Se realiza investigación al CEO de Riot Games por acoso sexual



Riot Games confirmed Tuesday that it is investigating allegations of gender discrimination and sexual harassment by its CEO, Nicolo Laurent, in light of a legal complaint against the League of Legends and Valorant developer.

The legal complaint by former Riot executive assistant Sharon O’Donnell was filed in January 2021. O’Donnell, who was terminated by Riot in July 2020, is suing for lost wages, medical expenses and general damages related to her employment.

“Core to giving Rioters confidence in our commitment to culture transformation is taking all allegations of harassment or discrimination very seriously, thoroughly investigating claims and taking action against anyone who is found to have violated our policies,” Riot spokesperson Joe Hixson said in a statement. “In this case, because some of the claims relate to an executive leader, a special committee of our Board of Directors is overseeing the investigation, which is being conducted by an outside law firm.

“Our CEO has pledged his full cooperation and support during this process, and we’re committed to ensuring that all claims are thoroughly explored and appropriately resolved.”

O’Donnell joined Riot in 2017 and worked there until her alleged “wrongful termination” in July 2020, according to the complaint. During the course of her employment, O’Donnell claims she was repeatedly yelled at by Laurent and was consistently told to “watch her tone” by the CEO.

Some of O’Donnell’s other allegations include Laurent telling female employees the best method to handle stress during the COVID-19 pandemic was to “have kids.” She also claimed Laurent made sexual advances toward her and asked O’Donnell to travel with him outside of work.
O’Donnell said in the complaint that when she declined Laurent’s offer, he yelled at her and later had her work duties taken away. She said she was criticized by the CEO for her “tone,” and she said she believes her termination, which occurred shortly after she complained to Riot’s human resources department about Laurent’s behavior, was in direct relation to refusing the CEO’s alleged advances.

During her employment, O’Donnell claims, she was a non-exempt employee covered by the wage and hour laws of the California Labor Code and the applicable Wage Orders. However, she was treated as an exempt employee, meaning she did not receive the benefits constituted by the labor code in California. O’Donnell should have been paid for all hours of her work, received meal breaks/rest breaks and been paid for overtime, according to the documents.

In the complaint, O’Donnell said she was subject to work 10 hours a day, five days a week, but frequently stayed for overtime and worked on weekends. Although Laurent was allegedly aware of this, O’Donnell claimed she did not receive payment for her extra work.

“One subject we can address immediately is the plaintiff’s claim about their separation from Riot,” the company said in a statement. “The plaintiff was dismissed from the company over seven months ago based on multiple well-documented complaints from a variety of people. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false.”

O’Donnell’s legal council declined to comment.Riot Games is also under renewed scrutiny from multiple government agencies in California due to alleged “gender discrimination in hiring, pay and promotion decisions; sexual harassment; and retaliation by Riot against its female employees,” according to documents obtained by Daily Esports.

The Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) and the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) released a joint statement on Feb. 3 claiming that Riot “violated the law in multiple ways” in regard to its treatment of women in the workplace. The notice is a continuation of the ongoing McCracken et al. vs Riot Games case from November 2018, when the DFEH later initiated an investigation following a report by Kotaku in 2018 on the “bro culture” and misogynistic environment at Riot.

The investigation, which commenced in December 2020, will cover the “period of time which wages, penalties, damages, or other amounts which may be assessed by the labor commissioner,” according to the document. The inquiry, set to last for 12 months, will investigate O’Donnell’s claims made in the complaint.

Riot is facing several legal challenges by former employees, with Melanie McCracken et al. vs. Riot Games as the most prominent example. This case has been ongoing for several years, with the most recent proceeding on Jan. 25 with Riot attempting to bring the cases of several former employees to arbitration.


No me he leído el artículo, pero gender discrimination y acoso sexual son cosas muy distintas no?

1 respuesta

#2 creo que es por ambas cosas discriminacion y acoso... pero no cabe en el titulo.


Gender discrimination no es acoso sexual wtf xdddd

The allegations come from a legal complaint made in California by former executive assistant Sharon O’Donnell, who Riot terminated in July 2020. O’Donnell claims that Riot wrongfully terminated her, frequently made her work overtime that she was not compensated for, and that Laurent made sexual advances and sexist comments toward her and personal travel offerings that were inappropriate.

Vamos, que la largaron, probablemente por no haber rendido en algún crunch, y sigue picada y ahora a soltar mierda.

No me creo nada sin sentencia judicial, porque lo gordo de la acusación es indemostrable sin testigos.


Riot Games confirmed Tuesday that it is investigating allegations of gender discrimination and sexual harassment by its CEO, Nicolo Laurent, in light of a legal complaint against the League of Legends and Valorant developer.

coño, al menos han abierto la noticia?


Y si es falso, habrá consecuencias para quien acusa? Por que está muy bien tomarse en serio estos temas, ya sea laboral o por cualquier motivo, pero luego si es mentira habría que tomar medidas también.

2 respuestas

#6 pues si esto va a un juzgado supongo que habrá una multa o sanción económica a la que realizo la denuncia.

1 respuesta

#7 Pero tú en qué mundo vives XD. Lo más probable es que no vaya a juicio, el tío pague y lo despidan. Todo sin pruebas.

1 respuesta

#8 Eso pasa en España, en EEUU la cosa cambia. Depende del Estado, puede llegar a verse en la cárcel.

1 respuesta

#9 En usa pasa exactamente lo mismo que aquí incluso más crudo. Hola #metoo.

1 respuesta

Trabajaba 10 horas al dia, algunos fines de semana... Y sin que le pagaran horas extras. Aunque no deberia ser asi, he leido cosas similares en muchas desarrolladoras.


#10 Exacto, en usa todavia son más radicales con estos temas xD

Pero pronto nos acercaremos a ellos.


Lo largara RIOT pero el tio si sabe que es inocente e insiste en llevarlo por lo judicial y la otra no puede probar nada, porque por suerte la justicia en USA sigue contemplando la presunción de inocencia, se le puede caer el pelo.


TL/DR: La han tirado porque varios se han quejado de ellas y está intentando subirse a la corriente del #MeToo a ver si la indemnizan.


Por lo que veo la mayoría de los comentarios ni se han leido la noticia, pero siempre es divertido cuñadear.

La parte de los pagos y las horas extra es bastante fácil de demostrar (si es que sucedió) y para mi es lo realmente importante. La parte del jefe ligando con ella y gritándole ya es más subjetivo y difícil de demostrar, pero es lo más sensacionalista y lo que vende así que es lo que destacan en la noticia.

#6 Si denuncias a alguien y pierdes, todos los costes del proceso los pagas tú.

2 respuestas

#15 lo cual también me resulta raro, por lo menos a ese nivel, que era la asistente del CEO no un dev picacodigo xd

btw dan ganas de contratar mujeres en usa si xd

1 respuesta

#16 raro es, aunque realmente no se cuales eran sus funciones, hay CEOs y jefazos que echan más horas que nadie, el tema es que esté contemplado en el contrato.

En general tengo entendido que en los EEUU la gente se mete a demandar con más facilidad que aquí, cualquera que haya visto un programa de abogados de allí se puede dar cuenta xd


#15 Los costes del juicio es suficiente por enmierdar a una persona y su vida por que si?

1 respuesta

#18 Hablas dando por hecho que el tipo es inocente, pásame su número que le quiero pedir que me regale RP

Y bueno, por lo general a la gente no le gusta andar tirando el dinero, no se si piensas que las tasas judiciales valen lo mismo que una bolsa de chucherías, pero no es el caso.


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