LCS NA Spring Split 2016

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Reignover hablando con Travis y explicando cosas del IMT-TSM y de su vida en NA:

Well I'm joined right now by Reignover, after their third match of the season. Reignover that was a lot closer than I thought it was going to be, TSM's supposed to be really weak right now, earlier you guys were saying oh yeah we're gonna win number 1, it's gonna be fine, Huni and Pobelter both said this, what happened in that game?
R: Um, I think we made pretty much a lot of mistake at level 1, we did a blind swap, and then our duo should've stopped them doing their blue side camp, but they made to finish all three, so it was like, pretty bad early game as a jungler, and then we try to swap back and then we make a few mistake during, around our top and jungle sides, so the early game was super hard, and then they make some play around our bot, and then also we make bad decision there too, so our early game was pretty bad, I think it was on TSM, I think TSM could've win if they don't make mistake, but after that, we try to get ourself mentally solid, and then we just say wait until the enemy mistake, and then TSM finally make a mistake and I think that's why we win the game.

So was this kind of a humbling experience for you guys, because last week, like I said, it felt like, talking especially to Huni afterwords, there was just so much confidence, like we're so much better, all the other, like a lot of other players on other teams are saying Immortals are so much better, but you guys looked a little bit weak there.
R: Mmm, I think usually, when a team looks weaker, I think it's coming from the thing that you, have mindset that you have to not make mistake, so no one is making plays when you're behind, so I think the fact that we have to make no mistake and then try to come back when we're behind, I think that's the reason why the team pretty much look weak when you're behind, you know. So I think that's why.

So now you've been here for just about two weeks, what are the differences between being in the EU LCS and the NA LCS?
R: Ummm, playing at EU LCS and NA LCS? Mm, I think most difference is the time, I think I prefer playing early than at night, because sometimes at EU if you're fifth game and then the games are long then we are going home at like after 12 o'clock, you know, so here I just prefer way better, playing early. And I think I like doing fan meet outside of the stage, like outside here, I think it's pretty cool. And... I think other side of that it's pretty much same.

Do you feel like there's any differences between the NA LCS culture, and attitude, and all the different players, like I've heard that EU LCS players go out more often and hang out with other teams, and there's kind of like little parties after LCS, and that doesn't really exist in NA LCS, do you feel there's any difference?
R: Um, when I was at Fnatic, no one in our team were going out after LCS, like even though we do 2-0 or even though we do 18-0, everyone just come to the house and then we just chill ourselves, so actually I didn't even know that EU LCS players are like going out after LCS, you know, because I heard it here, so I don't really know. And even at NA, we're not really doing something else after LCS, so I think it's just pretty much the same for me.

By the way, have you tried the boba, the boba truck over there?
R: Of course, this one? Yeah, it's really good. I love it.

They gave me it for free, I told them I'd bring it up in the interview, so now I've done that. It's really good. I think it's like a mother and son, I think, and the son knew who I was, and so I think he's an LCS fan, so that's why I got the boba for free. You should try to get free boba.
R: Oh, ok lol

It's a good deal, just plugging Phantom food truck, currently located outside of the NA LCS. What, what happens for you on Immortals, how does the team work, cuz we were talking a little bit about this beforehand, I asked you if you guys go out, cuz a lot of NA players just don't, like they go and their whole thing is like we stay at home, we go out for food, we go to LCS, we go back home, like they never go out and do anything. What is it like for the Immortals side of things?
R: Um, basically our food at our gaming house is extremely great, so we don't really have to go out to get good food, so we go out to eat good food sometimes, but I think our team want us to be outside of the game, for one day in like one or two weeks, so there's like team day, team out day, I don't know how to say, we go do escape rooms, or just those kind of things, like we just, I think we're just gonna keep doing that.

An escape room, for those that don't know what an escape room is, can you describe what an escape room is like?
R: Mmmm, it's like, you go to, I don't know how to explain, you have to, you go in the room, and then you have to solve the things, solve the puzzles, and then you have to try to get out of that room in like one hour.

So basically, at the escape room, they lock your whole team in, and then you guys all have to work together to figure out how to get out. How did it go, like how helpful was everyone, who was the best at helping to escape the room, who was useless?
R: lolol, umm. The first stage, I think we cleared it as a team pretty well, pretty fast, and the second one was I think we couldn't make it at the last stage, because it was super random, I think, I think it was random. I think if it was harder we could finish it, but it was too easy, you know, so we couldn't think of it. But I think our coach Dylan was pretty good at it, he was talking a lot, and then everyone else was useless lol

It was literally him carrying all you guys, everyone else was dead weight?
R: Everyone was doing their job, but he was little bit more special, I guess.

What did you guys do after LCS last week, because Huni was very excited about the idea that you guys were gonna go to a steakplace to celebrate going 2-0, what'd you guys end up doing?
R: You mean last week? Um, I think I didn't join the steak party, but I heard that they had a really good steak -

Why didn't you join the steak party?
R: I don't really like steak, I just prefer -

You don't like steak?
R: I think so, lol

Are you a vegetarian, you don't like meat?
R: No I like meat, but I just don't prefer steak, yeah.

So you just sat at home quietly by yourself while everybody else went to go get steak?
R: I don't think it was everyone, I think it was like three of four, so.

Alright, your manager, your CEO, I don't know what to call him, is shaking his head.
R: Oh, last week, yeah, last week we went for sushi, I thought you were talking about the first, oh wait, I think Huni go to the steak, no, they went to the steak, at some point. But Huni went to the steak with the guys. Ah, ok. I guess it wasn't that one.
So then you did go, that's very good. By the way, speaking of food, cuz this interview, you know, that's what I talk about, everything except for esports. You said the food is really good at the Immortals house, how is the food so good. Like a chef?

R: Our manager, Dodo, I think he's really good cooker, and he's Korean, so he cooks a lot of Korean food, and then usually people don't hate Korean food, so Turtle and Adrian, like everyone of us is Asian, you know, so it's like they pretty much like all Dodo's food, so we have pretty much same taste, so I think we are having really good food.

Well, I think that wraps it up, I've learned everything I need to about Immortals. Is there anything you want to say to any of the fans out there, Reignover?
R: umm... always saying, but it's really, I'm super thankful that you guys are keep supporting us, and that like it's our first season, and I think we will really try to perform well. ...And - no, I think I

No what was it?
R: Aw

Were you gonna give a shoutout to somebody or something?
R: Uhhhh. Actually do it?

I don't know what it is, but sure, do it.
R: Fine, I'll do next time.

No, but then, I want it, what if you do it in somebody else's interview, I'm very excited about it.
R: Today morning I saw Febiven having some interview, you know

You saw who?
R: Febiven's interview, Febiven, you know. And then he said he compare me and Spirit, and then he said Spirit ganks way more than me, you know, better than me, I guess. I just want to say Pobelter die to way less gank than Febiven, so yeah, I just want to say, he was not intending that for offense, but maybe I get some offend, I was offended a bit, but it's a joke, but yeah.
That's good, we'll just banter back and forth in the next EU LCS interview, somebody else can say something. Alright, thank you so much, that was really fun. For everyone else you can check out our coverage of all things League of Legends at


and then he said Spirit ganks way more than me, you know, better than me, I guess. I just want to say Pobelter die to way less gank than Febiven


Hay salseo, aunque eso de comparar compañeros cuando llevan taaan poco tiempo juntos, meh.


No sé si entiendo bien la frase, que Pobelter muere menos gankeado que Febiven? Le da demasiadas vueltas a la respuesta

1 respuesta

A mi siempre me parece que las sobradas de Febiven sean verdad o no (todo el mundo sabe que Spirit es mejor que RO, RO lo sabe) están fuerisima de lugar, es como oír la mítica frase de DL de "I'm the greatest everyone else is trash" pero con cero carisma.

O sea, DL dijo que Imp era un manta a su lado xDDD, de y con DL te ríes, Febiven dice cosas del estilo y te quedas como... ok tío.

Parece mentira que Deilor no le diga que ciertas cosas no quedan bien.

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El tema esta en que Febi se cree todo lo que dice seguro y cuando le preguntan suele contestar lo que piensa sin pensar si es politicamente correcto o no, como cuando le preguntaron por POE o en worlds con la famosa peineta de Hai.

No estoy seguro de si todo el trashtalk de DL es por hacer la gracia o realmente se cree mejor que IMP.


DL se cree las cosas que dice. Cuando le preguntaban por los mejores ADC se ponía SIEMPRE el primero y sólo una vez cuando Sneaky estaba en modo god admitió que Sneaky estaba a su nivel.

Vamos que si DL se lo cree... si el problema es que se lo cree y han dejado que siempre que se lo crea, por eso es "tóxico para el team" porque se cree Dios. Es un problema de actitud que se supone está trabajando con KC... u_u
Me acuerdo ahora del vídeo de los puñetazos y la cara de DL al ver que no ganaba xD


#514 yo creo entender que se muere menos por un gank, que le pide menos que le gankee vamos, sino pues no entiendo nada


Hay hilo de la NAcs???
Que hoy debuta ohq con tdk, va a ser bonito ver a un adc top3 en el mundo jugando contra botlanes de na que no son ni lcs xddd

1 respuesta

Un poco de Adrian con Travis

#519 No, no hay hilo de la CS, crealo si quieres, se le pone live sin problemas ;)

1 respuesta

#520 estoy muy muy desenchufado del lol , he vuelto ahora y sobretodo del competitivo no sabia ni que equipos habia ni en la lcs xd, pero podemos poner el stream en la enciclopedia, va a ser buenas risas ver a ohq vs randoms de na, me espero gankeos de 5 a bot o algo loco

1 respuesta

#521 La CS de NA este año parece que tiene buen nivel. TDK me parece el favorito, de Liquid hablan muy bien y Apex pinta muy bien, de los demas no espero gran cosa.


Nuevo episodio del Rebirth de Liquid:


Hostias, ahora me entero de que TL Matt es MatLife_NA. No tenia ni idea. Pense que eran tios diferentes xd


Freeze juega esta semana?

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#526 no

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#527 gracias bro, lo quito del fantasy

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#529 Ohq > Freeze by far


A Ohq cuando vea a Remi jugando le da algo xD

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El ohq este es bueno? Y en que equipo jugaba?

1 respuesta

#532 report.

PD: El ex ad de Najin. Una bestia parda.


Hay que estar como una chota para jugar con un support del nivel de remilia.
Espero que le cunda el pastizal que le deben pagar,


Hay algunos q sólo segimos EU y NA no hay x q saberse todos los jugadores del competitivo xD


Malas noticias para TSM, Hai jugará el sábado.

#529 Joder con Renegados, Un Koreano, un ruso, un Ucraniano, un Colombiano y un supp que no se sabe muy bien lo que es.

1 1 respuesta

#536 Colombiano no, Venezolano.

Maple se supone que es el sub de Rng pero no lo usan, lo de tener sub y pillar los adc de otro equipos pues no lo entiendo la verdad.


#531 a lo mejor le va "su roio" xDD


#515 Spirit es mejor que RO? Joder, solo he visto al RO de fnatic y IMT y al Spirit de Fnatic y RO es como 30-40 veces mejor, pero supongo que en korea Spirit era muy bueno si dices eso, ojala lo demuestre porque si no fnatic esta jodido T.T

3 respuestas

Como q maple es sub de renegades? Lo estas diciendo en broma no? Pero si maple era un crack y en flash wolves se la sacaba, y era el mid más regular de la Liga de Taiwán, como a acabado siendo el sub de un equipo como renegades? owo

1 respuesta