mira :
bugg-- (kha should not have gotten the homeguard since he was dmged by kogmaw before he recalled) = no heal or movementspeed which would have resulted in a win for fnatic. Riot should do something about this since it clearly was a fault in the game that determined the outcome of the game
minuto 1:31:30
Riot se excusa en:
There is, however, the matter of there being an unlisted - although intended - ‘grace period’ related to the recall animation. A champion can take damage in the very last moments before the recall animation completes and still successfully complete the recall. Despite being unlisted, this interaction is a well-known one which may be used by all players in every game. Similarly, this interaction between Homeguard and Recall is one which is reproducible in every game due to the nature of how Recall works in our game
Es un bug de sincronizacion en el juego que Riot excusa como "periodo de gracia" en realidad es algo mal programado y punto.