Mercado fichajes - Spring Split 2017

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Europa LCS/CS

Norteamérica LCS/CS

Korea LCK

China LPL




#10374 Caedrel en serio? xD Me parece peor que POE....y le echaron de un equipo de DDH, con eso no hay nada más que decir xD

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#10381 Hay que decir que jugó de adc, Caedrel no me cae demasiado bien, pero no le echarían por nada en especial.

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#10382 Le echaron por bocachancla y malo xD el tío se pensó que haciendo reroll a adc y con su amigo kaas de supp se iban a rusear la ddh solos y las partidas que jugó se comió un mojón enorme incluso por adcs bastante mediocres dentro de la liga xD


Ese año no seguí la DDH, pero tengo entendido que en la mid se la sacaba no? (caedrel)


edit: Tabzz le ha dado mg al tweet.


Que equipos estan de bootcamp en Korea? misfits esta..y la academy tambien?



Vaya manejo del PS xD


Que pasa con Selfie? no sigue en Misfits?

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#10389 no, es agente libre.


#10389 Nop, LcsGuy dijo hace unos dias quue Poe estaba cerca de MF


Upset nuevo adc de Giants?

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#10392 con 16 años?? lo dudo

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#10394 Me comentaron que jugo alguna scrim con Giants, pero vamos igual les hacia falta gente o algo y jugo por eso


WT fuera de Inmortals, Hermes nuevo coach:

We have another 2017 pre-season announcement: Jason “WildTurtle” Tran is moving on after spending 2016 as our AD Carry. WildTurtle’s megawatt smile and bright personality made him one of the most popular Immortals, and the house will be a little darker without his presence. We wish him nothing but the best and thank him for his hard work and tireless effort during his time on Immortals.

The choice to sign WildTurtle was an obvious one. He has been a mainstay of the North American LCS since 2013, making a name for himself on Team SoloMid. He had a wealth of home front experience, and also represented NA internationally at Worlds and IEM Katowice. We also knew that WildTurtle would be a fantastic team player who would work well with the rest of the squad with minimal conflict.

While WildTurtle was a valuable part of our team from day one, some fans and analysts weren’t sure whether he would be able to recapture the aggressive fire that defined his playstyle. His final days on TSM’s 2015 roster made him look uncertain and meek; would that continue into 2016? Immortals brought the Wild back out of the Turtle, and he once again became one of North America’s top ADCs. WildTurtle helped us achieve a 17-1 regular Split record in Spring, and 16-2 record in Summer. He was a crucial part of the team, and we could not have done this without him.

WildTurtle was more than just a mechanically skilled player, he was also a blast to watch. If there was the opportunity for a kill, he would flash in and take it. Towers, barons, and careful supports could not stop him. This audacious playstyle led to him popping off and dominating the Rift; it’ll be tough to find a new ADC capable of filling the vacancy Turtle leaves behind.

WildTurtle is a fantastic player, a good friend, and a wonderful person to work with. The Immortals organization worked closely with him during 2016 to provide him help with a variety of life and career skills. We know he’ll remember his time on the team fondly, and will go forth better equipped to handle the challenges that life, and League, throw at him.

Thank you again for your hard work and effort, WildTurtle; we wish you the best. As the 2017 pre-season continues to develop, we’ll be making further announcements about our roster and plans. We’ve already announced the departure of Reignover, Adrian, and Huni, and we’re proud to welcome David “Hermes” Tu to our roster as a strategic coach.

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adios wildturtle xD


TSM Tortuga

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No por dios, otra vez no. Bastante tengo ya con Amazing y Soaz en FNC, no me hagas esto Regi, te lo suplico.

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#10398 Hay que rezar para que no sea cierto!


#10399 tranquilo que el adc de TSM va a ser Hjarnan.


Que no, que WT es de DIG, dejad de endosarnoslo xd


#10399 #10396

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Por qué ponen Inmortals en vez de Immortals?

Esto casi que confirma IMT DoubleLift.

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#10404 Va a ser Twitch Doublelift por lo menos hasta verano, y a saber si no le gusta y se queda ahí.


No entendere el hate por WT cuando es un adc muy bueno, para la LCS NA da de sobra, para los mundiales que mas dara.


#10403 Son amigos, estan juntos en la final de Vainglory

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Madlife tiene equipo?

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Por cierto a wildturtle lo vi en un partido de los sixers con saintvicious en primera fila.
Había algún jugador más pero no me acuerdo ahora mismo.


Regi, hazlo. Queremos al tortuga salvaje haciendo el retard :D

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