Baolan on Doublelift and CoreJJ: "They’re a good bot lane...for North America"
También os dejo estas respuestas:
-PVB seem like they were the closest to beating you the first time around, but who do you think has the best chance of taking a game off of you during this phase?
+We always thought it would be G2. The last time we matched up against them, their draft was a bit suspect. We thought they had a “4fun draft.” Hahaha. But we have great respect for their level of play, so I’d still say G2.
-Who then is the hardest bot duo you and Jackeylove have had to face just in terms of laning? I would’ve expected SKT to be that answer, but after that game I imagine it’s different.
+I would have to say G2 and SKT’s botlane because Perkz can play a lot of mages and non-meta champions in that role, and it’s kind of difficult to deal with. I think Perkz is also top in his position at regular ADCs as well. For SKT, I just feel like they didn’t play the standard AD + Support, so I can’t make a definitive statement yet.
Edit: Caps diciéndole a Jensen "Back to Lissandra"