono, I am serious). You look at MSI, they lost so badly earlier on, and were able to adjust, and finally exhibited impressive strength in the final. SKT is like EDG on some aspects: slow to adapt initially, but very strong at adapting at the end. Top teams are strong because they can adapt. Our two teams are weak at adapting early, because team with strong discipline have fixed management mode. If we face something uncomfortable, it's slow to adapt earlier on, but has good speed to adapt at the end. It's like a Chinese saying "someone who doesn't know how to fight may defeat a Kungfu master". A kungfu master is used to common fighting techniques, but he may be surprised by someone who doesn't even know how to fight. On the other hand, if you want to cheese the kungfu master twice, it'd be difficult.
Q: SKT and IM coaches made a bet. Whoever lost would post videos of him slapping himself on social networks. Have you made a bet against any coaches or players?
A: Lol, really? I have never done this. I am a traditional person, and persimistic. I rarely make predictions or bet. I think it seems inappropriate for a coach to do this, but I am fine with doing this against coaches who are my friends. I met Kkoma during MSI. Kkoma is the founder of SKT empire. They lost to us during MSI last year. I listened to their recording during BP and I think this coach has similar coaching style to me. This year, they were able to come back from such bad situation earlier on in MSI. I really hope to collaborate and communicate more with Kkoma. Now I know he is humorous too, so this coach is more well-rounded than me. I rarely do this (do humorous things).
Q: Which team do you worry about the most?
A: If I pick one, it's going to be ROX. It's widely considered to be the tough opponent. They are no.1 from LCK. Only Peanut doesn't have big match experience, the other members were kept from last year. Compared to us (having two new players), their overall composition and summer performance is quite threatening. Us two teams are close to each other, but I haven't even met them in person this time. We never got out of the hotel. We spent all our time on two points (training room and sleeping room).
Q: You are about to go to the US on 23rd. What do you want to talk to the fans before you leave?
A: Most believe we have good hope this year, I hope so too, and we have been working hard for that. Maybe we will meet all kinds of troubles and problems, but as long as fans support us and encourage us, I believe we will overcome all difficulties. I hope we can defeat the curse of quarterfinal this year. At the very least, we want to go to the semi. From then on, we will fight to win every match, and hope to get a good result.


Menuda puta mierda de ranking el del Zaboutine


Kuro en el hospital, parece que esta bien, pero allí queda la imagen:

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#1917 Pues si tienen que tirar de Cry en los worlds, tampoco lo hizo mal el chaval cuando jugó en el split.

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#1918 Si, incluso les puede ir mejor que Kuro en ciertos partidos. Pero jugará Kuro, supongo, al estar bromeando con Bjerg no parece nada grave.


Se está dopando

Tema cerrado