Hustlin renueva por Giants


Se van confirmando las siluetas, y a su vez la confirmación de Hustlin.

In October 2015 our LVP team, Giants Underdoges, added an unknown Swedish support. His name was Morgan Granberg, and he previously destroyed us on an official match playing Shaco on the jungle.
Two months later, this unknown support was a key part of the team’s success winning the División de Honor championship as well as Gamergy. Later on, in March 2016, Hustlin was promoted to the LCS and helped the team to save the spot on relegations.
This is the story of the begining of the professional career of Morgan “Hustlin” Granberg, a story we are extremely happy that he will continue writing at Giants on 2017.
"I'm happy to stay at Giants for one more year. The team we are gathering is very promising and I'm really excited for the upcoming season. Big props to our sponsors and our fans who have supported us during the whole 2016, we will make them proud!" - Morgan “GIA Hustlin” Granberg


Bueno, aparte que ya dijeron que 99% Hustlin iba a renovar, no se trairian a Flaxxish si Hustlin no siguiese en el equipo.


merecido la verdad

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#4 tenemos un hilo para este tipo de contenido


Buena noticia para GIA.

1 comentario moderado

2 de 2. Más vale que la tercera sí que sea una "foto random" como han dicho xD

Sobre Hustlin, es el puto amo. Que siga 20 años más. Salud, campeón.


Hustlin me parece buenisimo, yo lo querría en OG

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