Taking a break from reading my Korean textbook to write my thoughts on the current state of the game and the current patch. I'll probably do a vlog on this later
Top lane has become a stupid cesspool of massing potions and farming for lategame. They need to make HP pots uniquely stack to 5 so you can't start the game off with 9 pots and 2 wards.
Jungle seems incredibly weak and the changes Riot was talking about where Jungle can now carry is completely wrong. Junglers have resigned themselves to pure utility once again, and can't put as much pressure on the map due to Oracle nerfs. I liked when Junglers could actually gank (all 3 lanes start with wards now rofl)
APs need more lategame items to counteract the early snowballers that pressure them in lane. Riot randomly nerfed Deathcap and Athene's, and never compensated by buffing any other items other than DFG, which is not usable on most lategame APs.
Support is in a good position right now, I really like what they changed to make the role more dynamic and less reliant on GP10.
ADs have gotten destroyed. It was necessary but now it's gone over the top. Berserker's, Doran's, Triforce, Bloodthirster, Infinity Edge, PD, LW, Banshee's, QSS, and GA are all nerfed. When you nerf literally every single item that ADs use, you can't also simultaneously buff the champions that ADs can never kill.
-Warmogs is stupidly cheap and allows any bruiser to become an unkillable brick. ADs can do nothing to someone who rushed a 2650g Warmog's while you have a BF Sword + Vamp Scepter
-Warden's Mail is a guaranteed 20% attack speed reduction for 1100g (much too cost-effective), and Randuin's item pathing is too easy + effective.
Essentially, I feel like ADs are much too easy to shut down in the current state of the game. ADs were admittedly overpowered before these changes and now they have 2 options.
You're going to see a lot more hypercarries like Kog, Trist, Cait, Twitch who do absolutely nothing but stall the game until they get 6 items. You're also going to see MF every game because she takes absolutely no skill and low item requirements to press R and destroy a teamfight.
Hopefully Riot fixes the boring and frustrating trend of farm-for-6-items with Nunu or pick MF and wombo combo.
P.S: Holy shit please nerf Nunu already
Del dios de Vayne