Mercado fichajes - Spring Split 2017

Recordad, este hilo es para comentar los rumores, si algo se confirma, por favor, abridle un hilo, solo con copiar la Noticia/tweet/X donde se vea la confirmacion en el #1 es suficiente, y nos ayudará a todos a mantenernos bien informados y no perdernos en los cambios de roster por tener un macrohilo con todo.

Si algún rumor os parece lo suficientemente importante como abrirle un hilo independiente, hacedlo. Solo una condición, indicad en el titulo que es un rumor.

Si teneis un rumor, adjuntad una fuente

Como OG parece ser un tema imposible de comentar junto al resto de rumores, tenemos un hilo especial para ese equipo aquí.

Europa LCS/CS

Norteamérica LCS/CS

Korea LCK

China LPL




#150 pero cual es el problema con que no tenga avatar? mis comentarios valen menos que los tuyos entonces?

aparte intente poner un par de fotos pero me dijo que el tamaño era muy grande o no se que hostias y me ralle y lo deje asi, no entiendo este hate

2 respuestas

Soaz siempre da la cara, menos cuando pierde, tiltea y se va sin saludar al equipo rival ni al público, por lo demás si da la cara.

#151 Mandale un mensaje a este Mod para que te cuadre el avatar


#151 toma una gran variedad


yo no me arriesgaria ahora en OG ponerme a fichars unknowns pero ellos sabran

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#154 un random mejora lo que hay facil

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#155 Como OG piense lo que tú, les espera otro split en la mierda

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Por mucho que rezen no va a salir un Niels del SoloQ.

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#156 con lo que hay llegaron muy lejos no? Porque en la mierda ya estan :psyduck:


#157 Que fue de Niels despues del mundial no lo he vuelto a ver por ningun equipo, no se ni porque se fue :(

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#121 Yo también eh, ya te dije que soaz es el 1 pero creo que con todo lo que puede cambiar el meta de aquí al spring usarlo como argumento no es del todo razonable

2 respuestas

#162 En mi opinión no creo que haya que discutir la calidad de s0az, debería quedarse sí o sí sin importar el meta. Lo que realmente importa es que tenga la motivación y lo necesario para dar el máximo nivel y llevar junto a los demás al equipo hasta los worlds y hacer un buen papel allí.

Sinceramente, no tengo ni la menor idea sobre qué problemas tiene Origen. Unos decían que el problema era S0az (luego forg1ven decía que con peke y s0az no había ningun problema, que con los demás ya es otra cosa), otros dicen que el problema era Amazing y Hybrid, entre mil cosas, y como solo una (o ninguna) es verdad, ya no me creo nada xD

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#162 #163


Que no estoy discuentiendo la calidad de soaz o el hecho de que se quede en OG, es lo que quiero, nada más estaba discutiendo un argumento


Va, mas mierda a lo de Dardoch, Piglet en Inven:

Q . Long time no see! How was your U.S. life?
Piglet : At first, I wasn't good at English. On top of that, I lacked lots of things, so I had a hard time. After the first season, I was able to perfectly communicate with my teammates in-game. As time passed, I became better at conversing with teammates in everyday life, even at the level of small details and nuances.
However, I clearly felt the difference between Koreans and non-Koreans when it comes to attitude towards competitive gaming. "Is he playing League professionally to actually win the game? Or has he became a Pro just because he is good at LoL?" This was the hardest part. Like CoreJJ mentioned in an interview, my teammates were frequently playing other games while I was practicing LoL. Incidents like this were so often that it was more difficult for me to concentrate than I was back in South Korea.

Q . The 'Pro Spirit' was unsatisfactory, so to speak.
Piglet : They say NA high rank SoloQ is a little bit easier than its KR counterpart, but regardless of that, playing SoloQ is much better than never playing it. So I picked on them. "Play more SoloQs!" Rumors say that it has been improved recently, but NA SoloQ practice amounts are sub-optimal, I should say.

Q. Okay, this is a little bit sensitive question. You started to play as Liquid Academy's AD Carry out of the blue. What's the reason?
Piglet : Honestly, I didn't want to play for Liquid at that time. So I requested a meeting with our coaches, and after serious conversations we agreed to send me to Liquid Academy. After that decision was announced, news articles containing all kinds of nonsense started to pop up. Because of those articles I was really furious. I was originally planning to take a rest for a week or so. However, after reading all those nonsense, I thought there's no time for break, and jumped right into Liquid Academy.
Then another incident drove me mad. Weird press releases were already bad enough, but in addition to it, rumors saying that "Piglet played terribly so he was relegated to challenger series." were spread. I never lost any laning phases even in the scrims against any Korean teams. But watching those toxic rumors spreading was painful. I temporarily considered returning to a Korean team and showing off the fact that my skills weren't gone.

Q . You went down to a Challenger Series team because you wanted to. There should have been a solid reason for it.
Piglet : Yes, due to that 'One Specific Player'. Him and I had so many different opinions and quarrels so I suffered from heavy stress. That's because I requested a meeting with coaches. From Lourlo to Matt, I shared every part of my in-game knowledge with all of my teammates. But when I have so many troubles with one teammate, all is said and done. There wasn't much that I could do.
I prefer playing with a player with solid teamwork rather than a player with great individual skills. And I thought that I'd rather go to Liquid Academy than waiting for him to go to Challenger series, so I did. At Liquid Academy, all four teammates listened to my opinions so kindly, and actually converted those words into action in the game. Everyone including me sacrificed themselves for each other, and this greatly improved our performance. If Liquid Academy succeeded in entering NA LCS, I probably would have stayed in that team.

Q . Well, everyone knows who the 'One Specific Player' is.
Piglet : Yeah, it's not hard to guess. I do have high 'pride' for my game skills. However, his pride is stronger than mine. Even if my opinion and theirs are different, I follow other people's opinions when I think theirs are better. However, he wasn't that kind of a person. He has very, very great gaming skills. In hindsight, so many things could've gone better. After all, outside of LoL, we were good friends.

Q . After you made the decision to play for Liquid Academy, Fabby was summoned for Liquid. Correct?
Piglet : Yes. That part also could've gone a lot better. Right after I started to play for Challenger Series, standard laning phases were formed in every single game (because of the laneswap prevention patch.) I'm really, really confident with 2v2 bot lane phase. If I was still playing for Liquid, I think Liquid would have at least put up a decent fight in the Post-Season and in the Gauntlet. Lv3 tower dives or something crazy like that. :) Right before I went to Liquid Academy, Matt said to me "We just cannot possibly lose 2v2 lanes. But now I can't play with you :("

Q . Did you help Fabby a lot, instead?
Piglet : Fabby's playstyle is a lot different to mine, so I couldn't give him a great deal of assistance. Fabby is a bit more passive than me. He fits well in the Ashe-Jhin meta. Despite this, when Locodoco and Fabby were talking to each other, I joined them to help as much as possible.
(Omission of Later Parts.)


A mi me resulta hasta cansino el tema de Liquid y Dardoch.


piglet se vuelve a korea D:.


Piglet no era el cerdo?


Pigleto desde que se fue a NA es un sida más. Igual que Imp en China.

A ver si con su vuelta vuelve a lo más alto porque daba gusto verle jugar.


Almenos Imp en china gano algo.


* Rajada * de ayer de Spirit en su stream sobre los jugadores de EU y el poder que tienen sobre los coaches, además de alabar a Deilor y decir que es el mejor coach y el que mas le ha hecho crecer como persona y el que mas trabaja.

2 respuestas

pregunta tonta de alguien que esta bastante out del LoL.
Tanto Rekkles como Spirit querian a Deilor, como es que se fue? o le echaron?


#172 que deulor vuelve a fnc ni cotiza


Que el problema era el putis ni cotiza


#147 Parece que era Smitty J por que despues de los regionales salian en varias fotos todos del equipo menos smitty j , cuando los demas se ivan a cenar y a jugar a los bolos.

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si han estado juntos en valencia, como va a rajar xd

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#172 Deberían de buscar entrenadores de verdad, gente con experiencia, aunque sea en otras disciplinas.


#176 seguramente si, si es como dices...


LCSGuy informanos de algo...

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