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EU Server Keys Added Soon!
Several hundred keys will soon be added to the League of Legends Muay Thai Lee Sin Giveaway with Groups giveaway on behalf of the Leaguepedia group.
Keys will be available at approximately 12:01 PM PDT on Wednesday, October 16th.
Once the keys have been added, you'll be able to join the queue to claim a key. The system will assign keys based on the order members entered the queue until all keys are assigned. Please note that if we run out of keys, you may not be assigned a key even if you are in the queue.
Keys will be claimed very quickly, so expect all keys to be claimed by 12:15 PM PDT.
Please remember that this set of keys are only valid for the NA server and once you receive a key you will not be able to claim another one.
Another set of keys will be added on October 17th (Pacific Time) for the EU servers, so make sure you join all of our partner's groups to ensure you get the email update for when those keys will be added:
Team Dignitas
Team Curse
The Zone Video Series
lol con auto refresh con una sola pestaña me sale "too many request from you" wtf... voy a intentarlo manual
Como sean para NA me cago en todo lo cagable, en el mail de ayer ponia que hoy era para EU y en la web pone EU.
En el último mail que hubo conflicto, En la web ponia EU y en el mail NA, finalmente fueron para NA.
yo no tengo correo, pero el mail pone que son EU pero ke solo funcionan en NA... asi ke mail ekivokado! :S