P1noy a Winterfox.


Today Winterfox would like to announce our new roster for the 2015 North American Challenger Series Summer Split. After a heartbreaking defeat against Team Dragon Knights in the promotional tournament, we've been tasked with rebuilding from the ground up.

Winterfox has parted ways with the majority of its starting roster. Helios and Gleeb have chosen to pursue other opportunities, Altec will be playing for Gravity, and Pobelter taking over the mid lane for CLG. We wish everyone the best of luck with their new ventures in life and appreciate all the time they gave our organization.

Switching from substitutes to starting positions we have Ryan “ShorterACE” Nget filling the role of jungler and Kenneth “ExecutionerKen” Tang moving up to starting support. Donghyeon “Avalon” Shin will return as our starting top laner. Rounding out the roster will be two new faces to the Winterfox pack: Lyonel “Arcsecond” Pfaender will join our team as the starting midlaner, coming off an impressive performance with TSM darkness, and Kristoffer “P1noy” Albao Lund Pedersen, formerly of Gambit Gaming, will be our new starting ADC.

We have collected a team of positive, outgoing and talented players that we believe will come together and form a strong bond both as teammates and friends. Our players are no stranger to the LCS, and we have faith that their abilities and experience will fulfill our ambitions of regaining our place in the top 10.

Head Coach ElderPeko has this to add: "I have a lot of confidence in our new roster. I feel that I am more than capable in helping these players achieve great things. People may be skeptical of the situation, but I can assure them that this was the correct decision. In our time since relegation we have put together a strong pack of young, talented players. I am looking forward to helping them grow in a productive and positive environment, not only as players, but as individuals.”

As an organization we will also be working hard to bring you regular in-house content that documents our road back to the LCS. We know that keeping our fans up-to-date is important, and we're excited to let you in on what goes on behind the scenes. The players will be heading to the house in the next few weeks, so look forward to more news and content as they arrive.
Last of all, thank you to all our fans for your continued support. We know it's been a tough split, but we're not giving up! Knowing you're there for us makes the comeback that much easier.

Así queda el roster de Winterfox para el summer split NA:




WFX esta en la B

1 respuesta

No entiendo porque no han fichado a SB delante de este, y no esto no es un bait. No habían mejores opciones que el suicida este?? Enserio??

1 3 respuestas

#2 Diria que Winterfox está en la C porque en la B ya están los pobrecicos. :psyduck:


Parece una broma de april fools, me cuesta hasta creerlo


Si jesiz ha jugado en NA cualquier jugador de EU puede.


¿Por qué en la imagen hay un sombrero como champ?

2 respuestas

#7 mira sus summoners, manamune y zhonya... :psyduck:


#7 En honor a Darien.

Suerte a P1noy.


#3 la noticia o lo sorprendente no es que fichen a pinoy, lo que aun no me creo es que mantengan a avalon xddd, antes aun por ser hermano de helios, pero ahora??? Si la lulu de este hace a wickd el dios del universo


#3 porque SB sigue siendo sub de FNC (creo)

1 respuesta

#3 Supongo que SB habrá rechazado la oferta


#11 Pero si SB se ha ido a un equipo de cs en NA también.


Este tío es posiblemente el que peor me caiga de la scene. Me parece el típico sobrado/prepotente cuando la realidad es que es un jugador mediocre

Espero que le vaya fatal y le echen cuanto antes


hasta p1noy a wfx tiene hilo y elements no :D love it

No saldrán de la C


Que se quede en NA, a ver si se estrella como Jesiz y no lo volvemos a ver en la scene... asco de persona

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