Nautilus patch preview & Spotlight


#85 Tu estas tarao... a mi tambien me gusta Karma pero esos cambios estan desproporcionados por todas partes.

1 respuesta

#91 Porqué? 3 Mantras es insuficiente para cualquier TeamFight. Y Akali que está OP se le recargan las cargas con asistencias y kills. Luego sería subir un 0.5% AP ratio en sus habilidades y poco más.

o pido mucho joder :(

2 respuestas

Fuck your Karma.

I got my Shen.


#92 No creo que lo diga por la cantidad de mantras que pueda tener si no por todo lo demás que le has metido

Yo simplemente cambiará que no usará "mantra", que el hecho de usar la ulti costase 3 veces el costo original de maná del hechizo; no podrías espamear la cura como un loco y en tf puedes usar mantra con todas las habs sin quedarte useless a la segunda que lanzes


#85 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD claro y que tire fuego cuando anda

2 1 respuesta

Creo que lo realmente necesario es una remodelación del sistema de "Mantras" o añadir muchas más cargas.


Vamos a ver, se le pueden cambiar muchas cosas, lo que yo decia es que todo eso que ha puesto es una burrada... #95 lo ha explicado mejor que yo xD solo le falta tirar fuego y rayos por el culo mientras tanto.

1 respuesta

Las notas del parche salen lunes noche o martes noche?


#97 Y aún así, seguiría sin estar a la altura de otros supports, así que lo que ha dicho #85 no es para tanto.

Aumentar el ratio de Skills un 0,1 o 0,2, se hace en muchos parches y la gente ni siquiera comenta al respecto, dado que son cambios que solo se notan en Late game, precisamente donde los supports cojean. Lo mismo ocurre con reducir 1 segundo los CD, no suele notarse mucho...

Karma tiene 3 habilidades. Sona tiene 4 habilidades, + pasiva + auras + un CC que pilla a todo el equipo contrario. No se donde veis que Karma pueda estar OP con estos cambios.

Heroes como Akali, Katarina o Yi, te vuelven a tirar sus Skills/ultis cada vez que matan un héroe, y otros como Skarner, Shyvana, Taric o Graves, reducen el CD simplemente dando autohits. Como bien ha dicho en #92 3 Mantras son insuficientes, y más aún con el Metagame actual de 2/3 Offtanks bruisers por equipo, que tardan un cojón y medio en morir y alargan mogollón las TF.

Mientras Morgana siga estando como está no me quejaré en absoluto si hacen algo parecido a lo que dice #85

1 respuesta

#99 que graves reduce CD con autohits ?? wtf ... a morgana es muy dificil que la toquen ya que no tiene ni un gran burns ni un gran daño sostenido lo que tiene es una gran supervivencia y sustain. es el tipico pj que como le toquen algo lo mandan al Baul directamente pero como no lo toquen bien usado te hace el horror por su utilidad, ya la nerfearon el aprche pasado y dudo que la vuelvan a tocar a mi gusto esta bien como esta

lo de Vladimir de este parche es patetico .... dicen que lo tocaran en el parche anterior para mejorarlo cuando realmente su unica mejora fue la rduccion de su early en un 1 de CD a cambio de un nerf del copon de la pasiva y ahora van y le nerfean una barbaridad y la ulti le quitan el efecto de aumento de daño ... GG la ulti de vlad era para lo unico que servia ya que haces mucho mas daño de una Q normal o de una E que de la ulti que es una basura .... ya puedes ponerle algun otro efecto ala ulti o aumentarle el doble el daño sino sera la peor ulti del juego con diferencia.

1 respuesta

#100 Graves reduce CD de la E con autohits.


New Skins in the Store

Heartseeker Vayne
Subterranean Nautilus
Abyssal Nautilus v1.54

Co op versus AI
Added Ziggs, Master Yi, Nasus, Ezreal, and Nidalee to the bot roster
Players can now add many more of the Beginner bots to Custom Games
Major item purchases will now be visually distinguished on the Scoreboard
Ranked Teams
Match History and End of Games stats for Ranked Teams are now accessible via the Team Profile
General will now wait for 8 seconds after a queue dodge before requeuing
League of Legends v1.0.0.134

Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths

Staggering Blow (Passive) – Nautilus’ first basic attack against a target deals bonus physical damage and immobilizes the opponent briefly. Staggering Blow cannot trigger on the same target more than once every 12 seconds.
Dredge Line - Nautilus throws his anchor forward. If he hits an enemy, he'll drag himself to his target and his target to him. If he hits terrain, he'll drag himself to the terrain and the cooldown is reduced.
Titan’s Wrath- Nautilus places a shield on himself that absorbs additional damage based on his maximum health. While the shield is active, Nautilus' attacks deal damage over time to units around him.
Riptide- Nautilus slams the ground, causing the earth to ripple out in waves. Each wave deals damage and slows the targets hit. This slow decays over time. Multiple waves that hit the same target deal reduced damage.
Depth Charge(Ultimate) – Nautilus launches a depth charge towards a target that picks up speed as it travels. This charge knocks up all enemies it encounters while traveling and explodes on impact, stunning the target and launching them into the air.

Spirit Rush
The allied ultimate HUD indicator will now remain green until all 3 spell casts are used
Cooldown between casts increased to 1 second from 0.75
Cooldown increased to 110/95/80 seconds from 90/80/70


Pulverize mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 80/90/100/110/120
Headbutt mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 70/85/100/115/130
Triumphant Roar mana cost increased at later ranks to 20/35/50/65/80 from 20/30/40/50/60


Fixed a bug where Miasma's slow was not stacking with many other slows in the game
Noxious Blast ability power ratio reduced to 0.8 from 0.9
Twin Fang damage reduced to 50/85/120/155/190 from 60/95/130/165/200


Parrley mana cost increased to 50/55/60/65/70 from 40/45/50/55/60
Raise Morale range reduced to 1200 from 1500


Fixed a bug where H28G Evolution Turrets could survive when Heimerdinger died if they were being teleported to


Transcendent Blades' allied ultimate HUD indicator will now remain green until all 4 spell casts are used


Thundering Shuriken cooldown increased to 8/7/6/5/4 from 7/6/5/4/3


Vengeful Maelstrom's allied ultimate HUD indicator will now turn grey as soon as it is cast


Fixed a bug where Absolute Zero's slow did not grant assists


Defensive Ball Curl armor and magic resist values reduced to 40/60/80/100/120 from 50/75/100/125/150


Blade of the Exile's allied ultimate HUD indicator will now remain green until the shockwave cast is used


Overload mana ratio reduced to 7.5% from 8%


Ki Strike
Damage increased to 10-112 (+10% bonus Health) from 10-95 (+8% bonus Health)
Cooldown is now reduced by 1.5 seconds whenever Shen attacks instead of 2 seconds when being attacked
Now grants Shen 10/20/30 energy when he Ki Strikes
Damage now scale correctly with all sources of bonus Health (% health runes, Juggernaut mastery)
Added a buff timer for Ki Strike's cooldown (like Ziggs' Short Fuse)
Vorpal Blade
Energy cost adjusted to 60 from 70/65/60/55/50
Damage adjusted to 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.6 ability power) from 70/105/140/175/210 (+0.75 ability power)
Heal effect changed to 6/10/14/18/22 (+2% of Shen's maximum Health) from 18/26/34/42/50
If Vorpal Blade deals the killing blow, it will now trigger 33% of the heal effect for Shen
Allied damaging spells can now trigger the heal effect, in addition to attacks (Vorpal Blade cannot trigger itself)
Feint duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5
Energy cost reduced to 40 from 45
Shield amount adjusted to 70/120/170/220/270 (+0.6 ability power) from 50/100/150/200/250 (+0.75 ability power)
While Feint is active, Ki Strike’s cooldown reduction on hit is increased to 3 seconds from 1.5
Shadow Dash
Cooldown reduced to 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds from 10
Energy cost increased to 120 from 120/115/110/105/100
Restores 40 energy per champion affected (rather than a flat 50 energy if you affect one)
Now deals 50/85/120/155/190 damage (+0.5 ability power) to Champions
Taunt duration adjusted to 1.5 seconds from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2
Shadow Dash now grants Shen 50% physical damage reduction from taunted targets
Stand United
Channel time increased to 3 seconds from 2.5
Shield duration reduced to 5 seconds from 7.5
Shield amount increased to 250/550/850 from 200/475/750


Fixed a bug where Flame Breath could shred the armor of shred-immune units (Dragon, Baron Nashor)
Dragon's Descent allied ultimate HUD indicator will now go grey immediately after using


Power Chord damage adjusted to 10 per level from 14 + 9 per level
Hymn of Valor passive attack damage and ability power aura reduced at earlier ranks to 4/8/12/16/20 from 8/11/14/17/20
Aria of Perseverance passive armor and magic resist aura reduced at earlier ranks to 3/6/9/12/15 from 7/9/11/13/15
Song of Celerity passive movement speed aura reduced at earlier ranks to 4/8/12/16/20 from 8/11/14/17/20


Improved Soraka's basic attack to be more responsive
Starcall mana cost adjusted to 20/30/40/50/60 from 35/40/45/50/55
Astral Blessing mana cost adjusted to 80/110/140/170/200 from 90/110/130/150/170
No longer affects Soraka when cast on allies and cannot be cast on self
Ally mana restore increased to 40/80/120/160/200 Mana from 25/50/75/100/125


Shadow Assault's allied ultimate HUD indicator will now go grey immediately after casting


Crimson Pact will now correctly work with all sources of bonus Health (% health runes, Juggernaut mastery)
Hemoplague damage amplification reduced to 12% from 14%
Tides of Blood healing bonus adjusted to 4/5/6/7/8% per rank from 8% at all ranks


Fixed a bug where Majestic Roar could reduce minion movement speed to 0


Eternal Thirst now deals 3-16 magic damage per stack, and restores an equal amount of health
Infinite Duress damage changed to 250/335/420 (+2.0 bonus attack damage) from 200/300/400 (+1.67 total attack damage)
Base attack speed increased to 0.679 from 0.644


Cyclone's allied ultimate HUD indicator will now go grey immediately after using
Fixed a bug where Crushing Blow could reduce the armor of shred-immune units (Dragon, Baron Nashor)


Arcane Barrage's allied ultimate HUD indicator will now remain green until all 3 spell casts are used


Fixed a bug where Chronoshift could prevent a clone from expiring, allowing them to survive indefinitely until killed


Sight Wards and Vision Wards now have a 0.5 second cooldown
Hextech Revolver spell vamp reduced to 12% from 15%


The disconnect notification will now only be shown to enemy players if a player disconnects and remains disconnected for 5 minutes. The message will continue to be shown without a delay for allied players.
Heal and Clarity summoner spells will now restore health/mana to the caster even if they are untargetable when the summoner spell is cast (Fizz's Playful/Trickster, Vladimir's Sanguine Pool, Zhonya's Hourglass)
Baron Nashor can no longer critically strike, but his base damage has been increased 10% to compensate
Updated Baron Nashor's character stats so that his attack damage reflects how much damage he actually deals
Kill messages in chat now have team colors and display who was slain
Added Colorblind colors for Morgana’s spell shield and Spectator pings
Fixed a bug where some particles would flicker unintentionally
Fixed a bug where kill indicators were missing golden borders
Co-Op Versus AI

Improved Ashe's use of Enchanted Crystal Arrow on long range targets
Sivir will no longer get Sanguine Blade on Summoner's Rift
Changed the disconnect adjustment to remove the Fighter instead of the Tank on Summoner's Rift

1 respuesta

He editado #1 con todo, ademas os dejo aqui el video del Spotlight.

Nautilus Spotlight video

1 respuesta

No me mola nada lo del revolver ni lo de rammus, en fin...


Cuando sale el parche?


Adios Soraka adios, y sona ya veremos, pero le va a doler mucho, volvemos a los tiempo de Alistar/Taric/Janna.


Le meten un ínfimo nerf a Rammus cuando necesita mucho mas, y ni tocan aun a Morde... Pues nada, a seguir viviendo partidas desbalanceadas.

2 respuestas


Overload mana ratio reduced to 7.5% from 8%



#107 Morde nerf? xDDD

1 respuesta

¿Qué es esto?
Changed the disconnect adjustment to remove the Fighter instead of the Tank on Summoner's Rift


Power Chord damage adjusted to 10 per level from 14 + 9 per level

En la web en español:

El daño de energía acorde se ha reducido de 14 + 9 por nivel a 10 por nivel.

No saben sumar? xD

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#111 ?????

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14 + 9 por nivel = 176

10 por nivel = 180


1 respuesta

#111 Esta bien puesto eh xD se refiere que ha bajado de 14 a 10


Uf uf uf, menudo parche, voy a dar mi opinión personal:

mini-nerf cassio
rework brutal a shen, ahora sí que lo veo dentro del metagame. Y me encanta!
NERF en mayúsculas a Sona, ahora el brust early no existirá :(
nerf al revolver

Bueno, hay que ver como han dejado a Sona y Shen que es lo que me preocupa de este parche


me han jodido a sona y a soraka me voy a llorar al campo


#107 Ya le metieron un nerf a rammus en el anterior parche, q aunq no te lo parezca yo por lo menos lo noté bastante en rapidez de jungleo y daño en ganks.
Ahora le meten otro nerf, cuando m parece un campeón aburridísimo, me parece q si ya lo cogía poco ahora va a ser menos todavía.

Sacamos a Shen del baúl y metemos a Rammus.


#113 oks, no lo habia pillado, pensado que te referias a pq no lo sumaban xD


#109 ¿Has jugado ultimamente contra algun Morde? Porque se hace facil un 1v3 y es imposible matarlo.

1 respuesta

#119 Pero si a Morde le metieron un buen nerf hace tiempo y se dejo de jugar, ahora lo jugo M5 en la IEM y ya esta op? para nada xD

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