Esta misma Tarde nos hemos hecho eco de unas Informaciones de un Ex-entrenador de Mousesports bastante preocupantes
El individuo en cuestión, nos hace saber que uno u varios equipos de la LCS han decidido de forma unilateral no pagar a los jugadores que los representan y lo mas turbio de esta cuestión seria que Riot lo sabe y mira hacia otro lado.
Al saber esto muchos pensaremos lo siguiente: "y porque no denuncian esto a riot?", pues el caso es que muchos de los jugadores no pueden hacer frente a todos los inconvenientes que supone empezar un proceso legal, algo que se tiene que añadir a que la mayoría de los jugadores son muy jóvenes y jamas se han encontrado con una situación similar y como resultado intentan evitar del Tema no mencionándolo.
Riot doesn't care about the orgs that make up the third tier. They don't care if you get paid unless it's the mandated minimum amount they give out for each season, and even then they may just not do anything. If your org decides to give you a scam contract and fuck you up at the end of the season and not pay you, Riot won't do anything to stop that org or help you. You're told to handle the legal matters yourself, and that org is allowed to keep going. Challenger Series orgs have even tried to keep Riot money meant for players to themselves, and STILL been allowed to stay in competition for CS.
Huma got called out for this by their staff, Riot deemed everything as fine since the players at least got their minimum Riot salary. CW as an LCS and CS team got multiple complaints from ex-players about not getting paid on time, but they left on their own accord, without getting any punishment from Riot.
There's teams in LCS now too that have just decided not to pay players, but most players just avoid talking about it because it's a big struggle to handle a lawsuit like that if you don't have a good backing.
para los que queráis saberlo de primera mano
El tema lo trata en "Part 2 Organizations"