Lamabear jungla de Misfits Academy suspendido del competitivo


TL;DR Leon “Lamabear” Krüger, currently on the roster of EU Challenger Series, Team Misfits Academy, has been found to have a continuous pattern of unacceptable behaviour in ranked games. As a result he will be suspended for 4 competitive months from all Riot-affiliated competitions.
Through an investigation carried out by League Officials, evidence demonstrated that Krüger displayed consistent negative behaviour in ranked play over the course of the past months. He was initially issued a warning by League Officials on the 5th of January when he was evaluated as an LCS substitute, but has since continued to exhibit ongoing misconduct unbecoming of a professional player. Krüger’s continuous usage of discriminatory and denigrating language towards other players in the game is unacceptable. Given the frequency, quantity and severity of said misconduct we are suspending Krüger for an extended period of time from Riot-affiliated competitive play.

Krüger has violated rules 8.2.2 and 8.2.4 of the EU Rulebook. Based on the Player’s actions and the punishment prescribed in the Global Penalty Index, specifically the section “Ongoing Misconduct”, he will be suspended for the next 4 competitive months.



“Harassment is forbidden. Harassment is defined as systematic, hostile and repeated acts taking place over a considerable period of time, or a singular egregious instance, which is/are intended to isolate or ostracize a person and/or affect the dignity of the person.”


“Team Managers/Members may not offend the dignity or integrity of a country, private person or group of people through contemptuous, discriminatory or denigrating words or actions on account of race, skin color, ethnic, national or social origin, gender, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, financial status, birth or any other status, sexual orientation or any other reason. “



Que lastima que un jugador con tanto potencial la cague de esta manera


Resumen en español?

1 respuesta

Que encima tenía un warning y sabiendo que se la jugaba siguió con esa actitud, ahora Misfists Academy a encontrar jungla de prisa y corriendo, y no parece que haya mucho donde buscar


El 8.2.4 suena a que se encontro con el tipico frances en soloq


A muchos les suele valer con un solo ban. Esperemos que se reforme.


4 meses lo justo para que el PSG ascienda, y no suena muy grave lo que ha hecho.
La mano negra del lol?


He visto un "4 competitive..." y creyendo que eran 4 partidas me he salido del artículo y me he puesto a hacer otras cosas. Por algún motivo me he vuelto a meter y veo que son 4 MESES LOL


Pero que cojones?


Que se joda, gente tóxica fuera de la escena, ahora a desintoxicación

GJ Riot


el jungla que lo va a sustituir es el que jugo con origen el preclasificatorio a la cs

2 respuestas

#11 Pues es bueno de cojones el chaval, promete bastante


#3 “Harassment is forbidden. Harassment is defined as systematic, hostile and repeated acts taking place over a considerable period of time, or a singular egregious instance, which is/are intended to isolate or ostracize a person and/or affect the dignity of the person.”

“Team Managers/Members may not offend the dignity or integrity of a country, private person or group of people through contemptuous, discriminatory or denigrating words or actions on account of race, skin color, ethnic, national or social origin, gender, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, financial status, birth or any other status, sexual orientation or any other reason. “

1- Flamer.

2- Racismo/Homofobia.


#11 kadiertje?

1 respuesta

#14 sip pero el nick de competitivo es kadir


Que se joda asi de claro


Una pena que un chaval con tanta skill se eche a perder así, cuando jugó con Huma fue de lo mejorcito con Gragas y Nidalee, pero en fin a ver si se reforma porque talento tiene

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