soy al único al que faker este split le parece que juega a gran nivel lulu y corki? puede ser que viktor y lo demás a un nivel bastante "bajo"
Este ROX Tigers me recuerda al Samsung White de la s4, stompeando allá por donde van. Y encima estos parece que no tienen bestia negra como sí lo tenía el White con el Blue.
Scout ha salido de SKT:
La cantada de CJ con el Heraldo es de lo más noob que haya visto este año (Y me he visto el Roccat vs Giants y el Renegades vs Fox "B") Si lo hacen en NA tenemos coñita para dos temporadas, el pobre Kramer va directo nominado a pardillo del año.
No se hasta que punto será cierto, pero en Reddit han puesto una transcripción traducida de un stream de Gorilla (ROX Tigers), donde explica sus problemas con KOO, bastante gordos, y los problemas financieros que tuvieron durante el summer:
Yesterday on stream, Gorilla (Rox support) went on explaining about their financial problems.
People were curious just exactly when they started having sponsorship issues, and Gorilla told the stream that it happened ever since Round 2 of the LCK Summer split, far before Worlds even started.
KOO TV, a newly formed Korean streaming site received massive Chinese funding and started an aggressive marketing campaign. They rented out most of the floors on one of the most expensive locations in Korea and kept spamming advertisements.
However they failed to gather viewers, and sponsor pulled out starting Summer.
Gorilla said they stopped getting paid, and because their gaming house was a rented house, they couldn't turn on the air conditioning during summer.
Also while preparing for Worlds, they were forced to prepare at an Internet Cafe.
He told the streamers that his wrist condition started going bad because he had to sleep in awkward position in Winter because it's so cold.
Perhaps the saddest thing is when they appeared on True LoL Show, an OGN talkshow, the host asked the players if they were making big ones or big twos (100k or 200k), which Rox players had to lie and just laugh it off at the time because their sponsors have already pulled out by then.
#1708 Pues los dos mejores equipos ahora mismo del mundo para mi juegan ofensivos. Rox e Inmortals.
#1709 Pues Q acaba den hacerle un ace y perder automanticamente la partida con esos respawns a min 32