LeaverBuster Innovaions : Automated Leaver Banin


A ver alguien que sepa ingles que traduzca eso pero si creo que es lo que es menuda bomba xD


Competitive environments, by their nature, tend to get people riled up. While part of that is simply the magic of competition, it carries with it the risk of running into a few sour grapes. We’re acutely aware that not every competitive environment remains friendly, and it only takes one disgruntled player to ruin the game for nine other people.

With this in mind, allow me to introduce the latest renovation to our LeaverBuster technology: Automated Leaver Banning. This system will automatically detect those players who habitually leave games, issuing immediate suspensions to summoners who intentionally disrupt gameplay. These suspensions will be targeted towards those whose behavior is habitual and malicious, not those who experience occasional internet outages or technical issues that cause unintentional disconnects.

This new feature, released today, is the result of our development team’s continued dedication to providing you with the best possible player experience when you play League of Legends. And it’s only the tip of the iceberg! This is just the first step in a series of methods that we have planned to help address the issue of poor player conduct in game. Excited? You should be!

Let us know what you think about these additions! Also, make sure to check out the Automated Leaver Banning FAQ written by Zileas!


y para los afks que?


Han implantado un nuevo sistema que suspenderá inmediatamente y de forma automática a los leavers cabrones. El problema es que no dicen el cómo. Básicamente dicen esto y que Riot mola mazo.

#2 Si están mucho tiempo afk será leave y si hacen lo de moverse cada "x" nada. No dicen nada de hacer caso a los reports.

LeaverBuster mejorado: ahora PVP.net bloqueará automáticamente a quienes abandonen. Funciona de un modo similar al sistema de puntos que se aplica a los conductores.
Ganas "puntos de abandono" al salir de una partida y, una vez que reúnes los suficientes, tu cuenta queda suspendida o bloqueada.
Pierdes "puntos de abandono" cuando te comportas bien, es decir, completando las partidas y no saliendo durante un largo período de tiepmo.


Adjunto más info:

Yesterday, 06:44 AM
On December 14th, we launched our automated leaver banning system. The purpose of this system is to disuade players from leaving games. We do this first by giving a warning, and then banning in larger and larger increments when players leave games.

This system works a lot like a driver's license points system. Every time you leave, we consider you to be a bit more of a leaver. Eventually, we punish you. Conversely, not leaving a game for a long time, and just not leaving in general, both make us consider you in better standing.

Q: I just got disconnected from two games! Am I Going to get banned?
A: Probably not. The system will nail you only for a pattern of doing this. Two leaves may be sufficient to give you an automated warning, but it is not likely to ban you in MOST situations.

Q: This sucks. I just leave when my teammates are newbs.
A: Newbs hate it when people leave too.

Q: This sucks, my internet is terrible because [insert provider here] is horrible. Is there a God? This isn't fair.
A: You are ruining other people's experience if you are frequently leaving, regardless of the reason you are leaving. Riot games has a policy of not answering theological questions.

Q: How long can I get banned for?
A: The automated system can ban you for anywhere between 1 hour and 7 days for any particular issue. However, we will be sweeping the records, and will periodically perma-ban people that hit the 7 day ban too many times.

Q: Are ranked, normal and practice games treated differently?
A: At present, we give double penalties on ranked game leaves, because like, it's a bigger deal. We don't track leaves for purpose of leave banning in practice games at present.

Q: I left a lot in the past. Does this mean I will find myself banned automatically?
A: No. This only applies to your future actions. If you have not already been banned for leaving, consider it a holiday gift from us to you, and a chance at redemption. Don't abuse it, because a ban will be coming quickly if you DO leave a significant amount in the future.

Q: I'm a paying user. Shouldn't I get a bit of leniency on this?
A: No, we are firmly against leaving, and we won't condone leaving in any way.


¿Se sabe algo de como funcionan ahora los reports o si van a hacer en un futuro que valgan para algo?


Yo lo que todavía sigo buscando es donde aparecen los leaver points que tienes.

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