Mercado fichajes - Summer Split 2016

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Europa LCS/CS

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Norteamérica LCS/CS

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Korea LCK

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China LPL

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Rosters del Spring Split -> Link
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#30 si fichan a impact tienen cupo de extranjeros, y prefieren poner a rush en el equipo cs antes que a jensen

se supone que quedarian asi los equipos


C9 - CS

1 respuesta

#31 Va a sonar raro, pero por rendimiento de los jugadores en spring, prefiero el equipo Challenger al de LCS


El drama en QG es real, post de Doinb en Weibo


I was agonizing over whether I should write this post, since I knew it is impossible for a mere player to fight against an organization. However I decided to write this post because I could not stand the fact that this situation has been manipulated by just one person, Swift.

I could not post the pictures on Facebook since uploading to Facebook from Chinese internet (VPN) is extremely slow.

Link to pictures:

Since there are so many images I will briefly summarize, the Chinese screenshots are to prove that I had no problems with my teammates, and Swift's messages are included in the bottom. If Swift dare tries to lie against I will release the voice recordings of the conversation. I won't lie about the situation like someone else we know. Some messages had to be censored since they were personal and I did not want the others to be involved in this situation, please be understanding.

When I looked at a Korean forum last time, my Chinese weibo post was so badly translated I decided to get a professional translator this time. If the translations about the WeChat message I posted above are wrongly translated this time again, I will ask him to translate.

I first want to thank the organization Newbee for allowing me to play in QG for this Spring season, and I want to sincerely apologize since I am exposing a teammate's wrongdoing and tainting the team's image. The CEO and investor are two different people.

The investor stuck around with me till the very end and tried to help me out, I am very thankful. The reason I had to write this is to expose that a pro gamer of this standard still exists in the Esport scene and to tell the world about that I have been wrongly victimized.

Also QG's ex-leader accused me of lies, however she moved to the Womans team and I heard she now got a place in QG after she called me out. If you got that position by falsely accusing me, that was a very dirty thing to do, and I would be amazed that teams would go out of their way to bury the situation.

Now for the story

After 2015 Summer season QG is taken over by Newbee

Swift's contract at the time was that he would be receiving what he had offered to the Organization, and that there wouldn't be a sub jungler in the team. He wanted to send Tom to LSPL (2nd tier league) and if these conditions are not met, he would leave the team. And as it said on the screenshot I have included, he said himself that he signed the contract on the condition that Tom was out of the team. This wasn't even the first time this happened, when we were in LSPL, ssun and gamjagod both met the same fate as sub junglers. Swift, without agreement from Tom, did not allow him to participate in scrims or tournaments. Mid likewise, in LSPL, Swift said that Borisal was a shit player and he would never play with him, so QG used me instead.

I talked to Swift, and he says that replacing me this season was my team's idea? (Included on the image) But after Summer season ended, Peco wanted to replace Swift. I told the team that I would like to keep playing with Swift. I talked in English with Peco last season because my Chinese wasn't on par. It is true that the top laner and ADC fought, however we resolved this and decided to use me, but Swift refused to play with me till the end. I have been playing with this team for over 1.5 years, and relationships like this do not fall in just a day. Swift treating me like an invisible man was true, but there were no problems between me and my other teammates. I've never borrowed a single dime from my teammates last season, I paid for everything (airplane, food, hotel, girlfriend's gifts). The pictures I included talk about that as well. Now the team is saying that I asked for too much money? I asked for a car? These are false accusations, I don't even have a Driver's License and I have no problems with the pay whatsoever since our new investors got use a sweet deal.

Swift has NO respect for people older than him. As seen, he shittalks a team's manager, so ignoring the coach wouldn't even be a sweat for him. I included a Chinese text and a Korean text on the image, this situation was during the end of 2015 Summer split where our contracts have been extended to 2018.05.01, but Swift wanted to move to another team so sent him a message. As you can see, I tried to stop Swift since I saw him as a teammate, I don't know why Swift is being like this to me.

I told the organization that I would like to at least stay as a sub player. Swift told the team that he would never play with me, so they got in touch with Dade. However Swift told me to 'take the hit' if I want to go back to the team. Why should I take all the responsibility and blame for this situation? As I see it, Swift has more power in the team than the coach. As you see on the image, Swift says he never wants to play with Dade or Borisal last year. Guess why Dade never got to play a single SCRIM and went back to Korea? Look at the date on Swift's messages and you will see why. Why did Tom have to leave the team without not being able to do anything? Why did we have to call a forfeit on the semis even going out of the way to changing mid laners? Nobody contacted me during all that commotion. Doinb do you want to play? We are forfeiting? Nothing, no messages at all. Swift did not give a single damn about the coach and the manager and I had to speak directly to the team Owner. Also any starter can leave in our team, not just me, I have not broken any rules in the team yet.

According to Swift, I said that I would make more money streaming so I did not want to play as a pro player??? Then what are all those conversations I had with the team about? Why did I apologize to my teammates about causing drama with Swift so that I could play again for the team? It is true there was some quarrels between me and the team regarding streaming, or the streaming contract to be exact. The contract ended at 2016.6 and at January, I told the team that I would not like to stream for an unpopular platform, and I would much like to sign a contract after this year's world championship. However the Owner insisted on re-signing the contract and the contract at the time was 70% team, 30% player. I wanted 30% team, 70% player and we talked about this as a team after the EDG game (Back in January). The team Owner said he would give me a reply back before the IG game, however I received nothing. Swift fabricated the story saying that if I did not get a reply before the IG game I would not play, but if you even bothered to look at who played in midlane in that IG game, you would know who is lying. By the time EDG game ended, the team was already looking for another mid laner. I never said I would not play, whatever the reason. Last season when QG had a streaming deal, QG manager told me that he would pay me 10000 Chinese Yuan a month, this never happened and I received not a single dime. If I wanted to keep streaming this season, I could just receive monthly pay from the team and streamed (as a sub) Why do you think I went out of the way to speak to the team owner and investor to show that I wanted to play for the team. This is unbelievable accusation and I feel truly victimized that I am called out as a liar. It is true I like streaming. I use Chinese when I stream and like to talk to my fans and talk in Chinese with my team, this helped improving my Chinese a whole lot. However I never felt that I wanted to quit being a pro to stream.

I have no evidence about Swift ignoring Coach's ban/pick so I cannot say much, but in the LGD game, if you look at my Chinese account record, I practiced only Mid Quinn, and I had good winrates with Quinn and Gragas in scrims. However Swift suddenly got hooked on Kindred and Graves, and he told me that if I went Mid Quinn, it would be an all AD comp and we wouldn't be able to kill the tank in the other team. I wasn't able to play Quinn a singe time since then, and practiced Lulu so we could synergize with Sivir. During the game, I picked Lulu but Peco did not pick Sivir so there had been some fights there. However I told Peco that I was sensitive at the time due to Swift and apologized. After that we kept playing ranked together and had no problem afterwards. For Swift, ignoring the coach's call is easy. Even in the game against EPA recently when Swift used Khazix, everyone in the team disagreed against the pick at the time.

I was the first person to apologize to Swift saying that I am sorry. I really wanted to keep playing as a pro player in this team, and I wanted to stay as even as sub member. However Swift said that if I wanted to stay, I would have to take all the blame and go under the fire so that his image can be improved. So I told him I would, so that I could at least stay as a sub member. We did not say anything after, but few days ago, Swift suddenly changed his words and he said it would be best if I moved out of the team permanently for me, my team, dade, and himself. I wanted to stay as a sub member and try to grab opportunities if possible, but even that became hard. If you look at the screenshots, Swift said he would not play when I am in the team, and I am so angry because of this. Swift said he does not wish to play with me so I get sent off to the sub league, I go to the sub league, and in the playoffs where we strived as a team to make it to, if Dade could not play, wouldn't the right option have been to given me a chance to play instead of forfeiting? They haven't even called me.. Even until the moment where the team forfeited the match I did not get a single message. After I became a sub after the Snake game, I visited the Owner on multiple occasions expressing that I would like to keep laying for the team, and on the 12th, he said himself, that Dade could not play on the 17th and that he would let me play. However the team did not let me participate in any scrims, and even when I tried to talk to Swift, he said he has nothing to talk with me. I felt so sad and hurt when QG had to forfeit our playoff match against EDG. The team never bothered to talk to me during the 3/4th deciding match. This was the part that really made things harder for me. The team already knew they couldn't use Dade, the Owner explicitly expressed that on the 12th. However in our team meeting, they said that they found a way to sneak Dade in on the 16th, day before the tournament. Borisal suddenly ended his contract on the morning of the Playoff day, and the sub mid laner suddenly hurt his arm, and I was suspended from the team for misconduct so that QG could use Dade, however in the end that failed and we had to forfeit our match.

The post got pretty long but this is just the summary of what happened. As a pro, I am writing this betting my pro career on the table. Everything that I have said has been true, there is a reason why I posted this betting my whole pro career. The reason being that I was betrayed not only once, but twice by a Korean player that I considered a 'friend,' and that the team even went out of their way to write an article accusing me and trying to create a bad image of me so I would never get a job in the scene again. If you looked at the interview, they did not even consider contacting me. They attacked me in a one-sided fashion and did not even give me a chance to fight back. And Swift said before that I would have to take all the blame and responsibility if I wanted to even stay as a sub member, now even that doesn't seem realistic. I absolutely do not want to end my pro career now even if it becomes the death of me, I am pleading you. I am honestly very scared. Swift will strongly disagree against letting me stay in the team, so I do not know what would happen to me in the future. However I at least wanted our team's fans to know this. I climbed up all the way from bottom of LSPL with my teammates to LPL, and I feel so sad that I have to leave the team for these reasons now. The reason I studied Chinese so eagerly was because if we have problems communicating, it would be harder for us to win an International tournament... All my efforts seem to have been in vain now. A person I considered friend last season, telling me things like "It would be hard without you" "You are the most comfortable to play with" Now say things like "I will never play with Doinb again." I really really hate that my career is being manipulated by one player's wish... To anybody that's reading this, I hope you never get betrayed by one you considered a friend. I don't even know I can continue my pro career after writing this post, but if I do get the opportunity again, I hope this never happened to me again.

I will post the recordings and rest of the conversation screenshots if needed. There were way too many images I had to upload so if they aren't chronologically placed, please be understanding.

I also understand that if I were to leave QG like this (Exposing team for the inside) it would be harder for me to find a team in the Chinese scene. And I still have to this date money I did not receive from the team, now it would be much harder to receive them. The reason I decided to write this despite all these risks is not because I lack professionalism, but I wanted to keep laying as a pro and I wanted every bit of opportunity that I can get. Maybe I will be able to play for a team again next season, by posting this, Chinese teams will see me as a whistleblower and will look at me badly, but I thought that I would at least be able to fight the false claims the team put out for me. I will try to keep playing as a pro in the Chinese scene if possible.

Finally, I want to apologize yet again to the Newbee investor, QG's fans, and to my fans who worried for me when I could not play in the playoffs. Thank you.[/i]

3 respuestas

#33 rpv?

1 respuesta

#34 No hay un rpv claro, si tienes un rato leelo, es lectura rapida. Habla de todo un poco.

BTW TSM podria hacer bootcamp en Korea pre LCS, asi que se habre la posibilidad de que el support vaya a ser Koreano

1 respuesta

#33 Me espero la peli.


#35 lo de TSM ya está dicho... a ver si nos leemos los rumores. Aunque claro se ha dicho en el hilo de NA... this Yaya is killing MV.

2 respuestas

#37 My bad, que esta mañana, me he liado haciendo hilos y lo he puesto donde no tocaba

1 respuesta

#33 Uf, es difícil decir quién tiene la razón en todo esto, teniendo en cuenta que todo el equpo se ha posicionado con Swift. Sin embargo, el texto me parece sincero, y aunque tiene interés en quedar bien, también lo es que como dice al final ser un chivato no le beneficia, así que voy a tender a darle un voto de confianza a Doinb

1 respuesta

#37 #38 A ver si aqui son los rumores y resulta que se escribe en el de NA... -.-


Pues RUSH no va a ir a CS... obviamente, van a rotar los dos equipos, no se olviden que ahora la lcs sera bo3


Algún partido jugará for the lulz, pero sí lo normal será rotar para ofrecer posibilidades y para joder a los rivales.


LAN: Thyak sale de Lyon Gaming para retirarse. Oddie entra en su lugar descartando ofertas de TLA y APEX.

2 respuestas

#43 Team Liquid Academy y APEX, what?

1 respuesta

diamondprox a NA.

En que equipo creeis que acabara?

1 respuesta
TheRider :clint:


#45 Como unicornio me preocupa, vale que casi no ha estado, pero era muy bueno, yo aprovecharía e iría definitivamente a por Djoko, que en Millenium lo hizo muy bien y la semana que estuvo con el equipo en LCS se le vio compenetrado con e equipo y bien, me preocupa sin embargo la marcha de Steelback porque a saber qué te vas a traer, porque no es que vea a UoL con el dinero pa traerse a un coreano que supla bien lo que ha sido el francés en este equipo (el true carry)


Mikyx nuevo support de Splyce

Era el sub de Fnatic asi que cada vez mas claro que FNC Yolo y Klaj de suplente/equipo challenger

EDIT: De hecho se ha filtrado el equipo challenger de Fnatic, con el roster rumoreado (Werlyb/Impaler/SozPurefect/Exorker/Klaj)


me alegro por diamond, no va a tener problemas de visa el jugar alli, una pena que no pueda seguir en europa pero es lo que hay.


Es triste que Diamond tenga que irse a NA porque ahí si dan una visa de "juego al lol" y en EU no y se vea forzado a ir. Aunque va a ganar más pasta y tal lo que queráis pero no creo que tuviera ganas de irse.


Patetico como poco, como siempre Europa rapida reconociendo los negocios.


Ahora, Diamond donde puede caer?

Quitemos CLG-TSM-IMT-TL-C9 de las posibilidades.

NRG? Si Impact se va tienen sitio para un import, y Moon estaba un poco hasta las narices de todo segun los rumores.
Apex? Lo dudo siendo Shrimp una de sus promesas.
A TiP? Por poder, tampoco es que nadie de TiP merezca el puesto, y tendrian sitio largando a Procxin.
A REN no podria irse a no ser que Freeze o Ninja saliesen

Y sino, a la CS.

2 respuestas

Jeez, ojala que sea LCS y no CS, pero bueno, ya es algo asi que parece que le podre ver jugar.


Diamond a IMT, Huni y RO vuelven a Fnatic con Yolo para este año si ganar los worlds.

Nah no se donde ira.

1 1 respuesta

#52 A TDK con Alex, sería cuanto menos interesante.


#54 xddd sabes que no va a pasar xD

Yo lo veo en NRG seguramente.


#52 Descartaría de hecho a TiP, aunque como dices no es que nadie en TiP se haya ganado con creces el puesto, Procxin no lo ha hecho mal y ha sido junto con Mash el mejor del equipo para mí, yo no creo que Impulse quiera echarle. Además, no creo que estén por la labor de soltar la pasta por Diamond cuando tienen un equipo para rellenar el currículum.

De hecho, cabe la posibilidad de que TiP venda su spot, verdad? Algo así creo que leí publicado. Ahora, en ese hipotético equipo que pille el sitio de TiP, ahí sí que le veo a Diamond, porque NRG, teniendo al amigo Shaq y demás ricos creo que buscarán un perfil más alto que Diamond, que pasta tienen


Yo veo que acabe en CS la verdad


Diamond a C9

Pajas de sangre


segun rumores, apex pilla el spot de cs de dignitas y se hace segundo equipo, Kiwikid se va a NRG sustituyendo a KonKwon

Tema cerrado